Intelligent Neighbors

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Intelligent Neighbors
Flag of Intelligent Neighbors
Motto: Promising the end of oppression
Nation map
Region The Kingdom of the Midlands
Capital Krakk
Official Language(s) English
Leader Jack Foley
Population 3.2+ billion
Currency £ 
NS Sunset XML

NS Site Blurb

The Right Honorable Republic of Intelligent Neighbors is a massive, safe nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed population of 3.205 billion are highly moralistic and fiercely conservative, in the sense that they tend to believe most things should be outlawed. People who have good jobs and work quietly at them are lauded; others are viewed with suspicion.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 91%, and even higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Uranium Mining industry.

Euthanasia is illegal, citizens select which government department gets their income tax Pounds each year, corporations are forbidden from employing outside the nation, and a well-funded social safety net protects the unfortunate. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Intelligent Neighbors's national animal is the White Tailed Eagle, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Pound.

Brief History

The history of Intelligent Neighbors is split into two general areas, pre- and post- reform. Not much is known about the intermitant period as a stage of shutdown over the nation existed.

Pre-reform era

Intelligent Neighbors was founded on the 12th January 2004, by a group of merchants wishing to settle down after the stress of working. Their group only consisted of people that they wished to have as a neighbor, nice, kind quiet people. After a while the state of peace started to decline when the first shipments of weapons (Ak47's from Crookfur) began to empower certain parts of society more than others. At around the same time, more right-wing business methodology was adopted, boosting the nation's economic power while reducing political and social rights.

Prompted by a close ally (Cornixpes), Intelligent Neighbors moved into a region known as The Kingdom of the Midlands, and from then on was an ally of powerful nations such as Euroslavia and Nanakaland. The nation continued to grow, and before long was becoming known as a right wing dictatorship, with the prominant members of society in ruling all below them. At the head of this ruling class was Hanno Kahn, and soon he was 'elected' as Emperor of the new Empire of Intelligent Neighbors.

Another move toward the right wing was to join the Right Wing Collective, an alliance headed by Guffingford/Holy Panooly and The Macabees. This alliance was in it's acsendance, and soon it rivaled the power of it's sworn enemy NATO. Several inter-alliance wars followed, but overall neither of the alliances were destroyed, and the result was mass ejection of members from both alliances due to treason, and the resulting significant weakening of said alliances. During all this fighting, Intelligent Neighbors stayed mostly out of the way, due to conflicting interests with NATO members within The Kingdom of the Midlands. The Right Wing Collective eventually decided to become less of a agressive alliance, and stopped the mojority of it's activities with the outside world for a period of time. Several reforms later it emerged, with Intelligent Neighbors still in a prominant position, and began to reclaim its respect by means of technological advances in the fields of computing (Black Steel) and military hardware. By this time Intelligent Neighbors was ruled by Emperor Sigmar Kahn, son of Hanno, but the tight grip of the totalitarian government was causing major uprisings within the population. Several conquests of nations such as Neuvo Rica appeased the crowds slightly, but the embarrasing losses during the short-lived Euroslavic civil war led to more anger.

Around May 2005, things came to a head, mainly due to the death of Sigmar Kahn who had no heirs. Several competing faction began to press forward and occupy the vaccuum, but the general of the Intelligent Neighbors Imperial Army began to seal off the country, declaring martial law. Not much is known about the state of affairs during this period of reformation, but an official statement released on Venom Defense (arms contractor) after the event explains some issues.

Post-reform era

"IN has been locked down for around 6 months: all borders were closed, trade being done by military, embassies were shut etc etc. Ambassadors to TKotM and RWC remained. Venom Defense closed temporarily. Spokesperson for Emperor has said that "due to a period of reforms" the country "will be placed in a state of temporary shutdown". Any attempts to intrude would be met by force.

"This situation has now passed, and a new IN is being unvieled to the world. It is now a republic, the old Emperor having died without heirs. A period of reform started, with the army being recalled to suppress any opposition to the change. The military forces have been significantly cut in number, but have recieved an almost complete upgrade in their weapons and training. Part of this process was the radical restructuring of the airforce, turning it into a much more potent foe. Venom Defense has re-opened, and can now offer the quality products it is famed for.

"The political situation has changed in IN somewhat, with the country now being led by a council of people, some elected by the people, some chosen because of their prominance in society (head of army/head of courts etc). This group then elects one of it's members to act as president for two years.

"The new president, Jack Foley, has promised to put an end to the violent and agressive behavior of the old Empire. He has also vowed to radically alter the civil rights and political freedoms of the people of IN, turning "his beautiful nation" into a free and fair democracy. He has said that to increase the quality of life of the IN citizens, they need more room to live. He aims to acheive this in the most peaceful manner possible taking unclaimed wasteland and assimilating it."

President Jack Foley has already embarked on his reforms process, greatly boosting political freedom and civil rights, and democracy now exists in a very real sense. Relations with the Right Wing Collective are still good, but Intelligent Neighbors no longer actively fights alongside them. The new face of Intelligent Neighbors promises to be exciting and very prosperous.

Recent News

Currently, the IN Home Security Service (INHSS) is conducting anti-terrorist operations with Super American VX Man forces in the Cikae islands. The target is an IFLA base.


Intelligent Neighbors is located in the region of The Kingdom of the Midlands. We are situated on the western side of the continent, with a small group of islands off-shore known as the Cikae Islands. The coastline runs for around 4,000km. Intelligent Neighbors itself covers an area of around 6 million square miles (about the size of russia). The border to the south is shared with Witzgall, and to the east with Nanakaland. To the north there is only wasteland.

The terrain of Intelligent Neighbors is barren and inhospitable on the surface, with rich deposits of gold, uranium and rare s-block elements, such as Caesium. The climate of Intelligent Neighbors is warm and slightly dry. There is not a huge amount of rainfall, but there is enough to make special water reserves for the summer unneccesary. The northern and central areas are heavily urbanised, but the south remains rugged. There are two large mountain ranges in Intelligent Neighbors, one in the south called The Wind Mountains, and the one in the north west named the Ridge Range. There was a large amount of concern voiced over the initial mining of the uranium, and several lapses in the safety record of early operations have resulted in areas in the south of the country that are radioactive.


Here are some details about organisations (including military) in Intelligent Neighbors.

Civilian/Secret Service


The INHSS (Intelligent Neighbors Home Security Service) was set up when the Emperor Sigmar Kahn (see Post-reform era) took the throne after his father's death. The INHSS was set up to counter insurgents and terrorists within the nation, more specifically the Cikae Freedom Fighters. The INHSS was well funded, and was given supurb training nearly identical to the training in the INK (see below). Quickly the INHSS developed a reputation for savagery, but no one knew for sure as the were a secret organisation. Toward the end of his reign, Sigmar Kahn used the INHSS to surpress politcal rivals. With the coming of the reforms, the INHSS initially had little to do. Jack Foley, soon to be President of Intelligent Neighbors, took command of the INHSS and used them to protect all the candidates in the election. This marked a turning point in the use of the INHSS, no longer were they used for intimidating political rivals, now their role is exclusively "Protecting the people". The INHSS has still retained the high standards of training and equipment, with similar amounts of funds being allocated. The INHSS has recently had to resume large-scale 'peacekeeping' efforts within Intelligent Neighbors, especially the Cikae Islands.



  • Militia
  • Army
  • Airforce
  • Navy
  • IN Kommando Special Forces


Compulsory military service between ages 16 and 18, unless the person in question is going to study furter education. Functions as a reserve police force, keeping order within the nation. Spending on this branch is the least of all the branches (in the region of $1 trillion per year). Most members are not given any firearms. Rough manpower = 5 million.


Functions more as a marine service, as all units have the capability of being transported by the navy. Used primarily for foreign intervention, this force is small-sized (1 million men). Funding is at a high of $3 trillion per year.


Generally the most independant of all the branches, the airforce prides itself in quality of men and machines. There are around 500,000 men working in the airforce. Funding is at a figure of $1.8 trillion.


Originally the least modern of the branches, now the navy is recieving a overhaul with ships from Layarteb and is now considered a vital part of the IN war machine. 1.2 million men, $3 trillion per year funds.

IN Kommando Special Forces

The most well funded per person of the military forces, each Kommando has been grown from 'perfected' DNA, without flaws. They are trained from a young age and serve as excellent troops. Manpower is estimated at 2000 men, funding recieved is around $1 trillion.

Record of Acheivements

  • Intelligent Neighbors is ranked 14th in the region and 105,267th in the world for Most Politically Apathetic Citizens.
  • Intelligent Neighbors is ranked 21st in the region and 108,423rd in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

Links Relating to Intelligent Neighbors