Eastern Verzandia

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Revision as of 00:29, 25 August 2007 by Axt (Talk | contribs)

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Eastern Verzandia
Flag of Eastern Verzandia
Motto: Souveräne Nation des Axt Reich
Region United Isle
Capital Karan
Official Language(s) German,English
Leader Allgemein II
Population 68 million
Currency Reichmark 
NS Sunset XML

The Nation of Eastern Verzandia

The Nation of Eastern Verzandia is a section of land on the island of Verzandia. After a major civil war,The Scotland Isle and the Empire landed and retook control of the island. The Scotland Isle took the north and West,while the Empire took the East and South.The Island also is returning to its former government,however the President resents The Scotland Isle and the Empire,so he ordered his soldiers to fight to the death to liberate the Isle. The nation is mostly forests.


The military of Eastern Verzandia is completly made of Axt soldiers,all citizens who are at least 15,or have at least one male son,are conscripted into the Axt Military.

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