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The Liberal Neo-Imperial Reich of
Flag of Tocrowkia
National motto: "Ehre und Ruhm, Sieg und Tod"
National anthem: 1812 Overture
Topographical map
Region Haven
Capital Pharamas
Largest City Acheron
Population Over 6 billion
Suffrage Males and Females aged 17
Official Language(s) Toc-German
High Chanellor
Liberal Neo-Imperial Empire
Seth Mahone
Strife Piett

September 17th, 1416
ISO Nation Code 702
Currency Assairugrad ()
Time Zone UTC+0
• Summer (DST) UTC+0
Internet TLD .toc
Calling Code +180
National Symbols
 • Sport
 • Animal
 • Fruit
 • Flower

Imperial Raven
McKinely Apple
UN Status Non-Member
Info: NationStates NSEconomy Pipian NS Tracker XML

The Liberal Neo-Imperial Reich of Tocrowkia, or Tocrowkia for short, is a great power that exists on a large continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.


Age of Emperors

Tocrowkia's history dates back to the first ice age, during the time when a massive stretch of ice now called "The Silver Bridge" linked it to Africa. Early humans settled around the areas around Pharamas and Zackum, and the population began to increase rapidly.

By 270 BC, most of the continent was now settled. Tocrowkia was divided amongst thousands of small tribes. Though Tocrowkia remained separated from the rest of the world by the Atlantic, Carthaginian merchants allegedly landed on Tocrowkia by accident, and observed Tocrowkian culture for almost three years before returning home.

In Medieval times, a small fleet of Spanish vessels once again discovered the continent. Word of it spread fast, and eventually any capable European nation was sailing to the new land, most with the intention of Colonialism.

While European culture, especially German(The German language eventually mixed with the native one, and formed the modern day "Toc-German" language), the year 1415 saw huge revolts against European control. And by 1420, the Europeans were largely expelled from the Tocrowkian continent.

A central figure arose during this time. Assair Emmerich, a mere Tocrowkian peasent before the war. He rose to be a charismatic leader and a master strategist, though he was later killed in 1417 in the Battle of Dagrid. His daughter, Airyana Emmerich, who finished the expulsion of European power, succeeded him.

The Emmerich's were later crowned the Imperial Family of Tocrowkia, and Airyana the Empress. This also provided for the first time in history, a united Tocrowkian Government. Though, it would later split in 1731 due to the fact assassinations were rife within the Emmerich family.

Each branch of the Emmerich family tree took an empire within the nation, making three in all.(Badrial-Redg, Pharamas, and Kharazuma) Though, Badrial-Redg and Kharazuma were eventually defeated in 1816 and absorbed into the Pharamas Empire, thus forming the second and current Tocrowkian state.

Age of Stewards

The Emmerich family stagnated after the unification, and due to yet more infighting within the family, the House of Emmerich eventually annihilated it self, the last heir to the throne dying of mysterious circumstances in 1904.

And thus began to age of Stewards. Though the title of Steward had been around since the reunification of the Reich, it had always been used in the traditional sense of the term, one who manages another's property. In this case, the Steward managed the Emperors property when he was away.

However, in the century following the destruction the royal line, the title of Steward grew in prestigious and meaning until it matched that of the Emperor in the eyes of the people. Due to the fact Stewards rarely emerged through dynastic succession, the office was far more durable against civil war, family infighting and the like.

Geography and Climate

Tocrowkia's eastern and northeastern landscape is dominated by steppes and rolling hills. The area around Kharazuma, as can be seen, is a huge, wet marshland, which acts as a natural fortification for the city.

The south-eastern part of the nation is filled with huge, jagged mountain ranges and scenic valleys. There are no beaches on the eastern half, but rather jagged cliffs over looking the oceans. This forces any enemy army to invade from the western or southern regions, which also have a high population and large concentration of military forces to act as a buffer.

Tocrowkia's climate is dictated by it's close proximity to the Artic ocean. The northern half is an extremely frigid region, with frequent flash blizzards and below-zero temperatures common, even during the summer months.

The southern half is much warmer, however. Temperatures are generally around 32°C Degrees Celsius, and are home to thousands of miles of pristine beaches and major coastal cities. Thus, the region is popular destination for vacationing Tocrowkians whom are looking to escape the frigid northern climate.

Society & Culture

At first glance, Tocrowkian culture seems to entirely borrow from German, how ever, nothing is farther from the truth. Tocrowkian culture remains the same as it did thousands of years ago, and the introduction of some German language and culture has only richened it.

The museum of Literature and Arts in Pharamas holds over two million paintings, play scripts, poems, and textile tapestries.

Tocrowkia also has hundreds of thousands of unique food dishes; most national delicacies involve Raven meat, the most popular being "Raven Pie" or "Raven noodle soup".

In addition, Tocrowkia also produces hundreds of movies a year, and the cinema is a popular pass time in Tocrowkia. Action movies are often the most successful genre in the Nation.

Tocrowkia has always been in favor of Gender Equality, and women have always been able to take almost any role they want in Tocrowkian society, aside that from that of the "housewife and homemaker", as these roles are frowned upon universally.

While the population of Tocrowkia is largely religious, the secular Tocrowkian Government frowns upon Religion, and Religion receives absolute zero Government funds. This leaves the funding of Churches and other places of worship up to private groups within the nation. The largest religious center in the nation is the Protestant Cathedral of Tocrowkia, located in Pharamas. It is over eight stories high, and covers more then two hundred acres, and can seat over 6,000 worshippers, plus 1,000 staff.


Due to the huge size of the population, the demographics of the Tocrowkian Reich cannot be told with complete accuracy. However, some fairly accurate guesses have been made by various government and independent agencies for various reasons. From these studies, the Reich Interior Ministry produced the following estimates in April of 2007:

Racial Demographics

Racial Groups Population Percentage
Caucasian/Nordic/Ethnic Tocrowkians Over 6 Billion ~98%
Others ~150 ~ 200 Million ~2


Tocrowkia maintains an avowedly capitalist economy, with very few restrictions on business. Workers are regulary exploited by the thousands of Corporations that operate within the Reich. However, the Government does decree that the minium wage of any worker must be at least three hundred Assairuguard's per week(Three hundred USD). Therefore, while they are exploited by the system, most citizens enjoy relatively high living standards.


Tocrowkia is home to thousands of Casinos, which often double as brothels. Most of them are concentrated in the major cities of Tocrowkia, often meaning a single city can be home to more then three hundred casinos, thus dwarfing cities like Las Vegas in size and intricacy. The Gambling Industry accounts for about 50% of Tocrowkia's annual GDP.

Arms Manufacturing

Due to the aggressive foreign policy of Tocrowkia, Arms Manufacturing is also a popular industry within the nation. Hundreds of Corporations build and maintain hundreds of factories and testing zones for new weapons.

The Government annually selects the designs it sees as having the most potential, and funds them only. This prevents over-stretching the budget on researching dozens of technologies, and concentrates it on only the most promising areas, thus preventing an economic collapse as seen with nations like the Soviet Union.

Information Technology

The Tocrowkians consider them selves a "high-tech" people, and rightfully so. As with the Gambling and Arms Manufacturing industries, Information Technology is also very important.

Millions of computers, Televisions, Radios and Media players are produced each month, and are subsequently purchased in droves.

The most popular devices are currently Personnel GPS's, plasma screen televisions and top-tier PC's. Gaming consoles are also very popular in Tocrowkia, each system regularly selling more then 600 Million units in it's first year within the nation.


Agriculture is also a very important industry; due to the fact the Tocrowkian Government has billions of mouths to feed. As the climate is to cold to raise fruits, vegetables, and most livestock massive underground facilities are built to do so. These facilities simulate the ideal conditions for each product.

The Reich easily produces enough food for it's citizens each year, and then some. So therefore, the Tocrowkian people are self-sufficient in terms of food.


Reich Ministries

  • Reich Foreign Ministry
  • Reich Interior Ministry
  • Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
  • Reich Ministry of Aviation
  • Reich Ministry of Finance
  • Reich Ministry of Justice
  • Reich Economics Ministry
  • Reich Ministry for Nutrition and Agriculture
  • Reich Labor Ministry
  • Reich Ministry for Science, Education, and Public Instruction
  • Reich Transportation Ministry
  • Reich Postal Ministry
  • Reich Ministry for Weapons, Munitions, and Armament
  • Reich Ministers without Portfolio