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The Orsambë Valanieva or Orsavala (in English: Imperial High Bureau), functioned as the central policy making and governing body of the Marduuk Party of Greater Tomania. The body was made up of the top members of the Central Imperial Committee. In theory, it acted as the political bureau of the Central Committee, elected by them to direct the Party between the sessions of the committee and with a mandate that only covered the Party. The Orsavala was responsible to, and its membership was subject to, the approval of the Central Committee.

In reality, the Orsavala oversaw the operations of the Central Committee and made all major policy decisions, which it then passed down through the Central Committee, the Imperial Senate, Party Congress, and the Palace of Representatives. Its control extended from the Party and into government because Party personnel held all key government posts and party discipline therefore insured that Orsavala policy was implemented by all government organizations.

Members of the Orsavala

Miklós Hedikai, Iarwen ben-Adar, Elrohir Cúthalion, Maeglin Eledhwen, Elorn im-Mire, Wensicia Hedikai, Camthal Nénharma, Fingolfin Calafalas, Claritia Eärfalas, Elemmírë Vorondil, Adanadhel Aeglar, Valandil Aldaris, Elwën Melwasúl, Abryan Faelivrin, Dio im-Bashi, and Maedhros Haldir

Greater Tomania