History of Empires of Earth

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Britannia, our King


The history of Empires Of Earth is, though not as long as some, very dynamic, and a story of growth, suscess, betrayal, rebellion, and triumpth of Right. The Region Empires Of Earth began, and by all means, remains as a beacon of light in the darkness of ignorance. With the flowering of Britannic civilization in Empires Of Earth, the enlightened reign of King Dylan, whilst the Empire rules the seas, and other marvels of Imperial culture and history, the region plays host to many different nations now. The region
The founding of Most Great Britannia
was founded to be ruled by His Majesty King Dylan I, and that how it will remain for all eternity. Some regions have been created by history. Empires Of Earth was created by philosophy. Though she began at a sluggish growth, she is now a young dynamic region, headed by a glorious monarch. The illustrious imperial crown jewel in the Empire is The Imperial Dominion, founded on the 21st of April A.D. 2006.

By mid-2006 Empires Of Earth had become the sole developed hyperpower, enjoying almost unparalleled prosperity. Empires Of Earth is in some ways "the work-shop of the world," and she is only just begining, she shall begin ramping up her industrial practices, and hopes to produce a good portion of the global industrial output. Other regions, such as The International Democratic Union and The East Pacificare also considered industrialised. She is still number one in many sectors, and is not far behind in the others.

Due to the supremacy of the Royal Navy, Empires Of Earth, is largely a thalassocracy, and truly does rule the waves. With territories scattered across many continents and oceans, Our "Empire Under Palm and Pine" is accurately described as "the empire on which the sun never sets." The Empire facilitates the spread of Imperial technology, commerce, language, and government around much of the globe through Pax Britannica and Imperial hegemony. The contributions Empires of Earth makes to the world, the technology, philosophy, literature, medicine, Law, investment, institutions, and plain advancements of man-kind have left a profound legacy.

The Empire consists of various territories all over the world conquered or colonized by Empires Of Earth since February 2006. It expanded by commerce/trade, colonization, and sometimes conquest. Over all, the Empire was built mainly upon Commerce, not conquest. There were colonies conquered, but they were done for a reason. The Imperial Dominion and The Pavonia Region are the main colonial holdings of the region.

Despite various attempts by others to conquer this fair realm, or usurp her from within, she has remained free and no foreign army has ever been able to land upon her shores.

The Regions not so blest as thee,
Must in their turns to tyrants fall;
Must in their, turns to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
Thee haughty tyrants never shall tame,
All their attempts to bend thee down
All their attempts to bend thee down
Will but arouse, arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.

The Begining

As far as written history goes. The Founder and Monarch, Most Great Britannia, began his NationStates career a few days after January first 2006. He was recruited by the Kingdom of Dergamoor to British Overseas Territory. After creating 3 puppet nations, he founded Empires of Earth (which was originally called "Empires of the World") with them on January 12, 2006. After which he proceeded to Great Britain and Ireland, and then the Federal Commonwealth Society, and stayed there until the 14th. With the region empty for longer than 24 hours, it disappeared. His Majesty refounded it on January 15th with the new name, Empires of Earth.

Meanwhile, back in the BOT Most Great Britannia was asked by a nation named Jtopian, to join him in an alliance (The United Alliance), which our ruler agreed to. A few days later a fight ensued between Jtopian and the BOT Supreme Chancellor at the time, Jamesburgh. The cataclysmic events eventually led up to Our Monarch leaving BOT and making Empires Of Earth his sole residence.

Operation Scare Tactic

Jtopian asked our King to write a message for him to post on the B.O.T. Regional Message Board because His Majesty is a very good writer. He wanted the post to prove his point. His Supreme Majesty agreed, due to Jamesburgh's personal attacks against himself for being allied with Jtopian in Jtopian's called "The United Alliace" (TUA). Personal attacks included jamesburgh habitually calling our ruler, and other members of our region childish insults such as "idiot," "moron," "complete idiot,"or deeply insulting our ideology calling it "idiotic," "prejudiced" (because we though individual nations had the right to choose whether or not they wanted gay marraige), and "ridiculous."

This was the draft of the message sent for Jtopian to post:

"The thousand injuries we the members of The United Alliance hath borne as best we could, but know that who you have ventured upon insult, we vowed revenge.....at length we shall be avenged; this is the point definitely settled....we must not only punish, but punish with impunity. Now we have begun to develop the perfect plan of retribution......After hard work, long hours of recruiting, and splendidly written letters, we have grown in power and splendour, reaching far beyond our former goal of member nations, and have vowed our revenge if you continue these Flagitious insulting remarks. We are a beloved alliance, who may one day be allowed by His Supreme Majesty to move to Empires of Earth, a great safe haven for the nations you have dared to insult. We will attack with will if you continue these insults! Please stop, we do not want war, just friendship. We do not understand why you continue to bombard us with insults, both general and personal. Good day to you all! ~Ambassador Supreme"

Battle of the Empire Summary
Date: 27 Jan-2 Feb 2006
Locations: Empires Of Earth
Outcome: Decisive Empire Victory
Deaths (approx.)
Military: EoE 0/BOT 11
Civilian: EoE 1/BOT 0
Total: EoE 1/BOT 11
Main Participants
Good Evil
Empires Of Earth (approx. 6 nations)
British Overseas Territory (approx. 70 nations)
FCSTO (approx. 250 nations incl. BOT)
UFoA (approx. 4)

However he posted this (note the changes):

"The thousand injuries we the members of The United Alliance hath borne as best we could;but know that who you have ventured upon insult, we vowed revenge.....at length we shall be avenged; this is the point definitely settled....we must not only punish, but punish with impunity. Now we have begun to develop the perfect plan of retribution......After hard work, long hours of recruiting, and splendidly written letters, we have grown in power and splendour, reaching far beyond our former goal of one hundred member nations, and have vowed our revenge. We are a beloved region, a great safe haven for the nations you have dared to insult. We will attack with will! Edgar Allen Poe-With a twist of the TUA Good day to you all! ~Ambassador Supreme"

This greatly angered Jamesburgh, so Jtopian was allowed to take refuge in Empires of Earth. Jamesburgh. Various nations who had been twisting everything His Majesty said and trying to belittle him in every way possible. His Majesty graciously explained that he was innocent and that the message posted was not the original one, but Dergamoor would have none of it. On top ranking B.O.T. Official even edited one of His Majesty's posts and took out the copy of the TG he had of Jtopian apologising to him for using my region's name like that, and took out the original copy of the war message.

One can view the transcript of MGB's defense of the actions of himself and Jtopian in the article entitled MGB defence in court.

Battle of EoE

By sunset of January 28th His Majesty finally moved his original nation, Most Great Britannica to Empires of Earth due to High ranking BOT officials having threatened to eject him and taunting him. After that point, there were various attempts by the BOT to attack and conquer Empires Of Earth. They involved various nations, close to eleven in fact. British Overseas Territory was a protectorate of the Federal Commonwealth Society, and as such, a member of the Federal Commonwealth Treaty Organization, which played host to around 250 member nations at the time (though has decayed rapidly due to liberal tendencies and out-emigration).
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">FoundingofEoE.png
His Majesty, gloriously repulsing the attempted invasion by BOT
</div>BOT even tried sent a convoy that was 2 times the size of Empires of Earth to conquer her. The British Overseas Territory had about 70 nations at the time (having fallen to such from around 115), and sent approximatly 11 nations or so in their biggest mission to conquer Empires Of Earth which housed 6 nations at the time. There were various other attempts after Our Monarch installed a password to try and make it seem as if they wished to come and be loyal to us, however, they were horrible actors and our Intelligence Service was too good for them to fool us, we knew where their loyalties were. There was also a feble attempt by a region claiming to be "an extension of the BOT," called United Federation of America to conqer Empires Of Earth. At the end, all attempts at conquest failed and EoE Reigned victorious, with the BOT falling into ruin for the time being and Empires Of Earth flourishing great and free.

The Troubles

Though Empires of Earth flourished, Jtopian and our King entered into various quarrels throughout the next few months. Collectively, these are referred to as "The troubles." Jtopian was appointed Lord High Chancellor, which is second in command. This caused many problems from conflicting interests. The arguments would generally follow the pattern of Jtopian threatening to leave and the King finally letting him have his way. During one of these quarrels Jtopian left the region and founded his own, The Union Supreme. A notice was put on the E.o.E forum by an unregistered poster that claimed they were Jtopian and would soon be attacking Empires of Earth. His Majesty proceeded with posting this:

According to what I have been told Jtopian left this region to get another region to attack us. I gave him 24 hours to explain himself and he has refused despite the fact that I warned I would ban him from the forum if he didn't explain. Due to the decision he chose he is now banned from the forum, as are his sisters who have left with him. If any information can be provided as to what he has been up to or why in the world he betrayed all of us I will reward who evercomes forth, possibly with the regional delegateship, though I have not yet decided. Thank you for your time. Though let it be known through out the lad, it made me very sad that they would do this to us for absolutly no reason.

However, after much pleading by Jtopian, he was given the benefit of the doubt by our magnanimous monarch and declared "Not Guilty."

He returned and The Union Supreme collapsed.

A result of his return, however, was the persecution of various members of the region by him. Most notably, Peraguss. He was hounded so much that eventually Jtopian had driven him out.

The Great Schism

The War began on the Sixteenth of March, 2006. The current UN delegate at the time, FreedomvilleAT had tried to establish peaceful diplomatic relations with the region Allied Islands of Atlantis. They mistook what she said, and stated they did not want an alliance. However, certain people decided to hype the others up to into wanting war. His majesty clearly stated "No, no war. They did nothing to us." However, as soon as he left Jtopian stated:

"Ok, the poll is done.....looks like war... Britannia.....what r they gonna do to us? We will password protect the region.....then attack....its easy! We can conquer them in a minute, they are defenceless. I am declaring war if you are not here soon."

At 6:40 PM he stated:

"Cause I am in power till britannia comes....I am gonna say to hold back forces until we get a response from him......by 7:30..... If he is not back by 7:30 war it is."

and at 7:20 he stated:

"As standing commander and chief cause britannia is not on right now, and its an iminent threat.....I will ask that all forces be ready, and a decleration of war, will be signed by me later, what is the regions name?Britannia is not here, the poll is done, everyone wants war. I will sign the decleration soon"

The King (left) and Jtopian (right) fight upon His Majesty's return

When Our Monarch returned he told Jtopian to stop at once, and Jtopian then posted this:


After many insults by Jtopian the final argument was over, and he was gone for good. His Majesty apologised to the Allied Islands of Atlantis for what Jtopian had done.

This is the official account of the incident:

Jtopian, who was the former second in command, decided to take charge while I was gone for 3 hours at my grandmother's house. Although I had said The Allied Islands of Atlantis was innocent and it was a misunderstanding he decided to delcare war on their region. When I returned I voiced my disatisfaction for declaring war on an innocent region he got mad at me, calling me a dictator and such blah blah blah, and he treatened to leave, so I said "bye" repeatedly but he proceeded to make a big scene claiming he has been playing this game for 6 years and obviously knows more than me. He said I was rude because he claimed he did an awsome job handling the region while I was gone for a mere 3 hours and that I should have congratulated him instead of telling him how I felt that it was wrong to declare war on an innocent region that I had already ordered no war be declared on!, so basically he wanted me to lie to him and tell him I was happy about it....Well as you can see he has been fired and will no longer be residing in our region. I doubt since he is such a lawless person he even them he had declared war, which he said "what r they gonna do to us? We will password protect the region.....then attack....its easy! they only have 8 nations!"....so he has been punished for his actions and I have no idea what he may have said to any of them, but I apologised to them for any of what he may have told them as I was the one who made the mistake of putting him as second in command....

If you are reading this Joe, finally I have listened to your sister who has not insulted me like you and kept her calmness. She was obviously the one I should have listened to as she doesn't have the raging temper you have, and Freedomville I am sorry if he channels his hatred of me at you as you have said before that he has done so. I have stood my ground and not let your threats to leave make my decision waver Joe, I was not pleased with the way you handeled the region, and unlike you I do not constantly lie, and I would not lie like you wanted me to, and tell you that I liked the way you handeled the region, because you obviously did a pretty horrible job, declaring war on an innocent region and such when your superior ordered you not. Why would I congratulate you on what you did? If you think you are so much better then you can think that, but I think not. Sorry Joe. Sorry I could not lie and tell you that I thought you did a good job. I refuse to lie, and just because that is your nature does not make it mine. I have opinions and I have the right to voice them. If you don't have the balls to take it then by leaving I think you made the right decision! I have grown weary of your pathetic insults such as "drop dead you buthead dictator" and such. I do not wish to hear from you again. You my haughty foe shall never tame me, and we shall flourish great and free whilst you are in woe at our renown. I have no exalted opinion as to the calibre of your intelligence.

Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut who held his ground!

Imperial Renaissance/The Interim

After Jtopian left the region began to flourish again. The regional population had quadrupled since he left, and many of the nations he drove away returned, and there were no more fights. Happiness ran rampant. Then he returned after about two or so months, under the name JP Alliance. Tensions began rising again when he declared war on Most Great Britannia, however, he quickly backed down and retreated after his army was replused. Then a much bigger problem arouse.

The Crown and Empire have been Assaulted!

Opening Statement by His Majesty, King Dylan Peacock in the High Court case Most Great Britannica vs. Burtontastic: I, Most Great Britannia, His Majesty of this Imperial Realm, hereby submit a suit against The Colony of Burtontastic. My complaint is simple. He has not only broken various laws, endeavoured to incite rebellion, but has further insulted The People of Our Region, attempted to tear us apart, play sides, butter people up and play them against others to cause hatred, amongst other things. Further, he is in the process of trying to have a military coup on this region and install a military dictatorship. However, he has been caught in the act, and the amount of evidence is astounding. I propose that hitherto he be banished from the region, as regional law requires expulsion for these crimes of the highest degree, and that he be permanently disenfranchised from the region and her people. Besides committing crimes of the highest nature, he has also proven to be a character of the utmost contempt. He generates posts insulting people, and then right after starts “buttering them up,” to make them go against me, FV, or whomever. That is in the process of organising a rebellion, is not in dispute, for he has been doing so indiscretely.

Let us begin with the evidence, shall we? I will first explain what he has said and done to break regional law, then show the flaws in his person.

His telegrams and posts are in open violation of the Misbehaviourial act which clearly states in the first section:

Quote: It is agreed by this present Assembly, and by this act declared, that for any man to sue words of contempt against the King or His Representatives, especially in the execution of his office, is against good manners, and misbehaviour; and his penalty shall be, to be bound to appear at the High Court, where such matters are to be Tryed: where, being lawfully convict by his Peers, he shall be bound to the verdict agreed upon. Also may it be known that it is a rude act of Misconduct to demand the resignation of His Majesty from his eternal position on the Throne. Further, via the Constitution, it is illegal to try and preemptively end the Reign of a Regional Delegate to the United Nations. It is also ejectable behaviour to create civil unrest when there has been no wrong committed (i.e., Complaining about nothing just to cause disturbance and sully the name of another Citizen due to one’s own immaturity and inability to realise that acting like that is distasteful and scornful). Perjury is also banishable behaviour.

He has completely slandered me unnecessarily, which is against the act, he has demanded my resignation, which is impossible and against the act. He has also attempted to usurp the delegacy without election and before the current delegate has completed her term and implant a military dictatorship. Also, he is creating continuous civil strife (this does not include the rebellion attempt) where I had done no wrong, and just to create discord against me and sully my good name. Further he has lied repeatedly on the regional message board and in Telegrams stating that FreedomvilleAT’s term runs out at 100 days. That is also the date he has planned for the heinous crimes he hopes to commit.

May we now get into discourse about his other crimes. The Colony of Burtontastic has further concocted a crime to preemptively end Freedomville’s term, which goes against the “Regional Endorsement Act,” Which proclaims “Article 1: No member of Empires of Earth may campaign for endorsements outside the designated election period.”As the evidence provided proves he is guilty of such. He has not only done that, but tried planned to take over the region far before Freedomville’s term is even over, let alone try and take endorsements from her before elections happen. The penalty for violation is “subjection to Federal prosecution and/or expulsion.”

He has further violated the Rebellion Act which states: Quote: “Article 1 May it be agreed and enacted by this present Assembly, that no inferiour shall rise up or rebel against his superiour, especially such to whom he more directly owes faith, duty, and ready obedience; it being altogether unsuitable to civil order, which by the authority of our Charter we purpose to propagate; wherefore, we do declare that we count it a kind of Rebellion for a servant to threat, assault, or strike his master, or the region; and the penalty for a threat or assault shall be, to be bound to his good behaviour; for striking especially if it be maliciously, to be sent to the High Court. It is also a kind of Rebellion to withstand an arrest, and the execution of Judgment; the penalty to be bound to his good behaviour, and to be judged by his Peers. Punishment for rebellion, if found guilty, shall range from banishment to banning from the forum for a certain amount of time, depending on the severity. Banishment from the forum or region may be permanent, temporary, or until he/she has humbled themselves to His Majesty’s satisfaction.

(In Laymen's terms, This basically means, if someone is to rebel, plots to over-throw the government or region, threatens it, or threatens HM the King, they are to be tried by the High Court and it shall be decided their fate.)”

He has further violated article IV, Section 1 of the constitution.

Finally, he has also violated the “Regional Delegate Act.”

Evidence against Burtontastic, 17 pages worth of his heinous crimes, has been collected . This is based on the “Escapade of Douchbaggery” thread, but is purely evidence with no other posts.

A good though terse analysis of his character was put together by Rt. Hon. Chris.:

Quote: Should he be brought to court, he would be cut down where he stood in a midst of logic and reason. Two things he does not possess and lacks the ability to judge himself and others around him. He calls himself "charming" and "nice" when he is dull and childish in his replies and very rude. Though the most alarming thing is, is that he has an extreme case of short term memory loss. He forgets all of his previous posts when he decides to post again. I fail to see how he "Offered the olive branch of peace" when he himself clearly posted he wanted to start a heated debate and changes his story and reasoning to gain backing and allies. This is the worst of personalities and I would hate to see such infest our glorious region. Though as being in the Supreme Court I can only act within the means of my position as according to law. Thusly I can only act within the means of the law. If he has not violated a law that has a punishment as high as banishment than he cannot be banished. Plain and simple. Though if he has I will throw the book at him so to speak.

Summary: He has erupted in open insurrection, with mission in mind to usurp the delegacy and install a military dictatorship and topple our prosperous realm into oblivion. He has generated malicious, deceivingly obsequious, contemptible posts ab initio. His caddish behaviour has not gone unnoticed by many, and the list of grievances has piled up. Verily he has tried to damage the image of many, most namely Freedomville and myself. Therefore, I shall seek him to proceed hither to partake in defending himself. Otherwise, he will be declared guilty. He planned revolution was nine days hence. His Grievances shall not go unnoticed, we pay heed to all said, and we will Never Give up,

Never Forget, and Never Forgive. I will not cease from mental strife, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, ‘till we have banned Burtontastic, from our Green and pleasant land!

Great Civilizations do not fall, until destroyed from With-in