The Skankin Penguins

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The Skankin Penguins
Flag of The Skankin Penguins
Motto: Pick-it-up....Pick-it-up...Pick-it-up....Pick-it-up
Political Physical
Region The land of Nonsense
Capital Cape Town
Official Language(s) Scat
Leader Dude McFarllen
Population ~200 million
Currency SKen 
NS Sunset XML

'UN Member'

A country of penguins, who enjoy to listen to Ska music. Within the World Leaders of Nonsense, this country is located in Southern Africa, as for Nation States the map is in progress. We are allied with the Mideval Tin foil army in our ever increasing war against the Polar Bears.


NS Statistics

  • UN Category: Left Leaning College State
  • Civil Rights:Supurb
  • Economy:Developing
  • Political Freedoms: Very good
  • Location: The Land Of Nonsense
  • Regional Influence: Eminence Grise

National favorites

  • Song- Ruder Than Roots- The SKalatones
  • Bird: Penguin
  • Hatred: Polar Bears, emoness
  • Heros: Chuck Norris, Lincoln, Spiderman, Gandhi, Desmond Dekker, willie
  • Movie- Its Pat
  • Sport- Fishing
  • Music- SKa
  • Happy Hour- 2 AM.
  • Dance: Interpretave Dance Stylings of the Ancient Incans
  • Food: Sushi
  • Drink:Beer
  • Number: 241
  • Color: Yellow, Blue, Black and white
====Divisions of the Two Tone Army====
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">aas.jpg
the amphibious assault squad taking a hill
  • Penguin National Guard: PNG -Protects our boarders and coastlines, and ingage in any land battle
  • Amphibious Assault Squad:AAS -Defends or attacks on coastline and to use both land and water to our advantage
  • International Penguin Navy:IPN -To ensure free trade umong the seas, and keep from any other nation's Navy from controlling them. and to aid the AaS, PNG, Sky Squad, and Mideval Tin Foil Army.
  • Sky Squad - To defend against any foreign airial threat.
  • The Planet Smashers - To aid in any tactical situation where special help is needed.

Government Leaders

~In order of succession

  1. Chief Skamperor (Magnus Guy)- Dude McFarllen
  2. Subordanate Chief- Willey
  3. Executive Party Skanager- Dude the Penguin
  4. Executive Defensive Skategist- Cosmos Kramer
  5. Executive Musical Skanager- Desmond Dekker
  6. Executive International Ska'er- Gandhi
  7. Executive Cival Sevices Skanager- Lincoln
  8. Executive Health & Humane Services Skaperative- Jeff Jas


  • National Protest DayJanuary 1st- Day to protest Gandhi stlye
  • Rememberance Day Febuary 41st (we skip the 28 and go the the 41st)Day do remember the penguins stopping to polar bear invasion
  • Skank it up weekFirst week of march penguins must SKank while doing anything they are doing:walking, eating, mating
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">4438058_l.gif
The Dance Move of the Penguins
  • Pick it up weekSecond week fo March, pengiuns pick up trash and help the environemnt
  • Magnus Guy DayMarch 23, Penguins get a day off for their leader
  • National enter Rooms oddly day From Kramer, May 5 Everyone must enter rooms like Cosmos
  • Tour De Dude May 15ish, the first race in the penguins bike tour
  • National Anarchy Day June 1st, no government
  • First Major Wave July 20th, the damn over Maputo is release giving off a major wave
  • Fishing Finals August 20-31 the best penguins fish for the Golden Shrimp
  • Tour de Lincoln September 1st the last Tour of the penguins bike tour
  • Halloween October 31st children go out for candy
  • Second Major Wave December 20th, the second wave for Maputo is released
  • Baseball Championships- December 31st, the world championship of baseball
  • Friday Friday is a holiday here, every friday
  • Discriminate the Discriminators Day A day against Facism and Racism on July 31st.
  • Roundhouse Kick day Involve Roundhouse kickin into your daily activities on March 10th
  • Waffle Day March 25th a day to eat waffles
  • St. Olavs Day July 27th a day to eat meat


The Skankin penguins are Liberal Consitutinal Democratic Socialists. In other words, penguins elected a emperor (Magnus Guy) for them, Dude McFarllen, who crafted a Constutution for them. We have a 3 Branch system roughly based on John Lockes principles, only more democratic and sexier The Branches:

  • Confuto Villa (Senate)The Penguins have a Senate which creates laws, each land sends 3 members to vote in the senate. The senate creates and votes on laws for the emperor to finally sign and accnolage. The Senate is also the first the highest court, although no funding goes into law and order, they really just vote on laws
  • Magnus Guy (The Big Guy) Emperor (Magnus Guy) vetoes or accepts laws, he/she is also in charge of the military.
  • Populus (the people) The people are the 3rd branch with finally votes for the issue. Voting age is 17 for people years and 2 in penguin years. The people have the final say on if a law passes.

The government is extremely liberal, so liberal we allow nudism, and still socialist, givin high taxes to fund many government programs which aid the penguins. The government is responsible for military actions, making everyone lifes easier, and throwing daily parties.


Currently the Penguins are in an economic slump. Our currency the SKen is equal to 5 US dollars. We have a large industry of book publishing, soda sales, and arms manufacturing. And we estimate people are reading less since our economy is around making books. Tons of money is poured into medicine as the government provides free health care, along with medicines.


We have an extensive education system where every penguin gets to go to not only school but college. Most of our funding goes to education which averages about 25-60 billion dollars. The Medical Field is thriving and is the most studied subject, expetially Dentistery. English spelling isn't even offered, cause english spelling suks. Plus kids are banned from using cell phones so they can concentrate on the class, but they are allowed to wear what ever they'd like.


Cars are banned, which led to the downfall of the Auto industery. and all penguins ride Giant Bikes (thats Giant the company not as in large bikes). Plus an extensive slip n slide system has been made to allow penguins to slide to their destination. all bikes are state owned so Penguins commonly leave their bikes at the start of the slip n slide for the government to pike up and redistribute into the populus again.


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A shore from Cape Town

The penguins are protected species. The terrain of the land has a mix of african jungle, african savana, african coastlines, and alpalation mountains. We have tons of rivers made so the penguins can access the mainland.


Rudey Strip

Rudey Stip is along the Western coast of the island and has a Charparel/Beach/Medditeranean Climate from the shores to the Rudey mountain Ranges. The Southern portion has traces of Tropical Rain forest as it descends into Fenderville. The Rudey Ranges has the highest amount of Snowfall in the nation giving it prime snowboarding territory. Penguins from here are known for being Rude, and take it as a compliment.

  • =====Major Cities=====
    • Humboldt- Humboldt is the training ground for the Two Two Army, it is right on the mix of the charparel climate and Tropical climate, plus it has various features, such as rapids as the Rudey river pours into the sea.
    • Walvis Bay- Walvis is a major Naval production facility, holding a great deal of the countries navy.A penguin made barrier was put up to prevent swells, giving the bay nice calm water. The blockade was made with old pirate ships, penguins today still dive down to find treasure.
    • Macaroni Pt.- Macaroni is famous for having the largest slip n slide ramp. The record is a 400ft jump set in 1999. This peninsula is known for the most liberal city, usually having complete anarchy. Penguins constantly go there to party.

Reel Big Land

Reel Big Land shares the Rudey Mountains with the Rudey Strip. But the majority of the largest province is African Savanah. With many rivers leading into Reel Big Lake. Just like the Rudey Strip, the south is mainly Tropical forest.

  • =====Major Cities=====
    • Snares Point- A city on the Reel Big Lake- Snares point is all about relaxing, featuring the largest health care sector in the nation. Penguins come by to get away from the constant partying along the coast. Although, by Law, Snares point still has parties, just with an equally acceptable type of music: Jazz fusion.

Ska Plains

Like the Reel Big Land, Ska plains has a lot of African plains. Yet Ska Plains also has the largest mountain ridge, the Desmond Mountains. Along with the tallest city Babylon. Plus Ska Plains is the origen of the longest river- Rudey River.

  • =====Major Cities=====
    • Babylon- Babylon is known for having many extreme sports. Their ski/snowboard/bellyboard runs are the toughest in the nation. Babylon is also a center for miliatry training, troops must make their way from Cape Town to Babylon before being admited fully into the Two Tone Army.


Dekker is along the eastern coast and features the warmest areas in the nation. Here provides the best surfing areas. Here the climate is semi-tropical, featuring many tropical trees, yet not the tree density of a normal tropical climate. Giant rocks are another feature of the region, being found from all the way from the base of the Dekker mountains to the shore. This region has a high population of Rockhopper penguins due to the rocks.

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A Rockhopper Penguin which is commonly found in Dekker
</div> ======Major Cites=====
    • Beira- Beira is with the top 3 naval base in the country. It is also second economically. A major feature is T-rex rock. A major rock which resembles a giant T-rex which appears to eat the city. A picture is feature of the 1SK bill.
    • Maputo- Maputo is a major surfing area. Due to a recent government damming project, a dam has cause the Babylon river to split into three and overflow causing damage to the city. But the government soves the solution by twice a year letting the water drain at once from the dam, creating waves down the 3 rivers. The wave mix with the ocean waves at an angle, created massive waves that thousands ride a year.


Fenderville is completely tropical exept for the most northern tip. Penguins here live in treehouses high up in trees and move by a large amounts of slip n slides and bicycle paths. Fenderville is also the least populated. In the center the jungle is so dense, some villages are recorded to be 200 ft off the ground. Fenderidge is a completely tropical mountain range receiving the most rainfall. The coast also has a mediteranean climate

  • ======Major Cities=====
    • Shanty Town- Shanty Town is a tropical city along the Rudey River. This town is famed for having the most grass huts. The city is very hard to notice, as it blends in very well, yet it is the 3rd largest city. The town is noticible at night as they also have the largest night shows, with fireworks. Shanty Town is also responsible for 2/3 of the countries fires.
    • Fort Knox- Fort Knox is the largest military base and is a perfect square fort on top of a hill on the northernmost part of Fenderville. The Fort is heavily gaurded as that is also the biggest recording studio in the nation.


Skaos encompases the most variety in climate factors. The African savana comes from the North West comming right up to the coast. The Tropical forest comes from the west and eventually turns into the savanah.The mountaious climate of Babylon continues on the east coast. And the shores are mediteranean, along with some swampland near Funkey Kingston.

  • =====Major Cities=====
    • Funkey Kingston- Funkey Kingston is a city of first wavers, known for a "accent" we call funkey scat. Kingston is big on law and politics and therefore is given the nickname land of kings. Since the city is on Kingston lake and surrounded by marshes, the are a great deal of watersports
    • East London- East London is a major technological breeding ground. Here is the largest building, a whole 10 stories. It is saw as one of the most advanced cities.
    • Port Elizabeth- Port Elizabeth is the international center, keeping our UN delagets, ambassators, and international headquaters, the city also has the option of being the center for the Regions delegation. Plus the majority of international trade happend in the port.

Ska Land

Ska land is a remarkable land due to the beach like climate all around. Even inland one can smell the beach air. The coast is the most beutiful of the country.Inland is the contunued meditaranean climate becoming more tropical the more inland. SKa land has the majority of the population along with the two largest cites.

  • =====Major Cities======
    <div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">za_capetown_table_mountain_aerial_225x150.jpg
    a picture of capetown
    • Cape Town- Cape town is the Capital, largest city, and military focus of the nation. Here it is law that one must wear a Cape. Cape Town also has the calmest shores with the most offshore mini-islands.
    • Knysna- Knysna is the 2nd largest city and has the biggest fishing industery, the main fish- shrimp. Knysna is also the educational power house having the UPK- University of Penguins of Knysna the leading university.s


  • Area 241 Is a secret military base, which its location is not to be given. But many of the technologies made for the penguins are invented there.


This one time at band camp....

penguins were rockin out havin a awesome party. But there was a polar bear camp for obese kids accross the lake, and they did not enjoy the fact that they were fat and having no fun, and the penguins, being awesome, were havin a awesome time. So the polar bears went over to the penguins camp one night and smashed all their guitars, drank all their coke, and drove off all the cars back to their camp.

From this moment on penguins hated polar bears. They vowed revenge by deciding to party twice as hard.

What soon came after was known as SKa

and they had a SKawesome time

The Story continues in the Full History of the Skankin Penguins

Diplomacy in the land of Nonsense

With Ghandi as the international Ska'nager for the penguins, the Skankin penguins have kept up peacful relationships with all the new nations springing up in the land of nonsense.

  • Ed Fantastic These boarder sharing neighbors have gave little problems to the penguins. Immagration has been solve by Ed Fantastic creating Boarder Control center, and the penguins lining the boarder with obstacles and filming the citizens of Ed trying to get into the country as a game show. The Penguins saw it vital to keep the boarder peaceful as penguins (already not too good on land) could not hold up a fight against waves of stampeding mini elaphants which inhabit Ed's countryside. Trade is somewhat irrelivant as both countries don't care about economics
  • Caviar Eaters The leaders of both countries keep in close contact with one another. Even though their governments have different political views, the two leaders are often found debating the issues and politics of the region. Open trade is provided between the nations
  • The Isle of Dukia The Penguins openly support the Ducks being the regional UN delagate.
  • Crazy Friggen Monkeys Being the 2nd closest country, and on an island just off of the penguin's shores, the Skankin Penguins keep good relations with the Monkeys. Agreement between the nations are easily reached as they share the same views in politics, music, partying, and taxation.
  • Kholem The penguins openly trade with the Kholi people. And even though they are rebels of the Caviar Eaters, the penguins try to keep out of the conflict, keeping focus on the Polar bear threat.
  • Ryanland and Korealand The Penguins see this country as immoral with their capalistic ways. But still remain neutral with the country.
  • Gordanios The penguins don't trust the war hungry leader of this country

The penguins have no outlook on any other countries at the moment.

the Penguin's Flag


External Links - Website of the Penguins of SKa -Nation States NS economy