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Flag of Liechtensburg
Motto: Dissolvitur lex cum fit iudex misericors
Map of Liechtensburg:


Region StormKingdom
Capital Liechtensburg
Official Language(s) Liechtensburgüsch
Leader The Great Duke Jørgen IV
Population more than 600 million
Currency krona 
NS Sunset XML

Liechtensburg, officially The Great Duchy of Liechtensburg, is a country in StormKingdom region, in the west of the Decia mountains, that fixes the border to Former Lands in the southeast, Saint Jacques in the southwest and Sturms in the west. The Heinrich sea is the north and the east border of Liechtensburg.


Liechtensburg was called Julitia when the Ancient Former Lands founded Lutigia, in 432 BC, point of departure of the domination of the country. The dominion of the Ancient Former Lands Empire was long, until the first Great Duke of the country, Heinrich I, crossed the sea and started the conquest of the country, in 987 AD, bringing catholicism with him. He took Lutigia in 988 AD, and renamed it as Liechtensburg (the city of bright), and became the name of the country. The army of the Great Duke Heinrich I spoke a german dialect, that evolved to the actual Liechtensburgüsch. The following great dukes developed the feudalism, and in the cities, an incipient commerce brought to Liechtensburg the happiness. Nevertheless, in 1412, Harold Giestsee, who have offended the Great Duke Friedrich V (who punished him by making him blind), followed by a crowd of unadaptated, escaped to Nocaodia, and founded The Kingdom of The Blindmen. The Great Duchy followed a policy of modernization in time, and actually, the Executive power, exerced by His Majesty the Great Duke Jørgen IV, is inserting the country into the neoliberalism.


The Ducal Party controls the Parliament, thanks to the last elections, in whom the Ducal Party obtained the 80% of the sits.

National Symbols

The beetle is the national animal, and the national flower is the tuberose.

National Records

Liechtensburg is the 312th country in the list of minor income tax rates in the world.


A large percent of the population is roman catholic (95%), although the Constitution establishes the freedom of cult. The national saint is Saint Jørgen von Liechtensburg.