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The Free Land of Eisophca
Flag of Eisophca
Motto: Permissum Levis Fulsi
(Latin: Let the Light Shine)
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Tidaea
Largest city Tidaea
Official Language(s) Eisophcan English
Leader Transitional
Population Approx. 2.5 million[1]
Currency Knol 
NS Sunset XML

The Free Land of Eisophca is a small nation in the International Democratic Union known for its love of books and ideas in general. Despite its small population, its quick initiative in the International Democratic Union Council debate has given it a name in the region and there is speculation of important future involvement. It lies on the far western coast of the IDU, geographically split between the Deutchlands and Ayyubids-Oceania, but culturally having very little in common with either of them, due to cultural influences from all around the region. Eisophca borders Brechenlass to the east and Nimali across a small straight to the south, but it has historically had very little international contact until it joined in the international politics of the IDU.

Politically, the nation is stable, with a solid republican government with moderately high popular sovereignty, although it also shares minor concepts with technocratic governments. Its United Nations membership remains in limbo: although it participates significantly in UN debate, political opposition has precluded its membership from being fully accepted by the nation.


  1. ^  The nation's underground tunnels mean that UN gnomes end up counting many people more than once, resulting in a radically increasing UN population estimate as people travel more and gnomes' intelligence scores drop. In reality, Eisophca's population is growing slowly, with a year 2000 estimate of around two and a half million.

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