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The Continental Empire of Malatose
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Flag and State Emblem of the Continental Empire of Malatose
Type of Government Authoritarian empire
Founding Date 22 November 2003
Founding Document Declaration of a New Order
Constitution Imperial Charter
Capital Lusankya, 800.7
Head of State Emperor Galius Falucia
Head of Government Grand Vizier Garret Callron
Military Executor Military Executor Xecr Nist
Executive Branch Imperial Ruling Council
Legislative Branch The Imperial Senate
Judicial Branch The Imperial Court of Supreme Justice
Naval Craft Classification HIMS
Population 9.32 Billion
CHDI (2006 0.920 (high)
GDP $262,540,722,532,243.00
GDP Per Capita $49,567.46
Internet TLD .ma
Currency Imperial Credit(cr) = $1.6005
Official Language Malatosian
National Holiday Empire Day
National Animal Eagle

The Continental Empire of Malatose is a massive, safe nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its compassionate, cynical population of 9.078 billion are ruled by a mostly-benevolent Emperor, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it is effectively ruled by the Department of Defence, with areas such as Religion & Spirituality and the Environment receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 100%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, followed by Book Publishing and Information Technology. Natural Resources include: coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, and timber.

Graffiti artists spend lengthy periods of time in jail, the nation's infamous boot camp is more brutal then most battlefields, the nation's gigantic air force is both respected and feared, and the nation's massive battleships are often mistaken for islands. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Malatose's national animal is the Hawk, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Credit.



  • "We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and securer society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. An Empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body and a sovereign ruler chosen for life." - Emperor Galius Falucia in his Imperial Inaugural Address

The Empire can be said to have begun with the scheming aspiration of President Falucia of Lusankya. Galius Falucia was an efficient and effective leader who quickly brought to an end the corruption in the Senate; his power was greatly increased as a result of the Civil War as the Senate willingly furnished more and more emergency powers to Falucia.

Eventually, the Senate lost most of its power and became little more than a formality that Falucia had to go through to pass his laws. Yet the Senate did have a symbolic power at least; Chancellor Falucia still hid behind the pomp and circumstance of appealing to the Senate, but his power existed in his control over thousands of Senators that he had brought into his own web of corruption.

During the Civil War, which ensued, Falucia continued to cement his control of power, within the nation, which finally resulted in him eliminationg all his enemies. Secure in his power and position, Falucia used this oppurtunity to issue the Declaration of a New Order and declared himself Emperor.

Many people of the new Empire enthusiastically supported the vision outlined in the Declaration of a New Order, largely due to the violence that had plagued the nation for so long. Many Senators wholeheartedly supported the new government while a number of more cautious senators chose to watch and wait to see how the new government would handle the affairs of state. It promised to trade frailty for strength, chaos for order, and uncertainty for decisiveness. In retrospect, the foundation of the Empire had already been set down during Falucia's chancellorship and all potential threats eliminated; therefore, the transition from Republic to Empire was relatively smooth.


The Empire's territory consist of over two hundred provinces, seperated into twenty sectors, with ten provinces in each sector, each ruled by a Moff.

The Empire also consist of hundreds of protectorates, and governorships throughout the World.



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Imperial Palace

Lusankya, also called the Province that never sleeps, is the Capital of Malatose and the seat of Imperial Power. Lusankya was founded in the early years of Malatose's life. In the beginning, one could call the architecture modest at best, with only a few skyscrapers, and small buildings serving as Government Headquarters. However, this would all change, with the founding of the Imperial Government. It was during this time, that "Plan Future", the proposed plan to push Malatosian into the future was established.

During the following years, Lusankya's infrastructure increased one hundred perfect, giving the capital the look of a one massive city.

Imperial Centre is divided into several sectors. Some of these sectors received colloquial names. Some areas are specifically designated senatorial, governmental, financial (including banking zones), commercial, and residential. Some Larger areas of the city are designated for industrial or manufacturing use only.

Another district of Malatose was known as Column Commons. It houses most of the HoloNet and news media corporations.

Most of the buildings are composed of monolithic architecture, only dwarfed by buildings of the Imperial Ministries and Imperial Palace. Cars travel on huge spiraling highways. However, the city aspect isn't the only attractive part of the capital. The city has a number of natural landscapes, such as the Mejori Twin Mountain peaks and Tranquil Twin Water Falls. Because of the design of the city, the city serves as a major tourist spot. The many tourist locations include: The Imperial Musuem, Threatre of Arts, University of Lusankya, and the Skydome Botanical Gardens.


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Imperial Tower of Victory

Rialtor, is the second largest Province in Malatose, and is the oldest in the Continental Empire. The city originally served as the first capital of Malatose, until the Emperor decided to move the Capital to a larger city. Originally, the city was built around a classical European/21st Century Style; however, under the massive revitalizing plan of the Imperial Government, most of the old structures were torn down.

In their place, massive buildings of sleek design, similar to the ones in Lusankya, were built. Over the course of three years, The Province of Rialtor had been completely rebuilt, and was basically a mere image of Lusankya. Rialtor features the same spiraling skyscapers and massive highways, which is a common sight in the Capital.

However, aside from the massive city constructed, Rialtor is also known for its beautiful forest and mountain peak areas. It is estimated, that a million people a year flock to the Province to visit the forest of Lorinja. Also located in Rialtor is the massive Imperium Stadium. The Stadium is capable of holding over eighty-thousand people, and is the yearly sight for the Imperial Olympic Games.

The Emperor also built the massive Imperial Tower of Victory in Rialtor to remember the thousands who died in defense of the Empire.


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Rigar Snow Summits

Wild grasslands and old mountain ranges dominated the surface of the 3rd largest sector in Malatose. Rigar is home to more than eight species of plants and an even larger amount of wildflowers. Its flora also include a massive variety of spices, herbs, and grains. Rigar also containts thousands of lakes and connecting waterways. Rigar serves as a major tourist spot for both citizens and Government officials.

Imperial Sectors:

The Empire's territory consist of over one hundred provinces, seperated into ten sectors, with ten provinces in each sector, each ruled by a Moff.

Imperial Center Sector:

The Imperial Center Sector, Governed by Moff Kadir, consist of Kaikielius, Basilisk, Alsakan, Ixtlar, Metellos, Bessimir, Averam, Lusankya, Rialtor and Rigar. These Provinces are considered the largest in Malatose, and consist of nothing but massive cities.

The Elrood Sector:

The Elrood Sector, Governed by Moff Villis Andal, contains the Provinces of Alluuvian, Almaran, Berea, Bodrin, Coyn, Dega, Derilyn, Halbara, Gelgelar and Nelfrus.

Tragan Sector:

Governed by Moff Ardus Kaine, The Tragan Sector is made up of the Ablajeck, Airam, Albarrio, Albanin, Almanian Sector, Anoat, Ansuroer, Antemeridian, Anthos and Astal Provinces.

Tapani Sector:

The Tapani Sector consist of Achillea, Aleron, Alisandor, Nella, Neona, New Javis, Rellio, Reyna. Rianon and Ricaldi Provinces. The Sector is governed by Moff Laird Gustavu.

Braxant Sector:

The Braxant Sector, mostly coastal regions of the Empire, consist of Sperin, Talofan, Verisin Yasilor, Gallienis, Hyrol Preen, Jermac Reuss, Tharkos and Toprawa. The Sector is governed Alexander Julstan.

Oversector Outer:

Oversector Outer consist of provinces that are in the rural area of Malatose. Although they are located in the mountains, and forest of Malatose, these provinces still thrive and are in the process of being converted to massive city-provinces like the other sectors of Malatose. Oversector Outer is also an important industrial sector for the Empire, where over 20% of the nations factories, mostly Military Industrial, are located. Provinces in this sector include: Catarlo, Cegul, Chorlian, Clacis, Corva, Dail Sector, D'Astan, Ikenomin, Indrexu and the Javin provinces.

This sector, because of its importance, is governed by Grand Moff Nox Vellam.

Government and Politics


The Emperor maintains power through a bewildering array of crossed authorities. By using this convoluted structure, Falucia insures that only he can speak with complete authority, while all of the advisors, military officials and bureaucrats below him must carefully guard their words and justify their actions.

The Emperor's advisors and COMPNOR effectively control the massive Imperial bureaucracy. The Imperial bureaucracy runs each Imperial agency, which has authority over a specific subject matter throughout the country. The Moffs have authority over their sectors, and are responsible for administering the sector- wide bureaucracy, which must answer both to the local Moff and the Imperial bureaucracy.

The Moffs are given permission to remold the local bureaucracies, including the sector-wide government, provincial governments (through governors) and making them more "agreeable" to the Moffs personal objectives while still adhering to Imperial standards.

Moffs also have authority over the military sector group in their sector, yet realize that Imperial military high command, and, of course, the Emperor, can seize control of sector group fleets at any time. The local province governors have only the authority to run their own areas of government, and are required to appeal to their sector Moff for military assistance.

Imperial Intelligence and The Imperial Military report directly to the Emperor.

Head of State

The Emperor of the New Order is the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Armed Forces. He has absolute authority over the military, bureaucracy and the state as a whole. He is also the head of the Imperial Inner Circle, and at least technically is advised by the Senate. The Emperor also has the sole power over appointing and dismissing Moffs. The Emperor also proposes the budget, calls the Imperial Senate into session, and dismissed it from meeting. He can both introduce and veto Senate legislation.

Head of Government

The Head of Government, in the Continental Empire of Malatose, is the Grand Vizier. The office of Grand Vizier is responsible for maintaining the day-to-day operations of the Empire and the Bureaucracy. It is also the highest rank besides Emperor, Executor and Moff. The Grand Vizier overseas the myriad departments, bureaus and offices, and serves as the Emperor's chief lieutenant and personal deputy. He also acts as President and Chair of the Imperial Senate and as President of the Imperial Ruling Council. He also acts as an intermediary for the Emperor. If the Emeperor were to die, it would be the Grand Vizier who takes control of the Empire, until the Imperial Senate chose a new Emperor.

Executive Branch

The Imperial Ruling Council is the name given to the group of Imperial Advisors who constitute the most powerful collective body in Malatose. While Falucia is Emperor, it is the Council that manages the Empire and carries out his will. Members of the Council are addressed as "Lords."

Garret Callron, as Grand Vizier, is the senior member of the group, and occupies the position of President of the Council, while Ars Dangor is considered next in rank, serving as both the key policy strategist and the public spokesman for the regime.

By the fifth year of the Empire, the ranks of the Advisors had swollen to include thirty individuals, many of them males. With the Imperial Senate being reduced to a toothless talking-shop, membership of the Council represents the summit of civilian power in the New Order. Normally, a few dozen of the Advisors will be in attendance at the Imperial court, forming the Inner Council proper, while the rest are dispatched on missions across the country. With this dual role, they serve both as a central council on Imperial Center and on-the-spot overseers for the governors and the individual provinces of the Empire.

The Council has the power to appoint a number of senior state officials, such as ambassadors, judges, ministers, and senior colonial administrators, all subject to Emperor's advice and consent. The Council, also, oversees the Imperial bureaucracy.

One area that the Advisors do hold power over; however, is the appointing of almost all governors and some Moffs. Every Moff is also appointed an Advisor to oversee his efforts, although Moffs also sent duplicates of all of their reports directly to Falucia.

Legislative branch

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Imperial Senate Building

The Imperial Senate was established in the Empire after the Empire was formed by the self-appointed Emperor Falucia. At the time of the Empire's formation a supermajority of senators were loyal to Falucia and most still are loyal.

The Imperial Senate is made up of groups of Senators and representatives, representing sectors in the Empire. Most are elected directly.

Besides the name, its organization differed somewhat from its forebear. The old Senate had held both legislative and executive power, the Imperial Senate holds only legislative power (and even with much of that held by the Imperial Senate now in the hands of Emperor Falucia and Regional Governors) by orders of the Imperial Charter.

The Senate can advise the Emperor and work on the Imperial budget. However, the Emperor can both introduce and veto Senate legislation, and both called and dismissed the Senate to meeting. The Senate can pass amendments to the Imperial Charter, and has at least nominal oversight of the Imperial Military and government bureaucracy

The day-to-day head of the Senate is no longer the Vice Chair, but the Grand Vizier. The Senate is, at least in theory, responsible for choosing a new Emperor upon the death or abdication of the current holder of the throne.

Judicial Branch

Due to the centralization of government power into the executive branch under the Continental Empire, the Supreme Court and other Regional Court was disbanded. Therefore the Imperial criminal justice system is headed by the Imperial Court of Supreme Justice.

The Office is lead by the Procurator who answers to Emperor and authorized advisors. This individual is the public face of Imperial Law. Operating out of the newly renovated judiciary hall in Imperial Center on Lusankya, the Procurator is directly appointed by the Emperor and is in direct control of the entire Office staff, of which the exact numbers are classified.

The position of Procurator of Justice was created to fulfill the gap created in the legal system by the existence of a supreme authority, the Emperor. While the Imperial Legal system remains largely unchanged since it’s inception, parts of the Legal Code are subject to rapid and frequent changes.

Most of these sections are in reference to Sector Codes rather than Imperial Code, but the changes must be ratified and incorporated into the system as a whole, or the entire basis of legal stability begins to crumble.

The Procurator of Justice is mainly responsible for reviewing, approving and incorporating Sector Laws into the Imperial Legal Code. Another less used function of this aspect is the incorporation of decrees from the throne. While not requiring review, these are less frequently presented.

A secondary function of the Procurator of Justice is to act as sole Judge and Jury in High Crimes against the Empire. When a case presents itself where a citizen is accused of a High Crime, the Procurator of Justice is presented all the evidence and is tasked to rule on the case. Once the ruling is handed down, it can only be rescinded by a direct order from the Throne.

Office of the Procurator operates freely throughout the Empire. Every major province has an Office branch in which high crimes are tried and punishments for the guilty are carried out. But in cases where the province is too small or remote to merit a permanent facility, the Procurator takes the law enforcement process into their own hands.

Provincial Government

Provincial governors are Imperial agents who represent the Empire's authority in a single Province. A governor has command of all Imperial troops garrisoned in their province. This command extends only nominally to the political and intelligence arms of the military, which operate as if a governor's orders were well-intentioned suggestions. Governors are expected to let a provinicial government run its own affairs unless the local course of action puts the province in conflict with Imperial goals. The governor is then expected to step in and maneuver the policy back toward a direction more acceptable to the Empire. Imperial policy exists in two different forms for a governor. There are the generally stated policy goals which are distributed by the Diplomatic Service, and there are direct orders received from the Moff. In case of a conflict, the moff's orders are to be followed, as a Moff presumably has superior knowledge of the specific Imperial policy currently being employed in a particular sector.

Sector Government

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Imperial Moff

The task of managing local government was left to Governors also known as Moffs. The title of Moff Governor was established during the founding of the Empire. Each Moff is armed a broad mandate to govern sector government, and a force of soldiers that might be sufficient to secure their residence, maintain control in the surrounding streets, and provide protection to a few administrative personnel on detached duty. Moffs are also expected to maintain order, prevent corruption and enforce the law.

Within the civil chain of command, Moffs are the formal superiors of all Province Governors, while the paramilitary apparatus of COMPNOR and the intelligence networks now amalgamated as Imperial Intelligence were both supposed to be channeled through the Moff's office at sector level. Most imposingly of all, they hold authority over the immense military resources of a Sector: as regional governor, every Moff has ultimate authority over the deployment of all military forces within his sector, but the military dignities of Marshal of the sector are normally also held by the Moff himself, and only rarely delegated to subordinates.

Of course, such a loose commission can lead to gross infringements of civil liberty; Moffs might, in the name of restoring order, have their troops fire on demostration they deem unruly. However, it must also be remembered that the Moffs have taken power in a country ravaged by war and racked by political corruption: their powers are intended to allow them to do what was necessary, to prevent the system unraveling into anarchy under the pressure of Republic terrorism or radical agitation.

Further complexity has also added to the organization of regional governors by the appointment of Moffs to control areas smaller than the historic sectors of Malatose: Overseas Colonies have their own Moffs, and on Imperial Center, even ministries of the government administration are incorporated as sectors in their own right, such as Imperial Lusankya Security, commanded by Moff Kadir.


An Oversector, also called a Priority Sector, is an area of Malatose comprised of many Sectors or parts of sectors plagued with possible rebel activity, or has special interest to the Emperor. An oversector has only been created twice, during the construction of the Imperial Palace, and to quell rebel activity in 3 sectors after the Empire was formed. They usually contain between two and four sectors.

Commanding a Oversector is a military Regional Governor known as a Grand Moff. Grand Moffs receive drastically increased authority over each Oversector, superseding the authority of Sectorial Governors (Moffs), Provincial Governors, and other local authorities.

Grand Moffs also receive additional military forces, and funding in order to compensate for their enhanced position. The position of Oversector governor is the sixth highest in the Empire after the Emperor, Executor, Grand Vizier Garret Callron, Imperial Ruling Council chief Ars Dangor.

Technically, this made them comparable to Imperial Advisors as they both answered directly to the Emperor. While Imperial Advisors could appoint Moffs, only the Emperor himself could appoint Grand Moffs.

Military Executor

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Military Executor Xecr Nist

The Executor, also called Military Executor, is the person appointed by Emeperor Galius Falucia to serve as commander-in-chief of the Imperial Armed Forces on his behalf. Military Executor is the highest rank in Malatose (besides Emeperor, Moff and Grand Vizier), outranking all other military personnel. Executors answered directly to the Emperor, or his authorized advisors, in all matters. However, although all exceptionally gifted officers, the Executors are not just front-line commanders; rather, they included technical specialists and theoreticians, enabling them to serve as a leadership cadre for the whole military - and indeed the whole Empire. Executors are visually distinguished from other officers in the Imperial armed forces by their gleaming white uniform, sometimes worn with bullion epaulettes and rank insignia, sometimes without any badge of rank.

Imperial Ministries and Bureaus

  • Imperial Ministry of Security
  • Imperial Ministry of Customs
  • Imperial Ministry of Finance
  • Imperial Ministry of Transportation
  • Imperial Department for Epidemic Prevention
  • Imperial Mining Bureau
  • Imperial Business Bureau
  • Imperial Ministry of Energy
  • Imperial Space Ministry
  • Imperial Minister of Education
  • Imperial Ministry of Social Services
  • Imperial Ministry of Air Travel and Safety
  • Imperial Bureau of Ships and Services
  • Imperial Ministry of Land Management
  • Imperial Correctional Facilities Ministry
  • Imperial Department of Resources
  • Imperial Bureau of Revenue
  • Imperial Taxation Bureau
  • Imperial Board of Culture
  • Imperial Propaganda Bureau
  • Imperial Board of Foodstuffs and Consumables
  • Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations
  • Imperial Diplomatic Corps
  • Imperial Center Construction Contracts Ministry

Imperialization and State Control

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Imperial Propaganda

With the rise of the Empire, Emperor Galius Falucia went through great lengths to ensure that the old Government of the past be forgotten. All the institutions of The Republic found themselves either dismantled or changed beyond recognition. There was a riot of renaming all things "Imperial" to glorify the new Emperor: overnight, the Lusankya Sector was renamed the Imperial Sector, Lusankya itself was renamed Imperial Center.

The Republic Senate became the Imperial Senate. The Republic Army became the Imperial Army, and the Republic Navy became the Imperial Navy. The four decrepit intelligence agencies of the Republic Government were merged into Imperial Intelligence, with former Senate Bureau of Intelligence director Ysanne Isard at its head. The Palace of the Republic was rebuilt and expanded, becoming the Imperial Palace, eclipsing all other buildings on Imperial Center.

Within days, there were few names left to remind the people that there had ever been a Republic Government in Malatose. During the first few years of the Empire, the nation saw the single largest military buildup in history. A council of Moffs was established to more efficiently govern individual sectors and regions of the Empire. The former Commission for the Protection of the Republic was replaced with Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR).

Laws of State Control

During the Malatose Civil War, Falucia further consolidated his power in the crisis of the war. More and more amendments were made to the Constitution in the name of security, all of them transferring more, and more power to Falucia.

The first of these laws was the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act. The Enchanced Security and Enforcement Act gave most of the Senate's powers to the Head of State, and gave away most of the fundamental rights of citizens to the central government.

Among other things, the Act allowed for searches and seizures to be conducted without warrants or due process, and permitted the unrestricted use of observation tools. It also dealt harsh penalties for captured pirates, smugglers, and rebels.

The Reflex Amendment was an act passed by the Republic Senate at Falucia's bidding. In Falucia's words, the Amendment provided for "efficient streamlining of cumbersome bureaucracy." It also allowed the Head of State to interfere in local government at anytime.

The Emergency Powers Act was an amendment to the Republic Charter. It eliminated term limits for Heads of States.

Another law passed was the Security Act. The Security Act passed by the Republic Senate nominally transferred command of the Republic Military from the Senate directly to the President, thus providing him with the Constitutional authority to disband the old Republic Military and form the Imperial Armed Forces.

It also removed Senatorial oversight of the military, thus placing the Emperor in direct command of the Military and naming him Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

After the Civil War ended, the organs were already in place for Galius Falucia to assume complete power of Malatose. However, after assuming control of the country, the newly formed Imperial Senate passed a number of laws, which yet again, increased the power of Falucia, now Emperor of the nation.

The Imperial Senate passed Law 421BX72. The law permitted a law-enforcement officers to use any and all means necessary to apprehend a known criminal.

After Law 421BX72 was passed, the Emperor decreed more laws. The Sector Governance Decree was a proclamation passed by Emperor Falucia. It created the positions of Regional Governor and Sector Moff, which basically made the Senate worthless and increased the power of the Central Government over each Province.

Also, Emperor Falucia decreed act three-two-one, point seven (321.7) It was a rule enacted by Falucia that suspended the right of accused traitors of the Empire to choose one's own counsel in a court of law.


The Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, or COMPNOR, is an umbrella organization for various entities that are designed to maintain support for Galius Falucia's New Order.

COMPNOR, the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, was formed in Imperial City months after Falucia assumed power. Initially COMPNOR was little more than a social gathering for idealistic young beings who saw in the New Order a deliverance from the chaos of the dying days of the Old Government. One of the Emperor's advisors, one Crueya Vandron, saw the potential worth of a populist movement which could be molded into a useful political tool. Overt encouragement and discrete funding were provided, giving COMPNOR the appearance of a spontaneous organization enjoying phenomenal growth.

COMPNOR is no longer an innocuous social club. It has become a powerful tool for the New Order. COMPNOR actively attempts to build the ethic of the New Order into the life of the average galactic citizen. COMPNOR is also recruiting young beings in huge numbers in order to assure that future citizens will consider the Old Government a relic of the past, committing their lives totally to the New Order.

COMPNORs Role in Society

COMPNOR is more than a vocal and enthusiastic group committed to raising young Imperial citizens to be totally loyal to the Empire. COMPNOR has made great pains to recruit from or insert members into the massive Imperial bureaucracy. In time, COMPNOR's influence became so pervasive that the Imperial bureaucracy was under its complete control, and thus absolutely dedicated to the whims of the Emperor.

COMPNOR also took great pains to insert its members into local bureaucracies, on the sector, Province, and even city level.


The New Order, also called the New Imperial Order and the New Era of Power, is the name given to Emperor Galius Falucia's political program, which is the underlying ideology of the Continental Empire. Declared when Flucia established the Empire, it is institutionalized in a number of Imperial organizations.

The New Order criticizes the pereived decadence and weakness of Communism and Capitalism, and advocates an authoritarian and militaristic social and political culture.

The New Order's ideology is also pervasively chauvinist, possibly due to its military origins. The armed forces are almost entirely male, as are most of the Emperor's advisors. However, there are notable exceptions.



The Select Committee is the executive body for COMPNOR. The Select Committee had a variable number of members, and the COMPNOR charter provided for electoral and honorary means of being named a member of the Select Committee.

The Sub-Adult Group is COMPNOR's youth organization, and is made up of enthusiastic youths who firmly believed the New Order is the best regime for the nation and devote their lives to upholding and respecting it.

The Coalition for Progress is an information-gatherers agency of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. It began as a weak cultural organization, understaffed and underwhelming, but has developed into a massive information-gathering agency with monitors throughout the country. It examines massive amounts of data, the majority of which was mundane, for indications of dissident or anti-government activity, and forwarded summaries to the more-important Imperial Security Bureau.

The Coalition for Improvements is a socio-political engineering agency of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. It was assigned to "improve" systems, which have deviated from the ideals of the New Order. These systems required long term solutions, and Improvements was required to keep their work behind closed doors, as their solutions are typically not best associated with the Empire.

The Imperial Security Bureau, also called Imperial Security, abbreviated ISB, is a key intelligence organization of the Empire. It is separate from, larger than, and often rival to Imperial Intelligence.

In addition to operating as a standard intelligence agency, the ISB is a part of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, or COMPNOR, charged with maintaining morale and loyalty among members of the Imperial military and citizens. Lord Crueya Vandron, one of Falucia's closest advisors, is effectively the head of both COMPNOR and the ISB.

Imperial Security Bureau


The Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) was created to heighten the Emperor's knowledge of political and militaristic events within his Empire. The Bureau is staffed soley by those loyal to the New Order. Primarily, the ISB is responsible for the internal security of the Empire. Much of the ISB’s functionality; however, arises from experienced counter-intelligence agents who attempt to insure that their intelligence is as good, or better than that of the ISB’s rival agency, Imperial Intelligence.

The ISB serves more of a enforcement function than does the Ubiqtorate in Intelligence, having a more public presence. Its operatives, especially in Surveillance, will often identify themselves as members of ISB, the intimidation value being worth the loss of secrecy.

ISB Officers monitor and maintain the loyalty of Imperial citizens, in addition to assuring that no hostile intelligence agencies infiltrate the Empire. The Imperial Security Bureau also performs duties similar to a police force. The difference to a police force is that the ISB focuses its primary attentions on political rather than civil matters. In short, the Imperial Security Bureau upholds Imperial Law within the Empire.

Commission of Operations

The Commission of Operations transmits assignments through the Central Office directly to the Sector Officer for the branch in question: Surveillance, Investigations, Internal Affairs, Interrogation, Re-Education, or Enforcement. Any coordinated actions between the different branches within a sector, or between ISB resources in separate sectors, is dictated by the Commission and directed by the Central Office. Independent coordination by sector resources is strongly discouraged.


Surveillance is the largest branch of ISB, with nearly 35 percent of all personnel in the Bureau. This Bureau is commonly employed to search for potentially rebellious activity. What they find, if substantial enough, is turned over to Investigations.

Often functioning secretly, Surveillance agents make constant records of the people they come in contact with. These records are cataloged at a constantly updated databank located at the ISB’s Central Office in Imperial city. Surveillance agents may be placed anywhere within the Imperial Civilian populous, the Imperial Military, or the Imperial Bureaucracy. Agents may be assigned to specific areas or posts because of suspicion or rumors, or, may they be randomly placed in order to gain an accurate sample of Imperial opinion. This branch is tasked with constantly monitoring the attitude towards the Emperor and his Empire, and, dictating to more the more activist ISB branches when intervention is needed.

Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs concerns itself with the oversight of matters within the Empire, putting the loyalty of all under close inspection and, ensuring the direct application of Imperial Law within the Empire's own ranks. Besides the investigative staff, every Imperial garrison, ship and Command has a public Internal Affairs officer. These ISB Officers are available to hear all information ranging from personnel complaints, to rumors of ill-loyalty among co-workers.

Internal Affairs is at liberty to investigate, and charge any Imperial (within the Military, Government, COMPNOR, etc) wherein they deem sufficient evidence and/or significant reason.


Interrogation comes into play after a suspect is apprehended, typically by Investigations, and is charged with extracting any data that the suspect has been reluctant to willingly divulge. The information uncovered is sent back to Investigations.


Re-Education concerns itself with those members of the State who have been convicted of a crime by Internal Affairs. Those convicted are sent to Re-Education and are forcibly retrained and re-indoctrinated, then returned to a post of lower importance.


Enforcement provides the specialized peace-keeping talent for the ISB, occasionally for Internal Affairs, but most often they lend their expertise to Investigations. Gathering the more covert operations experts within the branch of Enforcement, coupled with the ability to call upon the strong arm tactics of the standard Imperial Military, the ISB has sufficient brawn and firepower to back its intricate information and intelligence agencies.

Usually unlike the other branches of the ISB, enforcement concerns itself with specialized, and often independent, operatives contracted to achieve ends endorsed by the ISB. These contracted operatives are put to use by many of the different departments, but there is some tension caused by those employed who are not COMPNOR members.

Enforcement employs or contracts individuals and/or organizations such as freelance enforcement specialists, contract-specific peace officers, contracted data-slicing agents, and independent combat experts.

Imperial Intelligence

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Imperial Intelligence Emblem

Imperial Intelligence, sometimes abbreviated Imperial Intel, is the elite intelligence agency of the Continental Empire of Malatose. It is the rival to the larger Imperial Security Bureau. Shortly after the Declaration of the New Order, Lord Crueya Vandron initiated a massive overhaul of the governments intelligence apparatus (with the blessing and help of Director of Intelligence Ysanne Isard). The Senate Bureau of Intelligence, Data Consortium on Technology, Republican Security Organization, Special Acquisitions Branch of the Library of Malatose and Republic Intelligence were amalgamated into the new Imperial Intelligence and placed under the authority of Isard, who had previously only oversaw SBI.

The authority of the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee's authority to interfere in and oversee intelligence affairs was also removed.

Imperial Intelligence exists in rivalry with the Imperial Security Bureau. It is a more secretive organisation which concentrates on incisive analysis and more subtle espionage methods. Although the Empire employs vastly more ISB personnel, the superior professionalism of Imperial Intelligence allows it to provide a more potent service.

Imperial Intelligence is more formally an authority of the Imperial Government than the ISB, which was founded from the COMPNOR political party. However unlike the ISB, the command structure of Imperial Intelligence does not appear to involve formal military ranks. Operatives of Imperial Intelligence do not have special titles, and are addressed along the lines of "Agent".

The mission of Imperial Intelligence is to support the Emperor, Imperial High Command, and all Imperial officials who make and execute Imperial policy by:

  • Providing accurate, comprehensive, and timely foreign intelligence on all security topics.
  • Conducting counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to foreign intelligence and state security, as directed by the Emperor.
  • Providing advisory to all branches of the Empire on foreign intelligence matters.

-- To accomplish its mission, Imperial Intelligence engages in research, development, and deployment of high-leverage technology for intelligence purposes. As a separate branch, Imperial Intelligence serves as an independent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Imperial Security Council to ensure that the intelligence consumer - whether a Moff or battlefield Commander - receives the best intelligence possible.

As changing realities have re-ordered the Imperial security agenda, Imperial Intelligence has met these new challenges by:

  • Creating special, multi-disciplinary centers to address such high-priority issues such as nonproliferation, counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, organized crime and narcotics trafficking, environment, and arms control intelligence.
  • Forging stronger partnerships between the several intelligence collection disciplines and all-source analysis.
  • Taking an active part in Intelligence Community analytical efforts and producing all-source analysis on the full range of topics that affect Imperial security.
  • Contributing to the effectiveness of the overall Intelligence Community by managing services of common concern in imagery analysis and open-source collection and participating in partnerships with other intelligence agencies in the areas of research and development and technical collection.

Command System

Unlike the Imperial Security Bureau, Imperial Intel personnel are not organized according to a military-style system of ranks. Rather, they are assigned on a case-by-case basis. They are formally addressed as "Agent (Name)", in lieu of a rank.

The Director of Imperial Intelligence:

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Director of Imperial Intelligence, Ysanne Isard

The Director of Imperial Intelligence is the representative and chief of staff for the Ubiqtorate, and Bureau Chiefs within Imperial Intelligence. The Director is responsible for establishing and managing the Empire's methods and support systems for acquiring, sorting, and analysing information and threats to the Empire. Operations requiring the waging of unconventional warfare or the use of deniable assets will commonly come under the hand of the Director as well. While a civilian, the Director of Imperial Intelligence is afforded a great range of movement within military matters, advising as available. Ultimately, the Director is responsible for the administration and execution of all affairs within and undertaken by Imperial Intelligence, and reports only to the Emperor. Ysanne Isard's office is located in the Imperial Palace.

The Deputy Director of Imperial Intelligence

The Deputy Director of Imperial Intelligence is the Executive Officer Imperial Intelligence. The Deputy Director is responsible for managing personnel and resource allocations within the various Bureaus and Branches. The Deputy Director will also perform tasks as required by the Director of Imperial Intelligence, and will succeed the Director of Imperial Intelligence.

Bureau Chiefs of Imperial Intelligence

The Bureau Chief is the Chief of all personnel and management in their assigned Bureau. The Bureau Chief will supervise all Operations and Missions the Bureau is assigned, and the Bureau Chief will present all results to the Ubiqtorate.


The Ubiqtorate oversees all of the activities of Imperial Intelligence at the highest levels. Details and tactical considerations are decided by the appropriate bureau or branch of Imperial Intelligence. The Ubiqtorate never concerns itself with those. The Ubiqtorate formulates strategies for the bureaus of Imperial Intelligence or, as has recently become common, presents the bureaus with a set of goals and very broad grand strategic considerations and asks them to plan an effective strategy. With the exception of Adjustments, members of the Ubiqtorate never have any communication with personnel at the sector level. They would certainly never deal with an individual field agent.


Adjustments is the most elite branch of Imperial Intelligence, with the exception for the Ubiqtorate, which directly controlls Adjustments. Adjustment agents are called in when the Ubiqtorate felt that a critical situation had slipped from the control of Imperial Intelligence, and that the situation was beyond the normal capabilities of the bureaus, yet was not completely hopeless in resolving. Agents of Adjustments would receive orders directly and in person from the Ubiqtorate. Ubiqtorate would inform Adjustments what the problem was, what resources were available to find a solution to the problem, and the Adjustments team would then solve the situation. No record of their orders was ever kept and no mission files existed within the Plexis for these agents.

Internal Organization Bureau

Called "IntOrg" by those within Imperial Intelligence, this bureau's mandate is to protect Imperial Intelligence's security from outside threats and those which might be generated from within. As IntOrg must deal with the rest of Imperial Intelligence, its agents have cultivated a highly civil manner and a strong sense of political etiquette, and then combined those with complete ruthlessness when the stakes are high and the threat is real.

Internal Counterintelligence Branch (IntCon) looks for enemy agents or spy rings which may have been implanted in Imperial Intelligence by enemies or other forces inimical to the New Order. Through Sector Plexus, they have an extraordinary freedom to access any data they may consider useful, in many cases obtaining the information more readily than would a member of the Ubiqtorate. IntCon deals with all levels of Imperial Intelligence.

Internal Security Branch (IntSec) is responsible for the physical security of the personnel,materiel and facilities of Imperial Intelligence.

Bureau of Analysis (Analysis)

This bureau handles gargantuan amounts of data from tens of millions of sources. In addition to looking for enemy activity, it looks for patterns or trends in social data, which might be useful to the agents over in Intelligence. Analysis also handles, examines and copies useful technologies, even developing a few of their own.

The Media Bureau, of the Bureau of Analysis, pores over public scandocs, newsdocs, holos, comlinks, beamcasts, every form of media in the Empire, looking for patterns or hidden meanings which might betray a clue as to an enemy's plans and operations. Media can, with substantial assistance from Sector Plexus and the Imperial CompLink, give at least a cursory examination of all media in the Empire simultaneously. While they regularly concentrate on a significantly smaller portion of the Empire, they do cast their net wide often enough to make a professional judgment as to whether or not a new media source should be monitored on a more regular basis.

While Media monitors the intended message, Signal examines the channel through which the information was transmitted. The Signal Bureau samples and checks carrierwave codes and CompLink protocols, scan rates on scandocs and imagepacks on holos to see if any information is being squeezed into the space between what a citizen would ordinarily sense. Signal examines line noise to see if it might contain a pattern rather than random error. Broadcasts and beamcasts are examined to see if the backup information sent with the primary information actually matches and, if not, how they differ.

When Media or Signal finds evidence of coded communication, they give it to the Cryptanalysis. Cryptanalysis are tasked with decoding possible enemy communications.

Tech Analysis has two jobs — to figure out how anenemy's hardware works, and to provide Imperial intelligence with hardware which is superior to that. Tech has a lavish budget and a number of highly skilled personnel whose moments of brilliant inspiration can translate into innovative technology.

Bureau of Intelligence

When Analysis finishes sorting, cleaning, decoding, or otherwise manipulating the data sent to them, they pass it on to Intelligence. Intelligence has culled experts from all over the Empire. They have recruited military experts, cultural experts, experts in politics, economics, science and technology, experts in almost every possible field of endeavor, intelligence has plucked experts from universities, corporations, provincial governments, artistic movements, religious movements, the media, the underworld they have pulled in experts from nearly every conceivable place or organization, including some turncoats.

Intelligence combines the vast knowledge of its agents with the most sophisticated computer models in the world to predict trends or future actions of the enemies of the New Order. These predictions are refined into reports transmitted to the Ubiqtorate. From these reports, the Ubiqtorate establishes priorities and sets strategies for the whole of Imperial Intelligence.

An Imporant branch of the Bureau of Intelligence is Excomm. ExComm is a branch with its own communications equipment. While much smaller than Sector Plexus, ExComm is used for emergency communication with system cells, or for priority communications with the military forces of the Empire. ExComm is used for those rare times when the labyrinthine communication works of Sector Plexus are just not quick enough.

Another important branch is Sedition. Sedition is a branch of the Bureau of Intelligence which specializes in knowledge and predictions on organized opposition to the Empire. Sedition has been growing rapidly in the past few years, keeping pace with the possible increased resentment to the Emperor's rule.

Crisis is not a permanent branch of Intelligence. It is created as need arises, a Crisis branch for each active hot spot within the world. A Crisis branch is in constant contact with the Ubiqtorate, and ExComm facilities are at their disposal for direct contacts with Grand Moffs, and even the Emperor if the situation is dire enough.

The sector branches are the basic divisions of Intelligence. There is a sector branch for each sector in the Empire as well as each continent in the world, and each sector branch has scores or hundreds of experts within it. Sedition and Crisis draw from the sector branches as is appropriate for the situation currently under consideration.

Bureau of Operations (Operations)

Of all the bureaus in Imperial Intelligence, this is the one which is called the "Bureau"; no one in Imperial Intelligence for more than a few days would call it anything else. Operating in the strictest secrecy, the Bureau conducts all manners of clandestine and special operations and information gathering for Imperial Intelligence.

An important department in the Operations Bureau is Serveillance. A point of pride with Surveillance is their small size, especially in comparison with the huge organization maintained by COMPNOR through the ISB. Imperial Intelligence has less the one agent in Surveillance for every 70 so dedicated in the ISB, yet Surveillance successfully keeps watch on more serious threats to the Empire than does the ISB.

Intelligence gives Surveillance megascandocs of material on potential enemies of the New Order; the genius of Surveillance is the ability to sort through the information and unerringly select suspects who are currently involved in anti-Imperial activity. Surveillance agents are thoroughly briefed on everything which is known about the suspect. Often more than one agent is selected for an important case, and Surveillance actively solicits the help of any available system cells.

The second deparment in the operations bureau is Infiltration. After indoctrination, Infiltration agents are often reassigned to Intelligence, assigned as assistants to a few sector branches, and then assigned to Sedition (Intelligence Bureau). Double-agents are active operatives, taking part in enemy actions against the Empire. Their job is to give Imperial Intelligence good enough information to allow the Empire to do greater damage than the double-agent's perations do to the Empire.

Diplomatic Services is the catch-all branch of the Bureau. It provides a sizable portion of the personnel for trade and diplomatic missionsm found in Imperial garrisons, as well as political experts for foreign governments and Moffs. Many of these personnel are well trained and expected to perform only their overt duties, with the exception of reporting their action to Imperial Intelligence.

Renik is a branch in the Bureau of Operations in charge of counterintelligence, which is the art of identifying and dismantling enemy spy operations, within the Empire. If a particular spy operation is considered to be potentially useful, Renik hands over all information on the enemy operation to Infiltration, which takes it from there. If the enemy group is considered insignificant or too dangerous to allow continued operations, Renik destroys it.

Referred to as "the quiet branch," no one hears much about Destabilization (DESTAB). Destabilization is the branch which specializes in "taking the fabric which holds a people, society or government together and unraveling it." Agents from other branches suggest Destab's methods more closely resemble shredding.


The culture in Malatose is ascetic, minimalist, pro-Imperial, pro-business, pro-individualist and Militaristic. These aesthetics are encouraged throughout the nation by the Coalition for Progress, an arm of COMPNOR. The Imperial Government is not particularly brutal in the suppression of artistic culture, as it is primarily interested in military and political dominance. However, pressures from the New Order have left their mark on the art of the Imperial period.


The Imperial Government considers Education one of the most important subjects in Malatose. That is one of the main reasons why the Imperial Government spends ten percent of the annual budget for educational purposes. The 20,667,994,886,418.89 education budget allows the purchase of high-tech teaching facilities, up-to-date books, computers and other advanced tools such as chemistry equippment. One of the most popular educational facilities in Malatose is the Imperial Institute of Higher Studies.

It is known as one of the premier learning facilities in the New Order. This establishment gives students the opportunity to study all range of topics under, of course, the tight observation of Imperial professors. This control of academic education is just one aspect of the basis of Imperial mind conditioning. Pro-Imperial attitudes are supported and rewarded during these studies and any anti-regime ideas are observed, controlled, and, if necessary, wiped out.

Another popular institute if the University of Lusankya. It houses nearly several dozen campuses. In order to administer the nearly two million schools, The Imperial Ministry of Education was established. The Imperial Ministry of Education is given the task of homogenizing the level of education throughout the Empire, to place emphasis on the values cherished by the New Order.


Sports is considered one of the main activities in Malatose, being that it is officially supported by the Government. The Government sees sports as a way for youth, as well as adult citizens to compete against eachother in a friendly and safe enviroment. Currently, Malatose has over 5 registered sports teams, ranging from hockey, futbol, soccer and basketball. There over seven stadiums in Malatose, each constructed and funded by the Government.


New Year Fete Week: is the first five days of the new year as determined by the Imperial Calendar, but before the first month. The week long holiday period is opened with the famed Shaldania Parade, which showcased the Empire’s technology and power.

The Festival of Life: This week occurs between the 6th and 7th months. The week is a time of parties, family times, and gift-giving.

Remembrance Day: This day occurs on the 19th day of the 3rd month and is a day of remembrance to all of those who have fallen in the defence of the New Order.

New Order Day: This day occurs on the 9th day of the 8th month, and is a celebration for the great Emperor, who has brought peace and order to the nation of Malatose once more.

Empire Day: is an annual celebration marking the Declaration of a New Order by Galius Falucia and the establishment of the Continental Empire of Malatose.

Labour Day: This day which occurs on the 19th day of the 10th month is a day where the work performed by each individual is celebrated.

The Imperial Fair is the one of the largest holidays in Malatose and was a traditional fair held annually in Lusankya. The Fair is held along Glitannai Esplanade and incorporats dancing, acrobatics, shopping, technology exhibits, food pavilions, and a massive parade of military might. From the surrounding spires, thousands watched as the parade ended in Pliada di am Imperium. There at the base of the Imperial Palace, dignitaries will bestow blessings on the crowd from an open-air balcony. The Imperial Fair was also the sight of the Grand Display, which included displays created from various artist.


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Malatose has a very complex and diverse economy. Following the Civil War, Malatose started a process of stabilization and expansion of the economy. During the old Republic Days, The Ruble were not always accepted. With the rise of the Empire that changed with the creation of the Imperial Credit. Imperial Credits are considered of value almost anywhere, even outside the sphere of the Empire. They are issued in a variety of forms, including electronic credit sticks and cards, stocks, coins, corporate and bank notes, and credit vouchers.

The denominations of the Imperial Credit are: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000. Note that coins of larger denominations existed, however, they were not in wide circulation.

The Imperial Government also increased state control and centralized economic procedures. The Imperial Government nationalized Corporations which were supportive of the previous Republic Government, or replaced them with leaders loyal to the Imperial State, and all important arms manufactoring conglomerates were absorbed into the Imperial Military-Industrial Complex.

While dramatic increases in state control and centralization of economic procedures, it has little effect on the Economy. This was evident with the massive rise of the GDP and rise of the Imperial Currency. It was also during this time the Imperial Government established the Imperial Industry and Commerce Council.

After the sweeping economic changes, The Imperial leadership formed the Imperial Business Bureau and the The Imperial Industry and Commerce Council. The Imperial Business Bureau moniters complaints and keeps a list of all business in the Continental Empire. Currently, there are over 12,000 registered businesses and 85,000 high profile business owners currently registered in Data Bank.

The other major organ of business control is the Imperial Industry and Commerce Council, which is composed of the presidents or chief executive officers of the Imperial nationalized corporations and groups, the Imperial Industry and Commerce Council is an organization of businesses designed to improve, secure, and further Imperial corporate interests in the economy. The Council is overseen by the Imperial Ministries of Diplomacy and Finance, both of which serve as liaisons to the Council and Empire, and are dedicated to improving the holdings of each.

Responsabilites of this Council include Purpose, Expectations, Dispensations and the Bylaws that effect this elite group. Although the Imperial Industry and Commerce Council manage the four major nationlized military corporations of the Empire, there are thousands of privatized companies, which supply both civilian and military goods. The economy is fueled by an abundance in natural resources such as coal, petroleum, and precious metals.

Because of these sweeping economic chances, The Continental Empire of Malatose enjoys an astounding unemployment rate of 2.69%.


Under Imperial law, all wage-earning beings are required to pay income tax. Under the Continental Empire, tax laws are now consolidated into the Imperial Revenue Codes and placed under control of the Imperial Taxation Bureau. Under the Imperial Revenue Codes, the burden of proof is on the taxpayer; failure to provide adequate proof of having paid taxes is taken as admission of guilt. Fines range from confiscation of goods to imprisonment in labor camps.


Under the old Republic Government, The Malatosian state went through a period of stagnation. Millions if not thousands lost jobs, and hundreds more were left homeless. However, this would all change with the rise of Galius Falucia's Imperial Regime. The Imperial Regime reopened thousands of Factories, placing millions at work. The corrupt leaders who ran the previous Industrial System were quickly arrested, and were replaced with men who were more than just tokens.

With the reorganization of the Imperial Industrial Base, the Emperor put a massive emphasis on the development of technology. Because of this, industries in the field of missile technology, aerospace, electronics and space vehicles excelled giving millions of civilians and high level technicians jobs. Other secondary industries which also exceled included the food processing, shipbuilding, oil Production, motor vehicles, and telecommunications

However, these industries were small compared to the massive Arms Manufacturing Industry, which supplied the Imperial Armed Forces with high tech weapons to fight the wars of tomorrow. The only Industries comparable were the Book Publishing and Information Technology Industries, although whole second and third, still did not compare to the massive Arms Manufacturing Industry.


The Imperial Agricultural Base is a very diverse one, with hundreds of agricultural products produced on a daily bases. However, unlike Industry, which is guided by the Imperial Industry and Commerce Council, Imperial Agriculture is led by the Imperial Board of Foodstuffs and Consumables. Imperial Agriculture currently produces corn, soy beans, rice, wheat, fruit and grapes

Imperial Military Corporations:

Vektor Corp

Vektor Corp Industries is one of Malatose's top three arms manufacturers, with Dynamic Munitions and ImpStar Munitons being its main competitors. Vektor Corp Industries is also the market leader in the manufacture of personal energy weapons and light artillery. Vektor Corp is most famous for its automatic weapons, the G-20 and G-30.

Incom ShipYards

Incom ShipYards is the largest military shipbuilding corporation in Malatose. Incom Corporation Ship Yards is known for the construction of the newly popular ships such as the Leviathon-class SuperCarrier and Daedalus-class Nuclear Guided-Missile Cruiser, which bristles with a plethora of weaponry, making the Empire capable of defending itself against outside invaders. Incom ShipYards does not only sell to the Imperial Government, however. Many foreign governments purchase its weapons for the purposes of defending their country from outside aggression. Incom Shipyards is known to create various subsidiaries which operate in different fields. These include:

  • Incom Leisure - focuses on civilian vessels.
  • Kuat Submersibles - builds underwater docking ships and Tanker vessels.
  • Kuat Systems Engineering - Focuses mainly on Submarine designs, such as the Anarias and Venators. They also design high tech SONAR and other underwatet electronic systems.

Santhe Corporation

Santhe Corporation is the overseeing holding company of the various Santhe and Sienar corporations. The two main subsidiaries of Santhe Corporation are Santhe Security and Santhe/Sienar Technologies. Through the latter company, Santhe Corporation also controlls Sienar Fleet Systems, Santhe Passenger and Freight, and Curich Engineering.


Santhe/Sienar Technologies (Formally Sienar Technologies) Sienar Fleet Systems (Formally Republic Sienar Systems) Sienar Design Systems (subsidiary of Republic Sienar Systems) Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory Sienar Aerospace Sienar Army Systems Santhe Passenger and Freight Curich Engineering Santhe Security

Arakyd Industries

Arakyd Industries is mainly contracted by the Imperial Military because of its advancements in the field of missile technology. Arakyd has developed Malatose's deadly S-600 Surface-to-Air Missile system, as well as, the nations Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

Xenias Technologies

Henias Technologies, also known as the back bone of the Imperial Army, is the Imperial Army's largest supplier of personal body armor. Xenias manufactures the high-tech XE-101 Xenias Combat Infantry Gear system, perhaps one of the most potent systems in the world. Because of that achievement, Imperial Troops are well protected and prepared for any battlefield that awaits them.

Other Corporations

Aside from the massive Imperial Military-Industrial Complex, there are hundreds upon hundreds of Companies, which supply citizens and the military with their everyday needs as well as supply citizens with thousands of jobs. The current Imperial Business Bureau statistical data sheet put the makeup of corporations at the following:

  • Agricultural companies: 100
    Smaller Arms manufacturing companies: 230
    Communication companies: 12
    Construction companies: 99
    Foodstuff manufacturers: 150
    Medical companies: 40
    Shipwrights(Miltary Grade): 150
    Shipwrights(Civilian Grade): 90
    Technology companies: 70
    Transport companies: 10
    Vehicle manufacturing companies: 29


The Continental Empire of Malatose maintains one of the world's largest communication networks. This includes Cell Phone, Cable TV, satellite, radio and internet. This massisve influx of communications technology comes thanks to the Imperial Government's "Technological Leap Forward", which saw the Imperial Government invest heavily in the communications Industry.


The Imperial Television Network is a complex system to say the least. Cable Television is provided by Rothola Cable Systems, while Satellite TV is provided by Holonet Satellite Systems. The systems currently host over three-hundred channels, which is everything from Family Programming to news around the world. Unlike other institutions of the Continental Empire, The Imperial Government rarely exercised control over Television networks. This is most evident in Imperial Holovision Vision or IHV. Imperial Holovision staunchly maintained a pro-Imperial, pro-business, pro-individualist stance, without supporting government protection and supervision of rights. Its reporting style is detailed, sophisticated, and for the most part accurate. Rather than distort the Empire's more questionable policies, it simply ignored them altogether, ensuring that the population at large never even heard about the New Order's opression. Most channels are broadcast in the nations native language of Malatosian; however, others are broadcast in both English and Malatosian Another. It is estimated that over 95% of the population has access to Cable and Satellite TV.


Just like Imperial Television, Imperial Internet, provided by Veriops, is considered one of the worlds most advanced systems. Malatose has currently replaced the standard cable system, and has replaced it with hundreds of miles of Fiber Optic Cables. This allows the normal everyday person to access the internet at over 100Mbit/s. For those who don't have internet access available to them, there are thousands of local internet cafes, where a person can use the internet free of charge. It is estimated that 90% of the Malatosian Population has access to the internet.

Wireless Communications

The Empire of Malatose current communications network is operated by three companies. These three Companies, provide 7.186 billion citzens with cell phones. It is estimated that over two million Wireless Signal structures exist; however, the government, along with the three major providers refuse to confirm these claims. The current cost of maintaining such a network has reached up to four Trillion Credits; however major cost are split by the companies. Along with Cell Phones, these companies also provide citzens with Wi-fi connections, which can be used forlaptops and PDA devices.


The Imperial Transportation Authority is the regional transportation planning and public transportation operating agency for the Empire of Malatose. The agency develops and oversees transportation plans, policies, funding programs, and both short-term and long-range solutions that address the County's increasing mobility, accessibility and environmental needs. The Imperial Transportation Authority currently employs over 120,000 people.

Additionally, the authority partially funds sixteen municipal bus operators and a wide array of transportation projects including bikeways and pedestrian facilities, local roads and highway improvements, goods movement, Freeway Service Patrol and freeway call boxes within the Empire.

Buses and Rail Service

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Imperial Maglev Train

The Imperial Transportation Authority operates a fleet of over ten-thousand buses. Buses are designed to run a carefully timed schedule. which allows citizens to make to their destinations quickly. It is estimated that over a million people a day board the local bus services. Also, the Imperial Transportation Authority operates various surface rail services around the nation. The Empire of Malatose is currently in the process of upgraded all their major rail networks to embrace Maglev systems. Currently, 90% of the current rail services have been upgraded.

Imperial Transportation Authority also manages over one-hundred local Subway systems. These subway systems were designed as alternatives to those who don't want to ride the local surface rail services.

Highway System

The highway systems of Malatose are complex to say the least. Most highways are massive 10 lane systems, which connect all the Imperial Sectors together. These massive systems were constructed by the Imperial Transportation Authority on orders from the Emperor himself. Imperial Highways have no general speed limit (though about 50% of the total length is subject to local and/or conditional limits), but the "recommended speed" is 90 mph.

In order to keep crime low and enforce the law, the Impperial Security Bureau created the Imperial Highway Security Bureau. The Highway is patrolled by unmarked police cars and motorcycles equipped with video cameras; this allows the enforcement of laws.

Air Transportation

Air Travel in Malatose is provided by three major carriers. Imperial Air Transportation, Eagle Transportation and Delta Air Transportation. The total number of passenger aircraft combined is over 56,000 and ridership per year is estimated at 50 million. Most of the aircraft operate from the four major airports in the country, and from the local smaller airports also.

The Imperial Armed Forces

The Imperial military is the military arm of the Empire of Malatose. It is responsible for carrying out military operations throughout the world, as well as maintaining order in colonies, and protectorates. Since, the Empire's New Order is based on fear and force, the Imperial military formed a very important part of the Imperial government. The normal term of service in the Imperial Armed Forces is two years; however, a soldier can request to serve more time.

Branches of the Imperial Military include:

  • Imperial Army
  • Imperial Navy
  • Imperial Airforce
  • Imperial Space Force
  • Imperial Diplomatic Corps
  • Imperial Engineering Corps
  • Imperial Medical Corps
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Corps

Command Structure

The Imperial War Machine is operated by the Imperial High Command. The Imperial High Command is the agency responsible for coordinating the Imperial Military during war as well as peacetime. It also has ties to the Imperial Security Bureau and Imperial Intelligence agencies. The effective head of the Imperial High Command is the Military Executor, with officials from the Imperial Army, Navy and Airforce also having a seat on the panel.

Another Organ of the Imperial Military High Command is the The Imperial Military Oversight Commission The Imperial Military Oversight Commission is a committee of Imperial officers and agents whose task is to review data collected from Imperial excursions and battles and analyze any problems there may be within the Imperial Navy and Army. They would then make their suggestions to the Military Executor and even to the Emperor himself in order to improve the Imperial war machine.

Each Military branch has a commanding officer who is in responsible for the organization, training, and equipage of his branch. Grand Admiral, Grand General and Grand Marshal are the highest Military ranks in the Continental Empire, besides Military Executor. These new ranks were appointed by Emperor Falcuia and answer directly to him, the Military Executor and Imperial High Command. Just like the rank of Executor, these men are not just front-line commanders; rather, they include technical specialists and theoreticians, enabling them to serve as a leadership cadre for the whole military.


Each Branch of the Imperial Armed Forces has their own specialized training programs.

Naval recruits first attend the Imperial Naval Academy to gain the basis of their higher education and military discipline, and then continued their education at the Imperial Naval College, where Academy graduates receive specific training on naval operations, combat, and command functions. Finally, non-commissioned officers and recent graduates of the Imperial Naval College participate in a training program through the Imperial Navy Officers' School to focus on military customs and courtesies, military history, leadership, officership, deck command exercises, discipline drills, and other pertinent areas of education of potential officers. Upon graduation, trainees were commissioned in the Imperial Navy as Lieutenants.

Imperial Airforce Pilots attend the Imperial Air Academy. Imperial Pilots represent some of the elite of the Imperial Military having to under go grueling physical and psychological conditioning to achieve their ranks. An elite corps, only 10 percent of Airforce Pilots successfully navigate the intense training and testing of the Imperial Airforce. The rest are reassigned throughout the Airforce as gunners, crewmen, and other personnel.

Imperial Army Troops attend the Imperial Army Academy. The Imperial Academy is located in eight Sector Provinces, totaling over one-hundred schools. The central focus of the Academy is its training of Imperial Troops, and teaching obedience, discipline, and loyalty. Every trainee that pass through the gates of the Academy participated in the basic training and field exercises before moving on to their more specialized training. Live fire field exercises provided practical experience as well as the means to test new weapons in combat situations. Due to the facilities being massive, the Academy's staff and students numbered over 1 million in a given year. A full four-year course at the Academy cost the Empire an average of 500,000 credits per student. Facilities at the Imperial Army Academy include: Imperial Military Training Base, Imperial Engineering Academy, Imperial Special Forces School, Imperial Tank Training Fields, Imperial Artillery Field.

Imperial Army

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Imperial Soldier

The Imperial Army is the largest branch of the Imperial Armed Forces and has primary responsibility for land-based military operations. It currently has 179,242,000 Active Personnel. The modern Imperial Army has its roots in the Free Continental Army which was formed to fight against the Republic Regime of Malatose. the Imperial Army considers itself to be an evolution of the Free Continental Army, and thus dates its inception from the origins of the Free Continental Army.

The branches of service include motorized rifles, tanks, artillery and rocket forces, troop air defense, army aviation, special corps (reconnaissance, signals, radioelectroninc warfare, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, technical support, automobile and the protection of the rear), military units and logistical establishments:

  • Motorized rifle troops - most numerous branch of service, that constitutes the basis of ground forces and the nucleus of their battle formations. They are equipped with powerful armament for destruction of ground-based and aerial targets, missile complexes, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, antiaircraft missile systems and installations, effective means of reconnaissance and control.
  • Tank troops - main impact force of ground forces and the powerful means of armed struggle, intended for the solution of the most important combat problems.
  • Artillery and Rocket Forces - main firepower and the most important operational means in the solution of combat problems by the crushing defeat of groupings of enemy.
  • Army aviation - intended for the direct support of the Ground Forces
  • Air Defense Troops - are one of the basic weapon for the destruction of enemy aviation. It consists of surface-to-air missiles, radio-technical units and subdivisions.

Imperial Army Ranks

Officer Ranks

  • Grand General
  • Surface Marshal
  • High General
  • General
  • Lieutenant General
  • Major General
  • Brigadier General
  • High Colonel
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • First Lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant

Non-Commissioned Ranks

  • Sergeant Major/Command Sgt.Major/Army Sgt.Major
  • Sergeant Major
  • Master Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Staff Corporal
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Lance Corporal
  • Private

Current Army Equipment

  • Nakil 1 Main Battle Tanks (80,000 in Service)
  • Heinkel Kämpfend Fußtruppen Fahrzeug (80,000 in Service)
  • BMD-10 Airbourne Infantry Vehicle (80,000 in Service)
  • High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (230,000 in service)
  • Logistics Transport Trucks (350,000 in service)
  • Logistic Fuel Trucks (200,000 in service)
  • Munich Mobile Anti-tank Vehicle (40,000 in service)
  • Drakon Multi-Launch Rocket System (90,000 in Service)
  • Panzerhaubitze-PZH 155mm Self-Propelled Artillery System (90,000 in Service)
  • MH-1 BrimeStone Attack Copters (9,000 in Service)
  • MH-2 Firefly VTOL Attack Aircraft (8,000 in Service)
  • MH-3 Multi-Mission Copters (5,000 in Service)
  • Organization


  • The nine basic types of squads are the building blocks of the Army. Each squad consist of eight troopers and is commanded by a sergeant. The other eight troopers are given the numbers one to eight, with number one being a brevet corporal and second-in-command. Both sharpshooter and engineering squads were part of “Special Missions.


  • These are commanded by Lieutenants, with a Sergeant Major as deputy. A platoon consist of four squads, giving it a strength of 38 men, although this varied depending on the kind of platoon.


  • A company consist of four platoons for 152 troops. The additional command and logistic staff raised the personnel count to 180 men. Companies are the smallest units where staffs were integrated in the form of specialized medical, technical, and logistic sections, as well as an executive officer also in charge of intelligence. A Captain with a staff of four officers equal to a lieutenant in rank is in command of the company.


  • Battalions are commanded by a major. Command and support elements are pooled together. Also, battalion command elements stayed out of the battle zone and are considered relatively safe. The size of the support staff is doubled that in a company. There were five staff officers equal to a captain in rank.
  • SB1: Battalion’s captain (Second-in-Command, Intelligence)
  • SB2: Logistics (+16 support personnel)
  • SB3: Medical (+8 support personnel)
  • SB4: Technical (+22 support personnel)
  • SB5: Security (+38 men security platoon)


  • A regiment is a combined arms formation containing approximately 2,500 troops and 1,000 support personnel and commanded by a lieutenant colonel.


  • A typical Battlegroup consist of four Regiments, and four Battlegroups in turn formed a standard Corps. Although precise numbers varied depending on the specific type of unit, the overall strength of most Battlegroups is on the order of roughly 15,000 men, including a little better than 10,000 front-line troops. All Battlegroups have a standard 274-man HQ detail, consisting of the commanding High Colonel, ten senior adjutants ranking as Major or higher, two security platoons and 188 other support personnel.


  • A corps is commanded by a major general with five staff officers (SP1 to SP5). Each staff officer has his own two staff officers (SP11 through SP52). Security for the HQ was provided by a company of 152 men plus six extra perimeter platoons of 38 men each which are commanded by either the SP1 officer or the general. Intelligence is handled by 1 Imperial Intelligence operative and 50 ISB agents, the latter functioning as political officers as well. A corps consist of 74,742+ Troops 1,644 Nakil 1 Main Battle Tanks, 2,490 Heinkel IFV and 1,086 Artillery Pieces .


  • An army is commanded by a full general. The support element of an army is as large as two battalions for a total of 1,855 men. It has five staff (SA1 to SA5) and ten substaff (SA11 through SA52) officers, a security company (152 men) and six independent perimeter platoons (total 228 men), 200 ISB agents for agent intelligence or counterintelligence, 3 companies of COMPNOR "observers" (each 152 men), 4 Imperial Intelligence representatives, a command element (captain and staff, total 5 men) and 784 support personnel. That gave an army 193,644 troopers, 10,000 support personnel, 3,500 Nakil 1 Tanks, 5,000 Heinkel IFVs and 3,000 Artillery Pieces

Army Group

  • The Army Group is commanded by a delegated surface marshal or high general. Army Group can have up to eight armies under its command. The total numbers of a sector army was 774,576 troopers, 200,733 support personnel, 14,000 IFVs and 13,922 heavy tanks.

Imperial Navy

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Imperial Naval Insignia

The Imperial Navy is the branch of the Imperial armed forces responsible for conducting naval operations. Its stated mission is "to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. The Imperial Navy currently has 4,855 Surface Vessels, 400 Nuclear Attack/Guided Missile Submarines, and 89 Ballistic Submarines in Service. Active Personnel is at 5,128,750.

The Imperial Navy maintains a sizeable presence in the world. Its ability to project force onto the littoral regions of the world, engage in forward areas during peacetime, and rapidly respond to regional crises makes it an active player in Imperial Foreign Policy.

Imperial Naval Ranks

Officer Ranks

  • Grand Admiral
  • High Admiral
  • Fleet Admiral
  • Admiral
  • Vice Admiral
  • Rear Admiral
  • Commodore
  • Captain
  • Commander
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Lieutenant
  • Sub-Lieutenant
  • Ensign

Non-Commissioned Ranks

  • Fleet Chief Petty Officer
  • Master Chief Petty Officer
  • Senior Chief Petty Officer
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Petty Officer I
  • Petty Officer II
  • Leading Crewman/Petty Officer III

Current Ships Commissioned


  • Prometheus-class Supercarriers (150 commissioned)


  • Imperator-class Battleships (536 commissioned)

Attack Dreadnought

  • Arastaqis class Attack Dreadnought (345 commissioned)

Super Dreadnoughts

  • Feathermore Super Dreadnoughts (350 commissioned)


  • Ingerier class Battlecruiser (300 commissioned)
  • Taníat class Anti-Aircraft Warfare Battle Cruiser (200 commissioned)

Guided Missile Cruisers

  • Daedalus-class Guided-Missile Cruisers (831 commmissioned)

Guided Missile Destroyers

  • Tokugawa-class Nuclear Guided-Missile Destroyers (893 commissioned)

ASW Ships

  • Argonaut-class Anti-Submarine Warfare ships (650 commissioned)


  • Galius-II Transports (1,000 commissioned)

Logistics Support

  • Orion-Class Arms/Fuel Ship: (6,563 commissioned)


  • Anarias-class Nuclear Attack Submarine (550 commissioned)
  • Velias-class Guided Missile Submarines (100 commissioned)
  • Venator-class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine (90 commissioned)

Naval Organization

Line of battle

  • The most basic unit in the Imperial Navy is a line of battle, or simply a line. The Imperial Navy shape four to twenty ships into lines, depending on the type of line. Commanded by a captain of the line, the line is the most amorphous level of organization in the fleet. The Imperial fleet Order of Battle outlins seven types of lines: attack, heavy attack, reconnaissance, pursuit, skirmish, troop and bombard. Attack and heavy attack lines aggressively engaged enemy ships in combat, reconnaissance lines gather intelligence of the disposition of enemy forces, pursuit lines chase and trap retreating enemies, and skirmish lines harasse capital ships and engaged enemy picket lines.

Naval Squadron

  • A squadron is the smallest independent operating unit in the Imperial Navy. Composed by several lines, a squadron is commanded by an admiral and ranged from 14 to 60 ships, depending upon the composition of the lines in the squadron. A squadron is the largest concentration of ships normally assigned to a theator considered minor at best.


  • Where all previous units are generally bound to specific Sector, the Imperial Navy designates a fleet as a "sector resource", allowing it to operate on a sector-wide scale. A Fleet is commanded by a High Admiral. With six Prometheus-class Carriers and almost 400 other ships, a fleet was presumed to be a sufficient force for a theator of medium priority.

Priority Fleet (Theator Fleet)

  • A Priority Fleet is the sum total of Naval strength which the Empire expects to commit to a single sector, of high priority. A High Admiral commands a priority fleet. A Priority fleet is expected to contain at least 2,400 ships, 24 of which are aircraft carriers, and another 1,600 combat ships, mostly logistic vessels.

Imperial Airforce

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Imperial MF-5 Air Superiority Fighter

The Imperial Airfroce is the aerospace branch of the Imperial Armed Forces. The Imperial Airforce currently has 14,200,000 Personnel on Active Duty and 39,550 Aircraft. According to the Imperial Security Act which created the Air Force, "In general the Imperial Air Force shall include aviation forces both combat and service not otherwise assigned. It shall be organized, trained, and equipped primarily for prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operations. The Air Force shall be responsible for the preparation of the air forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with intel rated joint mobilization plans, for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Air Force to meet the needs of war."

The stated mission of the Imperial Airforce is to "deliver sovereign options for the defense of the Continental Empire of Malatose and its global interests — to fly and fight in Air, Space, and Cyberspace".

Imperial Airforce Ranks

Officer Ranks

  • Grand Marshal
  • High Marshal
  • Force Marshal
  • Chief Marshal
  • Marshall
  • Vice Marshal
  • Flight Commodore
  • Group Captain
  • Wing Commander
  • Squadron Leader
  • Flight Lieutenant
  • Flying Officer
  • Pilot Officer
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Imperial Airforce Recruitment Poster

Non-Commissioned Ranks

  • Chief Master Sergeant
  • Senior Master Sergeant
  • Flight Sergeant
  • Chief Technician/Technical Sergeant
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Junior Technician
  • Senior Aircraftsman
  • Leading Aircraftsman
  • Aircraftsman
  • Airman Basic



  • A wing is the largest Fighter unit deployed in any given engagement. A full attack wing consist of two groups, or seventy-two fighters, and is commanded by a Group Captain or a Flight Commodore.


  • A group is a unit consisting of three squadrons, or thirty-six fighters, led by a Group Captain.


  • The smallest organizational unit in the Imperial Airforce is a squadron, which is a group of four flights, or twelve fighters in total, led by a Squadron Leader or a Wing Commander. Alternatively, it could consist of only three flights, if organized into the four-member pattern.


  • A flight is the most basic combat unit within the Imperial Airforce and consisted of a group of three starfighters led by a Flight Lieutenant or a Flying Officer.

Aircraft in Service

Transport Aircraft

  • 900 MC-1 Koralis Light SVTOL Cargo Transport
  • 1,000 MC-2 Aurora Medium SVTOL Cargo Plane
  • 850 MC-3 Gigante Heavy Cargo Transport


  • 13,000 MF-1 Vektor Air Superiority Fighter
  • 20,000 TSF-624 "Shukusei" Advanced Air Superiority Fighter

Multirole Fighters

  • 12,000 MF-2 Chimera Multi-Role Fighter

Ground Attack Aircraft

  • 9,000 MF-3 ThunderBolt Ground Attack Fighter

Strategic Bombers

  • 500 MLB-1 Varitas Stealth Bomber
  • 750 MB-1 Ghost Stealth Strategic Bomber

Tactical reconnaissance and ECM aircraft

  • 950 Xenian Tactical reconnaissance and ECM aircraft

Tanker Aircraft

  • 600 LM-01 Air-Refueling Tankers

Imperial Space Force

The Space Force Mission is to defend the Continental Empire of Malatose through the control and exploitation of space. Space Command makes space reliable to the warfighter (i.e. forces personnel) by continuously improving the command's ability to provide and support combat forces — assuring their access to space. In addition, the command's ICBM forces deter any adversary contemplating the use of weapons of mass destruction.

  • Space forces support involves launching satellites and other high-value payloads into space using a variety of expendable launch vehicles and operating those satellites once in the medium of space.
  • Space control ensures friendly use of space through the conduct of counterspace operations encompassing surveillance, negation, and protection.
  • Force enhancement provides weather, communications, intelligence, missile warning, and navigation. Force enhancement is support to the warfighter.

Force application involves maintaining and operating a rapid response.

Imperial Space Forces operates and supports the Imperial Global Positioning System, Defense Satellite Communications Systems Phase II and III, Defense Meteorological Support Program, Defense Support Program, DKF III and IV communications and Fleet Satellite Communications System UHF follow-on and IMPSTAR satellites. Imperial Space Force operates all launch vehicles. This includes all of the nation's primary boosters from the Eastern and Western ranges and range support for the Imperial Space Program. ISP also operates the nation's primary source of continuous, real-time solar flare warnings. The command also operates a worldwide network of satellite tracking stations to provide communications links to satellites — a system called the Imperial Satellite Control Network.

Ground-based radars used primarily for ballistic missile warning include the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, S-600 Tactical ICBM Detection System. The S.H.I.E.L.D Optical Tracking Identification Facility, Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance System, Passive Space Surveillance System, phased-array and mechanical radars provide primary space surveillance coverage.

The ICBM force (apart from the SLBMs operated by the Imperial Navy) consists of the R-45M Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that provide the critical component of Malatose's on-alert strategic forces. More than 500 ICBMs are currently on alert in reinforced concrete launch facilities.

Imperial Stormtrooper Corps

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Imperial Stormtrooper Insignia

The Imperial Stormtrooper Corps is a branch of the Imperial military that is not under the control of the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, or Imperial Intelligence but operated alongside those groups as an elite service. Like the Emperor's Royal Guard Corps, it is under the direct control of the Emperor. Imperial Stormtroopers are chosen through a vigerous testing program.

If a man between the ages of 18 and 30 scores in the top fifth percentile, an Imperial recruiting agent would contact these people and immediantly recruit them into the Stormtrooper Corps. Men who don't score that high are still wanted as regular soldiers. Also, it was preferable if stormtrooper recruits met a certain standard in height and weight.

The Stormtrooper Corps is not directly tied to the Imperial Army, and maintain its own command structure, ranking system, and support facilities. Stormtroopers are loyal only to the Emperor, and only followed orders from Army and Navy personnel at their discretion.

The basic unit of organization is the individual trooper. Each stormtrooper is assigned a number for tactical purposes and to reinforce the Imperial ethic of uniformity. Troopers are organized into squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, and legions. A company commander could give command to any regular officer over any given squad or platoon. A single battalion consist of 820 soldiers.

Stormtrooper training includes basic training and field exercises before moving on to their more specialized training. Stormtroopers go through ferocious training as a unit, which provides strong unit cohesion on the battlefield as well as a willingness to fight on despite heavy casualties. Stormtrooper training is also accompanied by thorough indoctrination to Imperial Ideology, above and beyond what the normal military is exposed to.

Nuclear Doctrine

The Continental Empire of Malatose reserves the right to allow the use of Nuclear Weapons in any situation. Base Delta Zero is the current Imperial doctrine on when and under which circumstances to use nuclear weapons.

The doctrine cites 8 reasons under which field commanders can ask for permission to use nuclear weapons:

  • An enemy threatening to use or using WMD against Imperial, multinational, or alliance forces or civilian populations.
  • To prevent an imminent biological attack.
  • To attack enemy WMD or its deep hardened bunkers containing WMD that could be used to target Malatose or its allies.
  • To stop enemy potentially overwhelming conventional forces.
  • To rapidly end a war on favorable Malatose terms.
  • To make sure Imperial and international operations are successful.
  • To show Malatosion intent and capability to use nuclear weapons to deter enemy from using WMDs.
  • To react to enemy-supplied WMD use by proxies against Malatosion and international forces or civilians.

Current Nuclear Stockpile

Nuclear Bombs

  • 1,500 Variable Yield Nuclear Bombs

Nuclear Artillery

  • 10,000 15 kilotons 155mm Artillery Shells

Nuclear Warheads

  • 5,735 Nucler Warheads

Imperial Defense Budget

  • Total Defense Budget: $116,676,669,193,442.00
  • Operations and maintenance: $50,000,000,000,000
  • Military Personnel: $986,133,717,000
  • Procurement $3,859,217,000,000 Tril.
  • Research & Development $20,000,000,000,000
  • Military Construction $20,000,000,000,000
  • Cosmic/Space Technology Research and Development $10,000,000,000,000

Malatose Sources

Greater Dienstad
Nations: Adaptus Astrates, Barentsburg, Blood Street, Brisbanium, Clayrizzle, CommunismRevisited-, Davidus, Degan, Hailandkill, Illyan, Ironmaidia, Jagada, Lame Bums, Malatose, Myuridia, New Empire, Riptide Monzarc, Risban, Scodson, Skibereen, Spizania, Stevid, Tadjikistan, Tanser, The Golden Hand, The Macabees, Tir, Tocrowkia Umbrella Corp Inc, Uzb3kistan, Zarbia, Zoomicans.