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Flag of Yataghania
Motto: Keeping Activists Under Control By Use Of Potato Cannon
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region Pye
Capital Zweihandion
Official Language(s) English, Ecclesistical Latin, Sanskrit
Leader Baron von Estoc
Population 200 - 300 Million
Currency Zombie 
NS Sunset XML

The People's Republic of Yataghania is a country in the region of Pye that resides in the north-northeast section, sharing borders with the slighly larger Dunnathia in the east and slightly smaller Stheneliades in the west. It barely touches the nation of Bambeaner in the south, while the rest of the border has a large fence protecting from any dangerous individuals from the nation of the Tazer-Armed Hilbillies. Yataghania's navy is very strong and sometimes its ships are mistaken for small islands. It often competes for trade with Golden Sails, but trade is still a strong industry.

Yataghania is about 3.4 million square miles, making it the fifth largest nation in Pye. It also has the fifth largest population, consistantly about 4 million people less than its brother nation Dunnathia. However, Yataghania has naval superiority between the two nations, controlling much of the sea around it.


Yataghania has a very war filled history, filled with violent disputes and heavy civil conflict.

Early Colonization

Yataghania was originally colonized by the svärds in 1208. Previously, Yataghania was a country of many wonders, most of them cold. Due to its northern geography, it frequently snowed light puffy snowflakes. When the svärds arrived, they had to turn back due to a lack of scarves or wooly mittens. However, they soon came back in 1209 reloaded and ready to colonize.

The svärds came from a warring land, and they did not know much peace. So, soon after the first villages were established, they were proptly burned to the ground. Thus started a long cycle of building and burning (and the occasional case of hypothermia). This all ended when a man named Spath decided to build a cottage of his own away from civilization. The others liked his idea, and soon everybody was living in a cottage at least 2 miles away from anybody else. Unforunately, these people didn't think to bring spouses, so eventually everyone died alone.

The 2nd Colonization

In 1374, the zwaards came to this snowy place by means of a canoe. Unfortunately, there was only one of them, and when that person stepped onto land, he slipped on the ice and cracked his head. The blow triggered a land mine (placed there by the future navy through use of a one-time use time machine), which then blew the man into tiny bits and sunk his canoe.

The 3rd (and final) Colonization

In 1486, the swaerts came to Yataghania in search of a new land to live in. While these were peaceful people, they had anger management issues some of the time. Fortunately, there were stores of divalproex in the ground that the swaerts found. Using their extensive knowledge of internal heating, they were able to create warm, insulated cottages for themselves. Even the village idiot was able to sleep in a warm bed.

Learning how to cope with the cold, the swaerts even started to use it to their advantage. destroying wonders like the Great Frozen Waterfall to create a functional power source. Through the process of a century, the swaerts started making huge advances in technology. One of the great minds of that time, Dr. Espad Ropar, created a way to smith swords by using snow instead of coals. Soon swords started to be mass produced all over the nation, and to places as far away as the Tropic of Capricorn. To deal with this trade boom, scientist Ricasso Katzbalger created a extremely functional ship called the Aedequia. The aedequia was a ship manned by a powerful motor that was low to the water and extremely fast. It resembled the Greek trireme to a certain extent, as it, like the trireme, rammed enemy boats and sunk them. A crucial part of the 60 Minute War, it is a fast and brutally efficient part of the navy. Even in modern days, the aedequia is still made as small infantry boats.

Anyway, trade was booming, and the nation yet unnamed was prospering. Unfortunately, the nation was split. One side of the nation, the Eromyalcs, wanted to turn the government into a dictatorship and start invading other countries. The Eromyalcs wished to control the trade routes and govern them with an iron fist. More and more swaerts were joining this faction every day, corrupted by power and greed.

On the other hand, the Yataghans, wishing to become a people's republic, strongly disagreed with the Eromyalcs. They were fiercly loyal to their cause and wished nothing more than to be somewhat free. Fortunately for them, on their side was Ricasso Katzbalger. The year was 1629. At this time, the population, including immigrants and the bums on the street, was 1 million.

The 60 Minute War

Ricasso Katzbalger went into a aedequia making frenzy. Thousands were being produced, for war was on the way. On January 37, 1630, at 2:11:20 war was officially declared between the Yataghans and the Eromylacs. The Yataghans sent out a fleet of 10,000 aedequiae, in a attack that was called "The Rush of 2112." With the speed and accuracy of a deadly arrow, they struck the larger, bulkier ships made by inferior shipbuilders. The larger ships were sunk by the hundred, each brought down by the deadly arrows. The aedequiae continued to ram the ships until the entire Eromylac fleet was destroyed. At the same time, an assassinator struck out from behind the bushes and killed the leader of the Eromylacs, Tyrfing Fragarach. The time of the killing was 3:11:20.5. Thus, it is debated whether to call it the 60 Minute War or the 60 Minute and Half Second War. However, history buffs have decided to leave it be.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Culture and All That Crap

With the population mostly leveled, nobody knew what to do. However, a leader, Albion Solas, rose out of the confusion created order. In honor of the Yataghans' win, the new nation was named Yataghania. Although Albion died not too much later, Yataghania soon evolved into a rather sophisticated culture. By the turn of the 21st century, Yataghania's citizens had become normal everyday people. While they might still have some anger management issues and a little warring blood in them, they are decent, respectable people with a high value for free speech.
