The Italian Union

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The Italian Union
Flag of The Italian Union
Motto: Motto for Sale
Region Zurich
Capital Central
Official Language(s) English and Italian
Leader Rylan Wall
Population 100-500 million
Currency Zuro (Z$) 
NS Sunset XML


The Allied States of the Italian Union (ASIU)'s government is run in an American type of democracy, and is centered in the capital city of Central. It governs 73 states, 12 territories, and 2 economic districts.

Political Parties

Corporate National Party (CN)

This is the majority party in parliament, and is the party in power of the Executive Branch. The party represents the buisnesses of the Italian Union, so they focus on passing economic freedom laws and keep taxes low.

Economic Left/Right: 6.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.72

Liberty Party (L)

The Liberty Party was founded to protect the freedoms of the Italian Union citizens. As such they push for civil and political rights advocacy laws.

Economic Left/Right: 2.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.67

Moralistic Social Party (MS)

This party is backed by the majority religion (Roman Catholic) in the Italian Union, therefore they represent the church's values. The party doesn't take any sides on issues dealing with economics and political freedoms unless it somehow involves religion and values.

Economic Left/Right: -2.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 5.59

Communist Party of the Union (C)

The Communist Party is very liberal when it comes to the economy, making it a rival of the Corporate National Party.

Economic Left/Right: -8.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.10

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch of the government deals with making and passing laws for the nation. It is headed by the Parliament which consists of Senators. These Senators are elected by the citizens of the Italian Union. There is one representing each state, and none representing territories and economic districts. Elections for Senators are held every four years. Term limit is set at 3 terms. Parliament elections are decided by popular vote in the state. pi20060701a1.jpg

Senator Party Breakdown

This shows how many seats are held by each Party.

  • Corporate National Party: 32
  • Liberty Party: 15
  • Moralistic Social Party: 22
  • Communist Party of the Union: 4

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch of the government heads up the military and dictates some domestic and foreign policy. Currently it is lead by Allied Chancellor Rylan Wall of the Corporate National Party. Elections are held for the Allied Chancellor every 7 years, and our decided on the Electoral College system. Term limit is set to unlimited terms.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch of the government is the court system of the country where laws are interpreted and sentencing for breaking these laws is carried out. It is headed up by the Allied Supreme Court. The Allied Supreme Court consists of seven judges, and the judges go up for election every 10 years. All the citizens of the Italian Union vote one vote for a judge canidate and the seven most popular judges make up the Allied Supreme Court. Term limit is set to unlimited terms.


The military is commanded by the Executive Branch, therefore is lead by the Allied Chancellor. The Italian Union's military is also a member in the Zurich Armed Services meaning that the Allied Chancellor reports to Zurich Military High Command. There is no draft currently in effect, though the government reserves the right to reinstate one. All military equipment is American designed, and manufactured in the Italian Union. The military is rather simple, manufacturing only a few types of each vehicle/aircraft/etc. But the Italian Union manufactures alot of each of those types. The nation spends about 20-30% of its national budget on the military.



There are three branches in the military.


The Italian Union's army is lead by Colonel John Jackson. The army is in charge of ground based military operations, and is responsible to patrol land border crossings. It consists of infantry, tanks, infantry vehicles, and other support ground units.
Infantry Vehicles:

  • AAVP7A1 Amphibious Personnel
  • Bradley Fighting Vehicle M-2
  • LAV-AT Wheeled Anti-Tank
  • M113 Armored Personnel Carrier


  • M1 Abrams Tank
  • M1A2 Tank

Other Vehicles

  • HMMWV High Mobility M/P Wheeled
  • M93A1 - NBC Reconaissance
  • LAV-R Wheeled Recovery



The Italian Union's navy is lead by Admiral Ray Rome. It is in charge of sea military operations, and is responsible to guard territorial waters. It consists of patrol craft, transport/landing ships, aircraft carries, submarines, and other combatant ships.
Patrol Craft

  • Cyclone Class Coastal Patrol Boats
  • YP Yard Patrol Craft

Transport/Landing Boats

  • LST - Newport Class Tank Landing Ships
  • Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC)
  • Landing Craft, Mechanized and Utility (LCM/LCU)
  • AOE - Combat Supply Ships

Aircraft Carries

  • CVN68 - Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier
  • CVN65 - Enterprise Class Aircraft Carrier


  • SSN21 - Seawolf Class Attack Submarine
  • SSN688 - Los Angeles Class Fast Attack Submarine
  • SSBN726 - Ohio Class Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine
  • SSBN - Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines

Other Combatant Ships

  • BB61 - Iowa Class Battleship
  • FFG7 - Oliver Hazard Perry Class Guided Missile Frigate
  • DD963 - Spruance Class Destroyer
  • LHA - Tarawa Class Amphibious Assault Ship



The Italian Union's Airforce is lead by Air Cheif Marshal Rebecca Williams. The Airforce is in charge of air military operations, and is also responsible for guarding the Italian Union's airspace. It consists of cargo planes, recon craft, helicopters, strategic bombers, and tactical aircraft.
Cargo Planes

  • C-130 Hercules
  • C-9 Skytrain
  • C-141B Starlifter

Recon Craft

  • SR-71 Blackbird
  • U-2S


  • AH-1W Super Cobra
  • MH-53J Pave Low IIIE
  • MH-6 'Little Bird'

Strategic Bombers

  • B-2 Spirit
  • B-52 Stratofortress
  • P-3C Orion

Tactical Aircraft

  • F-22 Raptor
  • AV-8B Harrier II
  • F-15E Strike Eagle
  • F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet



The Italian Union has a robust non-nuclear missile system that allows missiles to be launched from ground, air, or sea.

  • Prefered Ground to Ground Missile: MLRS Guided
  • Prefered Ground to Air Missile: MIM-104 Patriot
  • Prefered Air to Ground Missile: AGM-65 Maverick
  • Prefered Air to Air Missile: AIM-7 Sparrow
  • Prefered Air to Ship Missile: AGM-84 Harpoon
  • Prefered Ship to Ground Missile: BGM-109 Tomahawk
  • Prefered Ship to Air Missile: RIM-7 Sea Sparrow
  • Prefered Ship to Ship Missile: AGM-84 Harpoon
  • Prefered Ship to Submarine Missile: RUM-139 VL ASROC
  • Prefered Submarine to Ground Missile: BGM-109 Tomahawk
  • Prefered Submarine to Ship Missile: MGM-52 Sea Lance
  • Prefered Submarine to Submarine Missile: UUM-44 SUBROC


Nuclear Weapons

Just recently the Italian Union started its nuclear weapons program and only currently has the Trident I UGM-93A nuclear missile that launches from a ballistic missile submarine.

Missile Defense Program

Unlike the Italian Union's nuclear program, its anti-missile program is very developed. The program uses both ground and space sensors to detect incoming missiles, and then uses either the Patriot Missile System, Airborn Lasers, or Ground Based Interceptors to intercept the missile depending on the situation.


The Italian Union's economy is considered to be free market with the government controling no resources themselves, but it does tax imports and exports. The government also taxes the income of its citizens.

Economic Facts


Since the Italian Union is a member of the region Zurich every native in Zurich is automatically an ally. Also all the alliance treaties that Zurich has with other regions makes the Italian Union allies with every native nation in those regions.


These are some historical events that have happended in the Italian Union(Currently only includes recent history).

Civil War

7/26/06 to 8/20/06

The states Basilio, Melania, Patrizio, and North Rufino declared independence from the Italian Union. Those states are represented by the four Communist Party Senators, so it is believed they want to seperate because they are minority in the political process. Then the Separatism Act, proposed by Senator Ron Rhineman (MS), was voted on and passed 65 to 4 in parliament (only 69 votes because of the 4 separatist Senators). The bill summed up states that any separation will not be tolerated and will be stopped by force if necesary. Allied Chancellor Wall approved this bill, officially making it a law. The Independent States of the Italian Union (ISIU), what the separatist states are calling their new government, failed to comply with the Separatism Act, so the Allied States of the Italian Union declared war on The Independent States of the Italian Union. Military air strikes immediately started pounding into the ISIU which prompted them to strike back with artillery fire. This exchange went on for seven days before a huge ground force was sent into the rebel states to bring them back under control. It took three months of intense fighting before the Independent States surrendered to the Allied States with causalities in the tens of thousands on both sides. The rebel states have gotten full states rights back, and held emergency elections to elect new representatives (governers, senators, etc.). The Communist Party still ended up remaining in power in those states.

Arms Exportation Rights Act Passed into Law


Bill 132, commmonly known as the Arms Exportation Rights Act, was passed into law by a vote of 57 to 16 by parliament and a signature from Allied Chancellor Wall. It allows private companies to sell military arms to foreign governments and organizations. This bill was believed to be heavily lobbied by the arms manufacturing industry in order to increase the number of buyers to raise profits. It is a highly controversial bill due to the fact that some citizens believe that the corporations can't be trusted to sell to safe and reliable organizations. The nation should see a stronger economy because of this new law.

The Italian Libertà War

9/4/06 to Present

After a rebellion in the neighboring country of Molta Autorità, the Allied Chancellor announced war against the current government and sided with the rebels. First the military destroyed Molta Autorità border military with missile and artillery attacks. (Still in progress)