Delta Town

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Delta Town
Flag of the Delta Town

State Motto Equality and Togetherness
State Capital Delta Town
State Bird Pelican
State Tree Antillean Delta Mangrove
Senate Seats 7
Code DT

Delta Town is the third largest city in the United Island Empires. It is a Federal State and has 7 senate seats. It is famous for its Jazz music and warm weather.

United Island Empires on NSwiki
Main article: United Island Empires
Federal States: Alal, Charles Town, Dattamenaton, Delta Town, Fenarerativia, Ferren Island, Gattah, Garomenia, Holders Island, Hong Kong Is, Isle of Fyrl, Isle of Tyme, Kalisone, Magtony, Okorty, Overseas Territories of the United Island Empires, Rarren Island, Rezörk City, Sekore Island, Uni, Zarrah Peninsular, Zeland
Shareholding Corporations of the United Island Empires: Guest Corp, IEC Bank, Indigo Logging
Other info: .uie, Antilles Yent, Etlo-Tommybob War, Garomenian, King's Pound, Law and Order in the United Island Empires
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Category:United Island Empires