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Flag of Sherylannia
Motto: "I'm alright in bed... but I'm better with a pen."
Coming soon.
Region The Spectrum
Capital Ling Wong
Official Language(s) English, Sherylannian
Leader The Third Cool Guy of Sherylannia
Population 1.486 billion (as of 28/2/07)
Currency Sherris 
NS Sunset XML

Sherylannia is a massive, devout nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape. The country used to have a very pleasant, green landscape, but as a result of deforestation and nuclear testing, this is all but lost. However, the 2007 Environmental Act has been passed in an attempt to restore it to it's former glory.


The Formation of Cobland

Sherylannia was originally completely populated by nothing but David Duchovny's. This changed in 1650, when a foreign man, by the name of Robert Coble founded the country. His origins are unknown, but it is known that he was a drunk, murdering wife-beater, who was sentenced to death many times in other countries. However, when he created what was then called Cobland and proclaimed himself leader, he gained immunity, and was reluctantly pardoned for his crimes.

Cobland's Rise and Fall

Cobland was a country of murderers and bandits for 30 long years, keeping the innocent citizens in check with death threats and robberies. They robbed anybody who'd dare to pass through, and gave Robert Coble the spoils. In 1680, there was a revolution. The good natured citizens rose up and the newly appointed Sheriff, James Wilkinson shot Coble dead. With their leaders dead, the bandits fled the country, and the people proclaimed Wilkinson their new King. His first act was to rename the country, after his wife. Sherylannia was born.

Sherylannia's Golden Age

The country blossomed under the rule of Wilkinson, becoming a powerhouse economically, and a much better place to live. However, in 1724, the bandits began to move back into the country, wanting to take back what they had lost. Led by Coble's son, Martin Coble, the bandits launched a siege on Wilkinson's castle. They were beaten back, but not without fatally wounding Wilkinson. His son, Geoff Wilkinson replaced him, having no real adverse or positive effect on Sherylannia, except for the introduction of legalised gambling.

Ofred-Jillner War

The New System


Sherylannia is situated west-central of The Spectrum, with its bordering neighbours being White-Rose, Oldham Road and Domas-Porada. Coincidentally, these people are all members of The Good Guys alliance. It is also neighboured with the now barren Ediroth, and Enthalpy Change across the Synaptic Gulf. Sherylannia shares a mountain range with Domas-Porada and White-Rose to its south. It is a vast desert land, with cities scattered around the country.


Before the death of David Oneill, Sherylannia took a backseat in political affairs, only rearing its head when an important matter came along. However, with the appointment of Robert Willis, and his vice cool guy Oscar Schwa, Sherylannia looks to be taking a more active stance in political proceedings.


Most Sherylannian's practice the religion of Defylism or Zedem. Thousands of Sherylannian's make the pilgrimage to White-Rose every year, to visit each of The Seven Pantheons. A smaller percent of the population follow Vagism, created by Sean E. Moss, lead singer of the popular rock band, Vagina of the Bishop.

Preceded by:
Chair of The Good Guys Committee
Succeeded by:
Oldham Road