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Flag of Toopoxia
Motto: Acids and Death
Region Democratic Union
Capital Volitaia
Official Language(s) Russian, Latin
Leader David Du'Font
Population 500,000-1,000,000
Currency Poxican Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

Toopoxia, (Russian: TYПOXCЯ Tupochsya Latin: Volitolia Folitolia) Officially the Corporate Empire of Toopoxia, is a Middle Eastern nation in the Democratic Union (outside colony) it borders Hydac to the North and UME to the South.

The nation covers an area of around 1,001,450 km² (386,560 square miles) and borders the Volitaian sea to the South East and lake Lunin to the south.

Toopoxia is not the most populous nation on the Earth but it enjoys a moderate size capable of influencing international events, the vast majority of people live on the banks of the Volitaia River where the capitol Volitaia sits and arable farmland can be found, a large portion of Toopoxia, especially the south, is desert land which has been made perfect for weapons testing.

Toopoxia is made famous for the mysterious Volitaian race who owned the territory before Toopoxia, there are temples and structures still remaining from this civilisation which has boosted the tourist industry into a major source of economy.


Early Settlements

Volitaia was first settled in 406 BC by Arabian explorers, they found the site to be perfect and colonised the inner towns and cities of Volitaia, North Volitaia and Naibe, the early Volitaians never really explored out of the region, they did take excursions down the River and made contact with neighbouring states, Archeological evidence suggests that around 82 AD the Volitaians faced a deadly plague due to their overcrowded population, the last records of an organised Volitaian state come from 104 AD when the survivors made a journey to better climates and less disease.

Volitaia then exchanged hands many times, different Arabic nations came to power and ebbed away, the last of these empires claimed that Volitaia was an accursed place filled with the thousands of ghosts who died in the plague, after this no-one claimed Volitaia for approximately 300 years, nations even withdrew from the place as not to be sucked into the curse.

Early Toopoxia

The region was left untouched until refugees from the Far East came seeking a home in the 1400's, they had not heard of the tales and simply took it as an unclaimed territory, they kept the old town names but brought along the name of their former nation, Toopoxia, the civilisation expanded quickly towards the natural and national borders, they made contact with other nations who first warned them of the curse.

The Easterners scoffed at the idea and simply decided not to listen, as such they found themselves cut off from the neighbouring nations, they couldn't trade, the citizens wern't allowed into other nations and diplomatic talks on the region never recognised Toopoxia, confused the Toopoxicans decided to proove the curse didn't exist, they have put into law plans which would ensure the existence of their nation.

Modern Toopoxia

As the nation entered into the 21st century it found itself becomming quite isolationist and violent to outsiders, this was in response to the years of racial hatred to the Poxicans, now the average citizen is quite racist themselves, there have been reports of brawls in foreign nations, riots on the streets of Volitaia, national pride has indeed swept the nation and in 1995 Poxicans elected into power Nationalist David Du'Font.

Now in Modern Times Toopoxia has to show its might as a power of the region by invading the territories once hating of Toopoxia.


Toopoxia is surrounded on the North and South by desert, on the West it is walled off by the Luni Mountain range, on the East it borders Volitaia Bay, the Volitaia River also runs through the center of nation giving its name to the Capitol Volitaia and the town Lower Volitaia, the landscape within is mostly arid desert, the area directly around the River Volitaia is highly fertile due its constant flooding, the Luni Mountains open up to allow for a trade route at the Regi Luni Mountain Pass, the River Volitaia also serves as a key trading point, the nation borders Hydac to the North and the United Middle East to the South.


Toopoxia has a varying economy which depends really on the flooding of the River Volitaia, the Oil reserves are unusually low for a nation in the Middle East with such Oil rich neighbours, of course there is the radical alternative of sifting gold from the Volitaia, below is a list of the industries which make up Toopoxias economy.

- Farming 36%

- Arms Manufacturing 14% (see also: Toopoxican Organisation)

- Gold 6%

- Oil 15%

- Fishing 9%

For the moment the economy is thriving mostly from the Toopoxican organisation and the sales of Oil which both together make up a large profit, farming does dominate the market but it's rarely used as a trading tool and more as a commodity.


Despite having been surrounded on two sides by Arabic nations Toopoxia is not Arabic, the people infact pride themselves on being Atheist rather than the viewed image of an Islamic Arabian, despite there is still a lot of nations who will automatically class Toopoxia as "just another Arabic Terrorist nation"

Toopoxicans are split between two distinct stereotypes, there are what the people have called the "intellegentia" who typically end up in high class jobs and locations, Volitaia seems to be a prime location for these types of people and there have been many fights between the intellegentia and the "sílinidj" Who are the working class of the nation, derived from the Russian word for Strong and taken from the phrase "Strength of Body means Weak of Mind" basically this phrase is given not only to the strong but to the unintelligent aswell.

Toopoxicans enjoy the main industries of Gambling (which the goverment is now attempting to shut down) Reading (a primarilly intellegentia hobby) and Shopping (a sílinidj hobby) but it does not stop there, there is a booming Film and Music industry, more popular is the Toopoxican made films but usually foreign musical influences reach the top of the music charts, other pastimes include sports, Football, Rugby and Hockey imparticular, strong sílinidj seem to excel in this field as they are easily able to overpower the weaker Intelligentia.


Education is expensive, being owned by Private companies, the largest chain of educational centers seems to be owned by "Ticking Minds" A division of the Toopoxican Organisation, this company offers 12 years of Education, the first three being free, the classes are divided into two, the first being the Male Intelligentia who are taught History, Philosophy, Physical Education, Russian, Latin, Weapons Training, Tactics, Law, Geography, Maths and Economics, the Female Intelligentia are taught Home-making, Child Raising, Genetics, Cooking and simple Maths.

The Lucky few Silinidj who gain scholarships are taught Maths, Russian, Latin, History, Art and Music, the females are taught basically the same, this class division is seen mostly in education than in other places, but in being a Privately owned company there is nothing the Silinidj can do but to hope their son or daughter is on a course.


Full Article: Toopoxican Military

The Toopoxican Military is heavily controlled by the Toopoxican Organisation who supplies weaponary, funding, equipment and has control of large portions of the military, the military concentrates on special forces, specifically marksmen but also has a large expendable infantry branch and a small light Armour branch, the naval forces are currently poorly designed simply required to hold off an enemy giving enough time to land forces.

Toopoxican uniform is a one-piece blue fireproof suit with a kevlar vest and helmet each in Poxican Nightshade (Naval Blue with grey streaks) a standard equipment list is a scope, medical kit, radio, grenades and a knife, along with the P21 assult rifle, special forces are given far more equipment and training but retain the original standards of soldiers, Dress Uniform is a Naval Blue Suit and a similar cap, medals are to be worn at all formal occasions and hair is required to be shorter than 2" all over.