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This article deals with Christianity as it relates to NationStates. For more general information, see the Wikipedia article on this subject.

Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament. Christianity in Nationstates encompasses numerous religious traditions that widely vary by culture , as well as very diverse beliefs and sects. Christianity has been grouped into three main branches: Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism.

The role of Christianity in the NS World


In Nationstates, Christianity plays a somewhat different role in a number of nations than it does it most nations in the RL world. While there is doubtlessly a relatively large number of nations where Christianity is somewhat comparable to its RL equivalent, the extremist "fundamentalist" forms of it tend to get the greater amount of attention in NS (as the exception tends to be more noticed that the rule), so most of the article shall focus on that.


The more radical versions of Christianity in NS tend to have quite a few things in common, and although not all of them are equal, a majority of comparable traits can generally be found wherever this more violent forms show up.

  • Homophobia, that is, the persecution of homosexuals merely for their sexual inclinations (as opposed to acts) seems to be quite common in "fundamentalist" countries.
  • Inquisitions exist in quite a few Christian nations, especially Catholic ones (in spite of the doctrinally binding Second Vatican Council document[| Dignitatis Humanae] that compels Catholics to believe religious freedom to be a human right.)
  • Organised Persecution of competing religious groups is common (With exceptions. Most Reich nations tend to consider muslims as being equal). Genocide is a daily phenomenon.


There are actually quite a few nations where christianity is somewhat... Well, abused in order to be evil.

Iesus Christi is possibly one of the best- known examples. It is also one of the more conventional ones. Claiming to be a Roman Catholic nation, it more accurately promotes a Naziesque ideology with a Catholic coating, using Christ, Mary, the Gospels and the saints to promote all kinds of genocide, atrocity and horror.

Endless Crimes is a Reich nation like Iesus Christi, with a very odd version of Christianity, featuring genemod angels. It also bans sex and procreation, despite 1 Timothy 4:3's warning against false prophets forbidding people to marry (and, it is implied, procreate).

Infinite Loving is one of the oddest examples. Here, Homosexuality is not illegal, but mandatory, while heterosexuality is frowned upon, and used only for procreational purposes. Women are considered nothing more but wombs.

Stuck in the middle

Then there are nations that, in trying to play out their Christianity, get stuck in between the "Christian fascists" and their non-Christian opponents. One example of this is the Republic of Syskeyia, whose quarrels with the Reich concerning human rights, elves and so forth or well known, but whose orthodox Catholicism threw it in trouble with some of its friends in the now-defunct South Atlantic Treaty Organization, especially the Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss.