Asgarnian Army

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The Asgarnian Army, also known as the AA or Army of Asgarnieu, is a branch of the Asgarnian Armed Forces that is responible for land combat and light aerial combat. There are 20,853,916 personnel serving in the Asgarnian Army.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">th_ASGARNIEUTANK.jpg
TT-5 Training Tank on the range.



The Asgarnian Army was created in the mid 17th Century AD by the then Emperor of Asgarnieu. The role of the army was to protect the homeland from constantly invading Arabanian forces. The Arabanians were angered over the emminent domain declared by Asgarnieu, taking their homelands. When the Arabanians began killing innocent civilians, the emperor created a musket-carrying force to destroy the Arabanians. He was successful in destroying them.


The Asgarnian Army, after having secured their overall superiority, began taking over unconqured lands. The first conquests were made in the jungles of the east. They took over hundreds of thousands of square miles of new territory. At that point, the cartography group was created to map out the new lands.

Intermediate Phase

The Asgarnian Army experienced an intermediate phase for several years. Between 1842 and 1901, the Asgarnian Army experienced no combat actions. Instead, they trained for all possible scenarios. They developed and built new weaponry, tested new battle techniques, and tried new concepts. They shed the old lines of fire, and developed the tactics that helped them achieve their now great success.

20th Century

By 1920, the Asgarnian Army had recieved its first tank. It was redesigned to carry lighter armaments, thus increasing its speed. By that time, the first tank prototype was obsolete, so Asgarnian Army engineers began designing a newer tank. It was battle-ready within six years. As technology kept increasing, so did the Asgarnian Army's. The Asgarnian Army has a wonderful track record of meeting or exceeding current technology standards. By 1999, the Asgarnian Army was a world-ready force.


The Asgarnian Army has several commands, each of which serves an important purpose.


  • Home Command (commands reserve/guard forces, and controls internal operations)
  • Regional Command (commands operations within the regional theatre)
  • Allied Command (commands forces working with allied forces)
  • Foreign Command (commands foreign military forces working with or donated to Asgarnieu
  • War Command (commands forces in out-of-country operations)

Special Divisions

These Platoons and Battalions are seperate from the regular divisions and groups due to their special training and usage in battle.

  • Special Warfare Command Divisions
  • Army Engineering Divisions
  • Army Peacekeeping Divisions
  • Army Special WMD Clean-Up Divisions


Each soldier goes through 12 weeks of intensive training that readies him for standard combat. Each soldier learns basic techniques on weapons, physical fitness, medical care, and the like. After basic training, a soldier picks his or her MOS, or Military Operational Specialty. There, they learn specifics regarding their MOS choice.


Individual Weaponry

Crew Served Light Weaponry

Heavy Weaponry

In the AA, heavy weaponry is defined as weaponry that is crew-served and usually above 20mm.



Mine Dispensers

Missile Launchers


The Asgarnian Army maintains several vehicles. The exact number of these vehicles is highly classified, but the types of vehicles are not.



The Asgarnian Army is only allowed to utilize rotary-wing aircraft.

Conflicts and Operations

  • Operation First Aid (2005)

Operation to give military aid to XKI Nation Forces after a massive coup.

  • Operation Scarface (2006)

Operation to destroy enemy assets in Leocardia.

  • Conflict Red Nation (2005)

Suppression of anti-government anarchists attempting to overthrow Asgarnian Government.

  • Operation White Monday (20--)

Support of Freedom Fighters in oppressed nation (undisclosed, Asgarnian Army still in nation).

  • Operation Shellshock (2006)

Shelling of key terrorist locations in Burton Mountain Range in Asgarnieu.




<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">star3.jpg
New Asgarnian Army Symbol.

The symbol used on all military vehciles symbolizes peace and the unity of the nation. The six points represent the six original militia members. The hexagon in the center represents the nation's current and continued unity. The six individual triangles represent the six original provinces. The olive branches represent peace.

Asgarnian Armed Forces
Asgarnian Army | Asgarnian Territorial Army | Asgarnian Gendarmerie | Asgarnian Air Force | Asgarnian Air Defense Force | Asgarnian Marines | Asgarnian Naval Force | Asgarnian Coastal Defense Force | Asgarnian Special Forces | Asgarnian Royal Parlimentary Guard | Asgarnian Border Defense Force | Asgarnian National Defense Forces