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Aire Ishtar i Maia Meneliel turnosse im-Bashio Tararan Tomanyar ar ilya nu-Menelo
Date of Birth
35 Hrivë 89 Corana in Atan (25 December 1990)
Place of Birth
Imladris, Lower Tomania
Political Affilliation
im-Bashi Loyalist
Position in Empire
Empress, Diety

Her Imperial and Infallible Majesty, Aire Ishtar empresinna im-Bashi, By Grace of Heaven, Empress of Greater Tomania, the 126th Immaculate Sovereign of the Imperium, the Holy Grand Hegemon of the Tomar, seated on the Golden Throne occupied by the most serene im-Bashi Dynasty changeless through ages eternal, the Daughter of Heaven, Matriarch of the im-Bashi Family, the Lady of Light, the Keeper of the Holy Mandate, Protector of the Imperial Seal, Empress of Upper and Lower Tomania, of Doriath, of Minhiriath, of Eriador, of Nevrast, of Lindon, of Hithlúm, of Harlindon and Forlindon, of Calenardhon, of Araman, Autocrat of Beleriand, of Mithrim, of Falas, of Anfalas, of Belfalas, of Northen Ithilen, of Avanthar, Divine Queen of Imladris and Gondolin, Queen Empress of Eregion, of Armenelos, of Miciah, Empress of Southern Ithilien, of Lebinnen, of Lindórinand, Autocrat of the Two Ladros, of Hísilómë, Empress of Dorthonion, of Nísimaldar, of Arandor, Sovereign of Emerië, of Falmarindor, of Avánlir, of Mittalmar, of Númenórë, Sovereign Protector of Dor Firn-i-Guinar and Dor Caranthir, Empress of Hyarnustar, of Hyarrostar, of Anórien, of Losgar, of Ossiriand, Empress of the Rhûn, of Forostar, of Harlindon, of Arthendien, Empress of Acranya, of Arda Tuluva, of Dor Gilthoniel, of Elenarin, of Naryatani, of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, of Undome, of Romenyamolindor, the Empress and Supreme Autocrat of all under Heaven.


The only child of the late Emperor Atan and the empress Arsinowë. She become the reigning sovereign of Tomania at birth. The Emperor Atan had yet to conceive a child during his long 110 year reign. However, during his last year as emperor his wife, the Tarari, became pregnant and the empire was overjoyed the unborn child was to be given the name "Inglorien " meaning "Golden One of Time." Unfortunately, emperor Atan died when the Tarari was but four months pregnant. The unborn child was declared the reigning sovereign and soon to be the 126th Emperor of the Imperium. However, they did not know that the child was to be born a girl and on the eve of the 35 Hrive (25 December), to the surprise of the Court, an Empress and not an Emperor was born. She was given the name Ishtar, meaning "Evening Star" by her mother. The late Empress Arsinowë died giving birth do to complications; luckily the Empress was not harmed or marred during the birth.

If Her Majesty was not declared Reigning Sovereign while still in the womb the throne would have passed to her uncle, Gilgalad, do to Tomanian succession laws declaring the women cannot inherit the throne, however. Certain circumstances would allow a female to ascend to the throne.

On the second of Ender the Empress was crowned at not yet a year old. Her actual Coronation Ascension will be held when Her Imperial Majesty comes of age at nineteen.


Unlike Her predessors before Her, the Empress Ishtar has taken much interest in the political and judicial systems. In order for a Law to be legally passed it must bare the Imperial Symbol of the Holy im-Bashi, and before the Empress would pass a law She would read it and at times not allow it to be passed until it meets Her liking, the Marduuk passed a law that would make rape punishable by life in presentment, the Empress Ishtar declared, "Life in prison? These infedals must pay for their horrid, unforgivable crime." She changed the law so that the punishment would be by castration, twenty years of hard labor, then death by hanging. She has also taken an active part in learning about Dogmatic, Imperial, and Marduuk Law. Judge Magister Carnifindë has been Her Majesty's primary tutor in before stated subjects.

The Empress has also taken great interest in viewing first hand the system of government, being the first Imperial Ruler to attend meetings of Central Committee in one hundred years. She has set up a Privy Counsel and has sent representatives to the last two Party Congresses. She is an advocate for the Marduuk Party stating many times that they have the "[full] Grace of the Mandate of Heaven that I, and I alone, bear."

During the fifteen years the Empress has reigned, She has been the author of four laws, 1.) Declaring that the number of the Members of the Rithil-Anamo would have twelve and no longer only six. 2.) Isolia must be controlled by Tomania, as stated to Her by the Mandate, 3.) Signing an Alliance with Isenha-Raad, but only after Tomania deposed their emperor and installed a new pro-Tomanian emperor, 4.) Created the Red Dragoons, in which Morindiran Praetor Natolya M'Kai would be the honorary Colonel-in-Chief.

The youngest sovereign ever to be coroneted in the empire. She is a big supporter of the Marduuk and good friends with the Supreme Cordon, Miklós Hedikai. She has had on assassination attempt on her life by Ishenha-Raad, however, she did survive the encounter and had the Emperor Bashi X Bashi-Bashi of Isenha-Raad deposed and the country invaded. She has seen Her empire grow with the invasion of Isolia, the conquest of Acranania, and the defending of Her colony, Elenarin.


When Empress Ishtar turn nineteen she will be of age and be apt to marry. Presetntly there are three men that are suitable:


After the Isenha-Raad Affair, some members of the Isenian Royal family fled Isenha-Raad and were granted Imperial Asylum in Tomania, one of whom is the Princess Sairalindë Tinehtelë Bashi-Bashi, also known as the Princess Saira, who is now good friends with the empress Ishtar.

Fun Facts:

  • Ishtar loves to paint, a lot. However, she usualy has them asinerated when she is finished with them.
  • Ishtar enjoys sliegh rides.
  • Ishtar means "Evening Star"

(In some time, Maiar im-Bashi)

Preceded by:
Empress of all Under Heaven
Hier Presumtive:
Dio im-Bashi