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Flag of Yelda
Motto: Letting A Hundred Flowers Bloom
No Map Available Yet
Region The Pleiades
Capital Yelda
Official Language(s) Yeldan
Leader Chairman Diřgę
Population 2.75 billion
Currency New Yeldan Pound 
NS Sunset XML

The People's Democratic Republic of Yelda is a space-faring nation located in the M45 star cluster (The Pleiades). From their beginnings as a small city-state centered around the ancient city of Yelda , the Yeldans continuously expanded their power and influence, eventually uniting the whole of the Yeldan home world (Trid) under the Yeldan banner during the Imperial era.


The Kingdom of Yelda

This section covers the ancient history of present Yelda and its early medieval period, which is historically referred to as The Kingdom.

The lands of present Yelda were home to disunited tribes who were variously overwhelmed by invading Bigiöks, Potomians, and Memperisians between the first and third centuries AD. They in turn were displaced by the Misteil, whose Kings established a capital at the city of Yelda and gradually merged with the Yeldan ruling classes. The Yeldans constituted the bulk of the population from the 5th century onwards and slowly assimilated both the Misteil as well as native Bigiök and Potomian tribes.

The Misteil dynasty lasted several centuries, during which they conquered the Bigioks and briefly moved the capital to Bigiök in 764 A.D. In this era the term "Yeldan" first came to be applied not only to the Bigiöks but also to the other peoples of the region who spoke Yeldan-like languages, or were under Yeldan influence. In the 8th century to 9th century this state became the largest on the continent and was quite prosperous, due to diversified sea trade.

In the 10th century the area suffered from internal disputes and was overrun by the Memperisians. Also known as the Cozams, they ruled the southern and central expanses of present-day Yelda.

The northern part of Yelda together with the area surrounding Bigiök retained some degree of autonomy during the time of the Cozam occupation and was largely spared the atrocities that affected the rest of the country. the Yeldan kings continued to reign during this time, but were essentially vassals of the Cozams.

Long-lasting Memperisian rule retarded the country's economic and social development. Cozam influences degraded many of the country's institutions and affected its culture and economy in a very negative way.

In spite of this, Yelda was able to revive, and organized its own war of reconquest, finally subjugating its enemies and annexing their territories.

The Yeldan Empire

This section covers the history of the Yeldan conquest of Trid, which is historically referred to as The Empire. It is worth noting at this time that Trid, unlike Earth, is mostly a “water world”. The surface of the planet is 90% water and the land-mass consists of one smallish continent (Eorðand) with an archipelago of islands surrounding it.

While still nominally under the domain of the Cozams, the Yeldan kings began to assert their influence, and eventually tossed off the control of the invaders late in the 12th century.

In the beginning of the 13th century the Yeldan state set the national goal to regain all Yeldan territories lost as a result of the Cozam invasion and to protect the borderland against attacks of various nomadic tribes. It was at this time that the Yeldan lands were first divided into provinces, with provincial governors given responsibility for defense of their respective territories. This era also saw the first codification of Yeldan laws, and the beginning of massive public works in Yelda and other major cities of the realm.

In 1257 A.D., following the final conquest of the Republic of Potomia, King Aǻlwoch II took the title of Ymeråwþwr, or emperor. Beginning around this time, the Yeldan policy towards conquered peoples was one of benevolent assimilation. Conquered peoples were granted Yeldan citizenship, and enjoyed the same civil liberties as native Yeldans. The study of the Yeldan language was encouraged, but not mandatory and newly annexed areas were allowed to maintain their native customs and religions. The construction of libraries, schools, roads, bridges and other infrastructure was given a high priority in these areas.

Through a series of wars, alliances, economic maneuvering and treachery Yelda completed the conquest of Eorðand in 1350 A.D.. Over the next two centuries, Yeldan rule was extended to all the islands surrounding the continent and the entire surface of Trid was brought under the rule of the Yeldan state, mostly due to the invention of gunpowder. This also coincided with the beginnings of industrialization.

The later years of the Empire saw the development of steam power, the telegraph and the establishment of a modern industrial economy, but also the increasing corruption of the Imperial Government. The last Misteil emperor died without heirs in 1595 and was succeeded on the throne by General Sentyiu Gæþ. Emperor Gæþ was followed by his son, grandson and great-nephew and are known collectively as “The Four Devils”. Social and economic conditions deteriorated rapidly with the introduction of the “Domain Laws” which granted 51% ownership of all the means of production to the Imperial household.

Unrest of the workers and suppression of the growing liberal intelligentsia were continuing problems however, and the position of Emperor Gæþ IV and his dynasty became precarious. Opposition to the Domain Laws and increasing oppression at the hands of the Imperial Government led to widespread rioting in the major cities of the Yeldan Empire and to the overthrow in 1704 of the Gæþs by an alliance of the military, students and workers.

At the close of the revolution, a Marxist political faction called the Yeldan Worker's Party seized power in Yelda and Bigiök. A bloody civil war ensued, pitting the Yeldan Worker's Party's “Red Army” against a loose confederation of democrats, anti-socialist and monarchist forces, including some “pretenders” claiming to represent the former Misteil dynasty. The Red Army triumphed, and the People's Democratic Republic of Yelda was formed in 1714.

The People's Democratic Republic

This section covers the history of Yelda from the establishment of The People's Democratic Republic until the present day.

The first act of the new revolutionary government was to execute all remaining members of the Gæþ family, as well as all competing revolutionaries. All vestiges of the Gæþ dynasty were erased and a campaign to purge “the time of the devils” from memory was instituted. The old black and gold Imperial banner was replaced with “the people's flag”, a red and gold facsimile of the old flag. Paintings, images, statues and any other reminders of the Gæþs were outlawed and destroyed. Statues and images of the old Misteil kings and emperors were, however, unmolested. Ironically, the Imperial Government was never “officially” disbanded. The Constitution was amended radically to reflect the new reality, but to this day Yelda is technically an Empire with an empty throne. The Peoples Democratic Republic serves as a sort of “regent”, or caretaker government. It is unlikely, however, that any attempt by Misteil descendants to ascend to the throne would be greeted warmly by the Party.

Mention should be made at this time of the peculiar nature of “Yeldan Socialism”. It is not “revolutionary” socialism in the normal sense. At the time of Yelda's revolution, the Yeldan Empire controlled the entire surface of Trid, thus a policy of “exporting the revolution” never developed since there was at that time nowhere to export the revolution to. The Yeldan government is always willing to share its economic and political teachings with those who are interested, but has never had a particular interest in forcing socialism upon other nations.

In the nearly 300 years since the establishment of The People's Democratic Republic, Yelda has been transformed into a huge, space-faring, post-industrial state. All modern innovations from radio, television and flight to nano-technology, spaceflight and eventually, interstellar flight have come to pass under the guiding hand of the Yeldan Worker's Party.

The Directorate

This section covers the development of interstellar space flight and Yelda's subsequent dealings with other space-faring nations.

Perhaps the most important event in Yeldan history occurred in 1820 when an ancient spacecraft was discovered on Trid's lesser moon, Ællos. Yelda had developed spaceflight some years earlier, in 1805, and was taking it's first cautious steps in exploring the two moons of Trid. Upon discovering this well-preserved relic, it was immediately decided to construct a base near the craft with the goal of possibly activating it. The next 50 years were spent studying and back-engineering the vessel and its systems. In 1865, having worked out a translation of the builder's language, the ship's computer was activated, revealing a veritable treasure trove of engineering data. The next five years were spent in an effort to re-activate the ship. This effort was abandoned in 1870 when it was decided that the data contained in the ships computer would be better used to construct new vessels of Yeldan design. The [1] – Gwyddæf Design Bureau of Yelda Ship Works was given the task of constructing an orbital building yard to fabricate the new vessels. This involved the development, using technology from the ancient ship, of an entire new infrastructure dedicated to building the yard, and later the vessels themselves.

In 1915 the first ship, a Yælm class cruiser, was launched. This led to first contact with the space-faring nations of Kungpaomao and Nerdocrombesia and all of the other nations of The Pleiades.

In 1934, a regional government for The Pleiades known as “The Directorate” was established. Made up of Yelda, Kungpaomao and Nerdocrombesia, the directorate rules as a triumvirate over the international affairs of The Pleiades, while internal matters are left to the discretion of the various national governments.

In 2004, having made contact with several other space-faring nations, Yelda learned of the existence of The United Nations. After much debate, it was decided that Yelda and Kungpaomao would join the organization, with Yelda serving as delegate.


Yelda in the UN

Yelda served as UN Delegate until the passage of the UN Biological Weapons Ban. At that point, due to uneasiness with Article 5 of UNBWB it was decided that Yelda would withdraw from the UN, being replaced a UN puppet, Yeldan UN Mission. The UN Mission is headquartered on the Tridya þiudaga space station and was originally established to serve as a "Yeldan Office of UN Affairs". However, since that time it has been granted control of vast holdings in The Pleiades and functions as a semi-autonomous nation in it's own right. Yeldan UN Mission is goverened by a council appointed by the Central Committee of the Yeldan Worker's Party, as such it still functions as the "voice of Yelda" in the UN.

Yelda is deeply involved in the affairs of the United Nations, taking part in numerous debates and aiding in the crafting of UN legislation. Yelda has drafted, and the UN Mission submitted, two pieces of UN legislation: Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act" and the Global Food Distribution Act. Yelda also assisted Venerable Libertarians in the passage of UNCoESB.

Yelda maintains membership in the United Nations Old Guard and the National Sovereignty Organization.

Yeldan Government

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Chairman Diřgę

In the technical terminology of political science, Yelda was a communist state from the time of the establishment of the People's Democratic Republic until recently, and is still considered a communist state by many, though not all political scientists. Attempts to characterize the nature of Yelda's political structure into a single, simple category are typically seen as lacking sufficient depth to be satisfactory. A major reason for this is Yelda's political history: for over 1500 years, prior to 1704, the state had been ruled by some form of centralized imperial monarchy, which has left significant traces on subsequent political and social structures. This was followed by a chaotic civil war and the establishment of the People's Democratic Republic.

The Yeldan State has variously been described as authoritarian, communist, socialist and various combinations of those terms. This may be called state capitalist by more left-leaning communists. It appears Yelda is slowly becoming more capitalist in its economic system. Yelda recently released an official statement on its political structure, upholding the notion that the state should be ruled by democratic means.

The government of Yelda is controlled by the Yeldan Worker's Party. There are other, minor parties in Yelda, though they are often closely associated or subparties within the YWP. The effect of the other parties on the government remains minimal. While there have been some moves toward political liberalization, in that contested elections are now held at the local level and legislatures have shown some assertiveness from time to time, the party retains effective control over governmental appointments. While the state uses authoritarian methods to deal with challenges to its rule, it simultaneously attempts to reduce dissent by improving the economy, allowing rather extensive civil rights, allowing expression of personal grievances, and giving lenient treatment to persons expressing dissent whom the State does not believe are organizers

The support that the Yeldan Worker's Party has among the Yeldan population is unclear, as there are no true national elections, and private conversations and anecdotal information often reveals conflicting views. Most in Yelda appear appreciative of the role that the government plays in upholding civil rights and in maintaining social stability, which has allowed the economy to grow without interruption.

Elections are held by secret ballot and everyone age 18 or older can vote. The vast majority of candidates are members of the YWP despite the fact that only 30 percent of the Yeldan electorate are members. Party members, as well as non-party members are allowed to stand and do get elected.

The people nominate and elect candidates for the municipal assemblies. Candidates for the National Assembly are nominated by municipal assemblies and put to a yes/no vote; citizens are to vote for several candidates at both levels of government and may vote for none, some, or all of them. If the candidates do not receive more than 51% of the votes, new elections are scheduled.

Legislative power is nominally in the hands of the National Assembly. However, save for two sessions a year, legislative power is exercised by the 31 member Council of State which is elected by the National Assembly from itself.

Executive authority is formally vested in the Council of Ministers, a large cabinet comprised of 8 members of the Council of State, the heads of the national ministries, and other persons. A smaller Executive Committee consisting of the more important members of the Council of Ministers oversees normal business.

Chairman Diřgę has been the head of government since 1999 as President of the Council of State, which also serves as head of state. He is also Chairman of the Yeldan Worker's Party, and since 1981 a member of the National Assembly from the municipality of Ünyōntyn. (The Consitution requires that the President of the Council of State be a member of the National Assembly).

The Yeldan Worker's Party

The Yeldan Worker's Party is one of the three centers of power within the People's Democratic Republic of Yelda, the other two being the state apparatus and the Military.

The relationship between party and state is somewhat different than that of most other Communist systems, in which the party controls the state. In the current Yeldan structure, power derives from the state position, but key state positions are invariably held by members of the party and the party through its organization department makes crucial decisions on who occupies what position. However, in contrast to other systems where the party has extra-legal authority, since the early-1990's, it is has been established that the party is subject to the rule of law and is therefore subject to the authority of the State and the Constitution of the People's Democratic Republic of Yelda. It is often unclear to outsiders whether the Party controls the State, or the State controls the Party.

Theoretically, the party's highest body is the National Congress of the Yeldan Worker's Party, which meets at least once every 5 years. The primary organs of power in the YWP which are listed in the party constitution include:

  • The Politburo Standing Committee, which currently consists of nine members;
  • The Politburo, consisting of 22 full members (including the members of the Politburo Standing Committee);
  • The Secretariat, the principal administrative mechanism of the YWP, headed by the Chairman of the Yeldan Worker's Party;
  • The Central Military Commission (a parallel organization of the government institution of the same name);
  • The Discipline Inspection Commission, which is charged with rooting out corruption and malfeasance among party cadres.

Every five years, the YWP holds a National Congress. Formally, the Congress serves two functions: to approve changes to the Party constitution and to elect a Central Committee, about 300 strong. The Central Committee in turn elects the Politburo. In practice, positions within the Central Committee and Politburo are determined before a Party Congress, and the main purpose of the Congress is to announce the party policies and vision for the direction of Yelda in the following few years.



Composition of the Yeldan Economy


Yeldan Language






Yeldan Religion
