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Commonwealth of Jagiella
Motto: Audax at fidelis
Anthem: Ambara is Not Yet Lost
Capital St. Casimir
Official languages English and Polish
Prime Minister
Constitutional monarchy
Owain ap Cunedda
Lech Kaldowski
Jaroslaw Kiliński
Founding 1 October 2006
Confederal Membership 22 January 2007
Population 41,249,000
CHDI 0.862
Currency Commonwealth dollar

The Commonwealth of Jagiella is a Confederal Member located in Ambara. It is bordered on the north by Sahor, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean and to the west by the Pacific Ocean. The Commonwealth is a liberal democracy and a constitutional monarchy, recognizing the High King of the Danaan High Kingdom as its king. The Governor-General represents the King of Jagiella when he is not present in the Commonwealth.

Jagiella was a settlement founding in Ambara following the Danaan assumption of sovereignty over then unclaimed areas of Ambara. It was primarily a cultural, linguistic and religious colony designed by the first settlers to attract people of Polish extraction, Polish-speakers and Catholics. Although Jagiella has since become more diverse, these traits continue to characterize the majority of its citizens. Jagiella was granted independence within the Commonwealth of Peoples in late 2006 and thus became one of the original Members of the Confederated Peoples of the Resurgent Dream in early 2007.


The history of Jagiella is rather short. It began shortly after the Danaan High Kingdom assumed sovereignty over all unclaimed land in Ambara at the request of Pantocratorian Ambara. Many groups began to settle in these newly lands. Among these were many ethnic Poles, primarily from the Principality of Wyrnsk. These people were seeking to establish new communities with new opportunities because of overcrowding in Wyrnsk. They tended to settle together in what is now Jagiella. This concentration of Poles had a sort of snowball effect. The more Polish the area was, the more attractive it was to Poles and the more likely other cultural groups were to settle elsewhere. As the Jagiellans began to form towns and villages, they received charters from the Danaan Government to establish local governments. Although these local governments were under no common jurisdiction in which settlements in modern Sahor and Gandara were not also included, a common language and culture began to create a Jagiellan identity, especially in the younger generation.

The early settlers did not have an easy life. In addition to the difficulties involved in creating settlements in previously uninhabited territory, they were frequently subject to attack by the Sons of the Reformation, a terrorist group very active in Ambara. The Sons attacked the new Jagiellan settlements viciously, targetting civilians and sometimes even young children. Unwilling to rely upon the forces of the regular Danaan Army, the Jagiellans organized many local self-defense militias, one for every town. These militias later became the core of the Jagiellan Army.

In 2006, Jagiella was officially recognized as a single legal entity and granted independence within the Commonwealth. A constitution was written and a national government elected. Because of this status, Jagiella became one of the original Members of the Confederated Peoples.