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Flag of Hekloslogravia
Motto: Generalissmo Francisco Francisco is STILL dead.
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Region Aberdeen
Capital Ladinebebadizaga (Lundburg)
Official Language(s) Heklovian, Slogravian, Cargtin
Leader President Jake Clawston
Population 412,000,000
Currency UNAD 
NS Sunset XML

Quick Facts

Full nation-name: The Federal Republic of Hekloslogravia
Short name or abbreviation: Hekloslogravia, Heklo, (HS)

Background: A Federal Republic formed by the Heklos, and Slogravians

National animal: Mallard Duck
National Anthem: "Hekloslogravia the Great"
Colonies/Protectorates/Dependencies: East Hekloslogravia, Heklovaneret

Government Information

Government: Federal Republic

Head of State/Head of Government: President Jake Clawston

Description of Government Structure: President is the Head of State, and Head of Government. The Legislative Branch, made up of the Senate, and the House of Citizens is headed by the President of the Senate

Political Leaders: William Korento (Whig Party), Thomas Sawyer (Labor Party), (Republican Party), Jake Clawston (PISEKODA)


Population (latest estimate): 460,000,000
Ethnic Groups: Heklos 62%, Slogravians 43%, Other 5%
Religions: Roman Catholism 51%, Protestantism 27%, Judaism 9%, Islam 5%, Orthodox Christians 4%, Athiest 2%, Other 2%
Languages: Heklovian, Slogravian, Cargtin
Income Tax Rate:95%


Avg. Summer Temperature: 78F, 25C
Avg. Winter Temperature: 43F, 6C

Brief Terrain Description: Plains and Mountains
Lowest Point: Pikrrzalabolkrrne Valley -1002ft., -305m.
Highest Point: Mt. Gazagobolsebatane 20,987ft., 6396m.


Commander in Chief: President Jake Clawston
Commodore Field Marshal: Erwin Helker
Field Marshall(s): Paul Baumer
General of Armies: James Milton
Generals of Army: Sean O'Bannion, Marcus Pauners
Army Strength: 12,000,000, 5,000 tanks
Navy: 1,500,000, 7 Aircraft Carriers
Air Force: 2,000,000, 43,000 Planes
Nuclear Warheads: "Cheer up sleepy Jean. Oh what can it mean? To a day dream believer and a homecoming queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn!"

Historical Leaders

President Edward J. Picardy 435-437
Emperor Edward I 437-445*
Field Marshall Douglass Vernan 445-446**
President Charles F. Kane 446-450 (448-450 As dictator)*
Co-Kiefs Edward I,Bartholomew I 450**, James I***,
Kief Edward I 450-457*
Kief Robert I 457*
Kief Edward II 457***
President Thomas Sawyer 457***
"President" Thomas Y. Madison 457*
President Jake Clawston 457-
One Star(*)=Assassinated
Two Star(**)=Overthrown
Three Star(***)=Resigned



Hekloslogravia was founded when refugee Heklos and Slogravians, were expelled from their former nation, and loaded onto ships, by the United Kingdoms of Trans-Galasia and Moravia, in 432KY. The king of the UKTGM, King William IX decreed that they never be allowed to return. He intended to deport all "inferior" ethnic groups, but when he died in 433KY, his son Robert I halted the deportations.

The two exiled groups had no choice but to unify into one if they were to survive in the new land they reached. In Aberdeen, they established the Federal Republic of Hekloslogravia, in 435KY.


In 437KY, the President of Hekloslogravia, Edward J. Picardy, declared himself Emperor Edward I of Hekloslogravia. In 445KY, Emperor Edward I, was assassinated in a coup, that could be compared to the attempted 20 July (1944), coup against Hilter, except this one was successful. Field Marshall Douglass Vernan siezed controll of the government, and had all memebers of the Imperial Government shot on sight.

Back to Democracy

Hekloslogravia briefly reverted to a Federal Republic, from 446KY to 448KY, when President Charles F. Kane was declared dictator.


Kane ruled Hekloslogravia with an iron fist, but in 450KY, Kane was assassinated, bringing his brief reign to an end.


The constitutional monarchy system was next, with the "co-Kiefs" being; Edward I, and Bartholomew I. The head of Government would be the President of the Senate, William Korento. After about one month, Bartholomew I was desposed as "co-Kief", for conduct unbecoming for a "Kief". He was succeded by James I, who abdicated to marry a divorcee, Katherine Simpsons. After this Gobekokrrzabe became the sole "Kief", and Head of State. (PM was head of Government.)

Hekloslogravian Civil War

In 457KY, Field Marshall Benard Kane led a rebel faction in an attempt to overthrow the monarchy. Within 3 Weeks they had killed Kief Edward I, but were unable to prevent his son from ascending the throne as Kief Robert I. Robert was quickly assassinated, and President of the Senate William Korento was declared regent. After the brief crisis, Kief Edward's son Joseph took the name Kief Edward II.

End of the Monarchy

Late in 457KY, President of the Senate Thomas Sawyer overthrew the boy-kief, and became the interm-President of Hekloslogravia.

Attempted Coup

In late 457KY, Senator Thomas Y. Madison briefly overthrew President Thomas Sawyer. Soldiers quickly killed Madison, and innaugerated the winner of the Presidential Election, Jake Clawston, as President of Hekloslogravia.

Clawston Administration

17 May, 457-Wiretaps outlawed, Taxes on Wealthy Raised, Unions legalized
18 May, 457-All media is nationalized
19 May, 457-Hunting of Mallard Ducks is legalized, Funding for Department of Defense increased
20 May, 457-Cartins no longer allowed to be on Television
21 May, 457-Elderly People given better pensions, Only One candidate allowed to run in elections
24 May, 457-Conscription at age ten, Aid for Guns is passed,Poliece force increased

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Hekloslogravian Military