Star City

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Star City
Flag of Star City
Motto: "Yossarian Lives!"
Region The Proletariat Coalition
Capital Star City
Official Language(s) Létal (Official),
Leader Dr Prijatelj Da Silva
Population 3.997 Billion
Currency Proletarian Credit 
NS Sunset XML

Introduction to Star City

The City-State Communes of Star City (CSCSC) (Létal: Te XiraPol Kãmaonnetjenn dri Zderzq Erbann) is, primarily, a large city on Nnizia dri Kahvénnem (Wolf Island) which is the largest island in the small Nniziaenn dri MozqDiónnéenn (Flytrap Isles). It was founded on the 3rd of January 2003 after a failed attempts starting on the 30th of December 2002 in The South Pacific. The leader (Taositj) of the Standing Committee of Seven (Dadcukomitédrizita) is also the external representative (Laoxéynn) of Star City. On the invitation of Haderan, Star City joined The Proletariat Coalition (TPC - an abbreviation coined by Dr Prij when others were using the "ProCo" contraction) in April 2003. Initially the responsibilities of People's Depute for Economics were bestowed upon Star City, but this government-branch was never implemented and as such, the title was never retracted, but has merely fallen into disuse. Instead, Star City took up the candidacy for Foreign Affairs Minister (Grangózekamsió) and won, beginning a long NS career.

Political History

By July 2003, Star City was a prominent government figure. In the informal delegate elections (by endorsements) before the July Ministerial elections, Star City came third with 10 endorsements whilst Cwajga won. The first time Star City was challenged for Foreign Affairs was in March 2004 after three re-elections. However, the candidate Germanicapan missed the aplication date and subsequently could not contest.

With the return of Haderan on the 20th of June and PileAlcalin on the 22nd rekindling memories of the early TPC history and Blackbird planning to run for a third term, Star City decided to finally run for delegate but did not announce this until late July with the opening of candidacy on the 28th. The polls closed after one week, on the 14th of September, showing: Blackbird = 20, Star City = 15, The HyperCube = 2 - an historically good turnout.

With the conclusion of ministerial elections on the 28th of September and the announced plan not to seek re-election for a 7th term, the Doctor ended his 15 months of 3month-terms as Foreign Affairs Minister, considered to be one of the longest ministerial tenures in NS.

Administrative Sectors


The city itself is seperated into into five sectors or "cinquièmes" (French: "fifths") all named after astronomical features. Sol City, Moon City, Quasar City, Black Hole City and Singularity City are First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Cinquièmes respectively. Each sector represents the local community in that area and often sends a delegation to form embassies representing The Proletariat Coalition.


Like ancient Greek city-states, the country is also comprised of the remaining rural areas in the isles and the small semi-autonomous city of Dotjxraomm (archaic Létal spelling) on Nnizia dri Gexó (Gecko Island).


Wolf Island is mostly sandy and nutrient-poor soil. Venus Flytraps are found in particular abundance in the North-East coast along the perimeter of the Marndqitj Gciru-ket (Tranquil Forest) which occupies most of the North of the island. The Dahatf Yuwéó LoftiTcenn (Great Leap Airport) has taken over much of the South of the island.

Gecko Island is 3km to the North-West of Wolf Island.


El Niño has a slight effect on Star City as it is in the Southern Hemisphere (though more so on Gecko Island). Typically, the weather is appropriate for the temperate loacation. Wolf Island does experience some snow in the higher altitude South over the city and airport whereas the North is usually wet and humid thanks to the warm front that blows in onto the highlands.

Gecko Island is temperate, though warmer as it is further North.


A person of Star City (KotjimJinn-ax) places much importance on the Bushido code, particularly within the martial arts (very much the Japanese influence on the isles).

As firearms are banned in the isles, crossbows and swords are the primary weapons of any armed person. There is observed etiquette for disarming upon entering a household - the curve of the Katana (Létal: Ketana) when sheathed should be pointing downward and on the side of the hand the person draws with (Tuwost-Ardemes -- Readyness-Style). A unique martial art is forming based around crossbows (YagiSaja-kaba -- Lateral bow-way).


Religion has never taken hold in Star City where most people are atheist. Science has assumed the role of religion in explaining the world and through the education system, almost everyone has knowledge in some scientific area.

However, as with Native American cultures, KotjimJinnenn-ax reveer particular animals as embodying certain aspects of human nature. For example - the fox (fhukc[-datcu]) lends its name to "cunning"-"fokc[-st]", the wolf (kahvénnum[-datcu]) has "wisdom"-"kiftrm[-st]" and the Venus Flytrap (MazqDiónné[-bahó]) "matliuma[-tf]"-"patience".