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Flag of Xanthal
Motto: “Freedom, prosperity, and representation for all.”
available upon request.
Region SPACE
Capital Jĭn Rĭn
Official Language(s) Merfăkən
Leader Yătzĭl Ąmsi
Population approximately 6.6 billion.
Currency kwĭnąlt 
NS Sunset XML

The nation of Xanthal was founded on Earth in 1960 on the values of freedom, equality, and justice. After a mass move of the government and population to the Aellis System, which was completed in 2150, Xanthal prospered under a long line of administrations until the Humankind Empire Abh seized control of Aellis and physically moved it to their own galaxy in 2603. With the seat of power gone in the highly centralized Xanthalian government, order quickly collapsed in the two remaining Xanthalian star systems, Mirfak and Than. It wasn’t until the mid thirtieth century that these two systems and Trasnia, another former Xanthalian system that had declared its independence before the Aellis System’s disappearance, reunified under the common name of Xanthal. A complete history of Xanthal can be found here.


Xanthal lays claim to four primary solar systems, listed below. Xanthal also owns several resource systems not listed here.


The Kąnəl star is 503 light-years from Sol. Xanthal claims the entire system.

  • Planets:
    • Ąrfrdąl (hot/cold desert climates).
    • Şĭnrą (homeworld, warm temperate climates).
    • Rəm (gas giant).
    • Hafągo (gas giant).
    • Gule (gas giant).


The Merfăk star is 590 light-years from Sol. Xanthal claims the entire system, which forms the core of its operations and houses its national capital.

  • Planets:
    • Nivz (molten).
    • Feną (various rock and metal types).
    • Rənku (homeworld, subtropical climates).
    • Dănĭką (various rock and metal types).


The Ŧăn star is 584 light-years from Sol. Xanthal claims the entire system.

  • Planets:
    • Prim (molten).
    • Nəkst (gas giant).
    • Ĭmnąlą (barren rock).
    • Məgukugą (homeworld, tropical climates).
    • Kəndr (gas giant).
    • Wąkemişu (homeworld, various climates).
    • Solăs (ice planet).


The Trăzneą star is 632 light-years from Sol. Xanthal claims the entire system.

  • Planets:
    • Hadez (molten).
    • Kovəkt (gas giant).
    • Mądra (gas giant).
    • Sukąsą (barren rock).
    • Soveĭt (hot desert climates).
    • Frelănd (homeworld, various climates).


Xanthalian Constitution.
Xanthalian National Anthem.

Xanthal is a republic, with a traditional three-branch government. The executive power is vested in three Ląnălfĭne [Triumvirs], the legislative power in six hundred Ląnkąwnsle [Councilors], and the judicial power in the nine-member panel of the Diho [High Court].


Ląnălfĭne in order of seniority:


Ląnkąwnsle by political party:

  • Peputąlos Varąputąlosąl Zănŧąląl [Xanthalian Socialist Party] : 160 seats
  • Peputąlos Zilo Ląnyu Yənəkąl [Private Interest Party] : 131 seats
  • Peputąlos Ĭntrnăşonąl [Party Internationale] : 81 seats
  • Peputąlos Bugą Bəsfrąl [Domestic Defense Party] : 80 seats
  • Peputąlos Varąleutkos Ląnyuerəgąl [Democratic Capitalist Party] : 45 seats
  • Peputąlos Putąlos Ląnbəsfrąl [Nationalist Collectivization Party] : 37 seats
  • Uspeputąlose [minor parties (holding fewer than five seats)] : 30 seats
  • Ląnleutkosąle [independents] : 36 seats


Xanthal's national administrative Ministries are overseen by the Diho. These Ministries, entrusted with the everyday domestic operation of the Xanthalian government, are listed below:

  • Kuskos Oĭfnăl [Ministry of Education]
  • Kuskos Oĭnsăl [Ministry of Information]
  • Kuskos Fąbrelăl [Ministry of Development]
  • Kuskos Gorăl [Ministry of Science]
  • Kuskos Hunăl [Ministry of Security]
  • Kuskos Kwĭnoĭdlăl [Ministry of Economics]
  • Kuskos Ląnyuăl [Ministry of People]
  • Kuskos Pəleăl [Ministry of Transportation]
  • Kuskos Ŧăsăl [Ministry of Health]

Law and order

Xanthalian territory is policed by the Kuskos Gĭməs Bəsfrąl [National Security Agency], which operates under the Ministry of Security. The KGB is well funded, and its agents operate across Xanthal. The nation’s justice system focuses on rehabilitating criminals; those that cannot be rehabilitated are usually executed. Xanthalian legal code supports diplomatic immunity for minor crimes, but the government is notorious for deporting unruly foreigners.


By species

  • 42% human
  • 39% xanthalian
  • 10% than
  • 9% other

By religion

  • 50% agnostic
  • 12% athiest
  • 13% Buddhist
  • 8% Sunni
  • 5% Lutheran
  • 4% Deist
  • 8% other

Literacy and language

Literacy rate: 93%

Official language: Merfăkan [Mirfakan].

Other common languages: English, ░ְֲֳּ [Than].

Mirfakan is a simple language. Most Xanthalian citizens speak Mirfakan with at least passable fluency; members of the Thanic species being the primary exception with their lack of suitable vocal cords. The written language makes use of a phoneticized Roman alphabet to form words. Mirfakan grammatical structure is a stripped-down variation of English. Citizens of Xanthal who have reached majority are required to be able to read and write the Mirfakan language proficiently to be considered literate.

Economy, resources, and trade

Current GDP.

Essential operations in Xanthal are owned and operated by the government. The Ministry of Economics regularly collects and redistributes all currency in accordance with a 100% tax rate. One should not be misled by this figure though, as all necessities of living are provided to citizens as a public service, and the government issues substantial refunds for spending on both public and private goods and services. The public sector accounts for just over half of Xanthalian economic power.

Xanthal’s primary resource is raw materials, mostly metal ores and gases. Kąnəl is most important for the extensive agricultural activity of Şĭnrą, though Ąrfrdąl’s military facilities are significant and essential to the nation’s defense. Merfăk supports large commercial markets, mostly on Rənku. Ŧăn focuses its economic efforts on industrial output, especially Wąkemişu; Məgukugą has a powerful commercial sector as well. Trăzneą is easily the most balanced of the four systems, supporting large agricultural, commercial, and industrial capacity as well as most international markets.

Xanthalian Constitutional, legislative, and executive law all contribute to a set of complex, ever-changing restrictions on trade between Xanthal and other nations. Although tariffs and other trade restrictions on goods with Xanthalian-made substitutes are prohibitive, there is a huge market for less-expensive foreign goods. Xanthal also has a sizable export market.

Common imports

  • Consumables
  • Media
  • Electronics

Common exports

  • Spacecraft
  • Automobiles
  • Raw materials

Common exchange currencies

  • The Common Credit is the only currency accepted by the Xanthalian government in international transactions. As the most available and easily convertable currency in Xanthal besides the quinault, it is also accepted by nearly all private exporters.
  • The Euro is commonly used by private companies in transactions with Earth nations, especially those lacking the capacity for faster-than-light travel. Xanthalian companies that regularly import from and export to Earth will readily accept Euros.



Binding international agreements