Hockey Canada

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Hockey Canada
Flag of Hockey Canada
Motto: "The real victory is on ice!"
Region Atlantian Oceania
Capital Otnorot
Official Language(s) Hockey Canadian, Russian
Leader Ondrea Di Lorenzi
Population 1.5 Billion +
Currency Zlin 
NS Sunset XML

Hockey Canada, a wonderfully cold nation lying just above Lake Bekk, where anyone can freeze their genitals off without proper heating.

The large barren land of Hockey Canada, northwest of Starblaydia, Nova Britannicus, south of Oliverry and northeast of Druida, is a Communist-Anarchist hybrid nation that just loves a good sports competition.



Hockey Canadians love their national pastime, Hockey. Beginning and invented in Hockey Canada when the first game was played with pieces of ice, bone, and a wolf skull as a puck. Hockey Canadians have been upset from the 2004-2005 lockout. But there is other sports Hockey Canadians play. Winning the Atlantian Oceania Hockey Championship II, Hockey Canada gained their first and only Hockey honour.

AOHC Honours AOHCII Champions


Football was first introduced by Iansisle, when they played an exhibition game aginst Hockey Canada a few years ago. A strange and alien game to the icy nation, they have learned and are currently participating in the NS Bowl (not to mention hosting).


A sport as uncommon as tiddlywinks, Soccer is one of the wierdest games in Hockey Canadian history. No grass at all in Hockey Canada makes it a little hard to train for field sports like these. However, the game of Football is played on the Aibmuloc Icefields in Southeastern Atrebla, one of Hockey Canada's provinces. Wins in numerous soccer cups as well as a few final appearances have given the Canucks confidence.

U21 Honours U21WC17 Champions U21WC19 Runners-up

Cup of Harmony Honours CoH XV Runners-up CoH XVI Champions


The only olympics Hockey Canada ever plans to participate in is the winter olympics. Ones which are quickly approaching.


Alas, the first ever Prime Minister of Hockey Canada stayed in office for a minimal time of 78 days. Jean Poutine, an elected Conservative of the future Communist Party. He was later forced to step down for having sexual relations with a donkey.

The second Prime Minister of Hockey Canada, was and currently is Ondrea Di Lorenzi. The youngest ever elected (17 years old), Di Lorenzi stood up for women's rights. As this grew, she decided to use the equal rights idea to establish a strong communist government. Di Lorenzi has represented Hockey Canada in a number of ways, an is currently standing up to nations such as Jaghur (who is currently pressuring Hockey Canada to join them or face a war).


A superpower for aerial combat, Hockey Canada has one of the best, if not the best Air Force in Atlantian Oceania. Their contributions to AORDO have been somewhat of a success, despite not being needed at the moment. Rest assured that Hockey Canada will be prepared to join the fight whenever a country is in need on snow, ice or in the air.