Shadowstorm Imperium Ruins

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Shadowstorm Imperium Ruins
Forum: None
Population: 6 nations
Delegate: None
Founder: Imperial Shadowstorm
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The ruins of the ancient Shadowstorm Imperium, which fell tens of millenia ago. All that remains are mysterious ruins. The space once ruled over by the Imperium is now home to new civilisations, and expanding empires.

Post-Imperium Timeline

Times are in ASI

  • 1 - Death of last Shadowstorm Emperor
  • 186,982 - Birth of Ektorekos YlimNeicna
  • 189,157 - Ektorekos YlimNeicna conquers Thosnith
  • 190,339 - Marriage of Ektorekos YlimNeicna to Lanathind Gronokor
  • 191,804 - Birth of AdlavTsedur YlimNeicna
  • 193,856 - AdlavTsedur YlimNeicna conquers Niogoul-Maeromirpli, becoming its king
  • 194,053 - Birth of Degriesk Lemaliorn
  • 195,788 - Marriage of AdlavTsedur YlimNeicna to Zuanixa Nebilor
  • 196,816 - Birth of Dorusceronis YlimNeicna
  • 197,072 - Birth of Atanracnad YlimNeicna
  • 197,194 - Degriesk Lemaliorn inherits throne of Cavaex
  • 198,705 - Birth of Thintaedkran Anrusnya
  • 198,800 - Birth of Legnerihes Mantresni
  • 199,035 - Zuanixa Nebilor divorces AdlavTsedur YlimNeicna and leaves Niogoul-Maeromirpli
  • 199,040 - AdlavTsedur YlimNeicna killed by sons, Dorusceronis becomes king of Niogoul-Maeromirpli
  • 199,235 - Birth of Jarohon Qorcos
  • 199,252 - Jarohon Qorcos becomes a Wemfyrra
  • 199,942 - Jarohon Qorcos and "family" move to Niogoul-Maeromirpli
  • 201,349 - Neranset is created
  • 201,354 - Establishment of Clonetopia, with Neranset as Emperor
  • 201,879 - Birth of Michael Trent
  • 201,907 - Formation of "Order of Light", with Michael Trent as leader
  • 201,910 - Luceterna elects "Order of Light" as government
  • 201,912 - "Order of Light" bans elections in Luceterna
  • 201,926 - Birth of Roberto Psionis
  • 201,942 - Roberto Psionis swears allegiance to Dorusceronis YlimNeicna. The Underground City is invaded by the army of Luceterna, under the Order of Light's command. Death of Degriesk Lameliorn, killed by Michael Trent, who absorbs his power.


Notable civilisations in the Shadowstorm Imperium Ruins are the Kingdoms of Cavaex and Niogoul-Maeromirpli, the Empire of Clonetopia and the Democratic Republic of Luceterna.


The Cavaexi civilisation has existed for so long, it is believed that they were around before the Shadowstorm Imperium fell.


Though humans are not native to the Imperium, there are a significant number of them living in it. There is no recorded history to explain when and how the humans entered the Imperium, or even if they came of their own free will. However, it is universally agreed that humankind was in its infancy and did not have the means to travel between worlds. This is supported by the fact the many human-inhabited worlds were (and some still are) very primitive technologically.


Ketathran can be found on many worlds.


The Kortangi are one of the most populous species in the region, and can be found on many different worlds.


The Prinaza live on various planets throughout the Imperium. Most of them live in small, peaceful settlements, developing their science and art. A few, however, are members of the Empire of Clonetopia. These Prinaza were cloned by the Empire from gene samples, as Clonetopia has not yet encountered other Prinaza civilisations.


Many planets in the Imperium are ruled by Velfodnerset. As Velfodnerset are not very prolific, the nations they rule are made up almost entirely of non-Velfodnerset that they conquered.

Notable Planets


Planet on which Roberto Psionis was born.


See Cavaex


Planet from which the Elder Death Knights of Niogoul-Maeromirpli originally came.


See Niogoul-Maeromirpli


Capital planet of the Empire of Clonetopia.


Planet ruled by Ektorekos YlimNeicna.


Planet on which Luceterna is situated.