Socialist Freemen

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Socialist Freemen
Flag of Socialist Freemen
Motto: Peace Through Equality'
Region Democratic Union
Capital No Capital City, There is a capitol building in every city
Official Language(s) See Languages of Socialist Freemen
Leader The People
Population 2,000,000,000
Currency Kredit 
NS Sunset XML



The United Commune of Socialist Freemen is a commune (more so than a nation) of several smaller "nations". It was formed by a cluster of relatively small nations that underwent a series of socialist revolutions/elections. Upon the transition from capitalism to communism, the nations became close economically, and soon politically. They decided to unify into a single, international community. Today, the name is often abbreviated to the Commune, Socialist Freemen, or even SF.


The government is a multiparty socialist democracy that is very entrenched in the people, like you'd find in a tiny country (mostly due to the fact that it was once made up of several countrys). To keep the Commune from being centralized and less in connection with the people, there is no capital, but instead a capital building in every community. There is also no official language because all languages are equal according to socialist thought.

The Commune has groups of people that speak all different languages. Russian used to be the most popular (making it the de-facto language), but a wave of Esperanto has swept the lands and overtaken its predecessor. Language is a complex issue in the Commune, with many immigrant regions still speaking their native languages and multilingualism being incredibly common.

Main article(s): Languages of Socialist Freemen

Political Parties

Being that the Commune is a democracy, there are several parties, but the overall leading party is the Socialist Labour Party (a member of SocIntern). The second most popular party is the New Democratic Party, which is more of a libertarian/civil rights party and is not a member of SocIntern.


As a self-proclaimed "Socialist Paradise", Socialist Freemen has attracted various kind of people, from political refugees to uneducated idealists. Because of the its strong emphasis on internationalism, a citizen of the Commune isn't easily recognized in a crowd.

The people of Socialist Freemen are highly intellectual and compassionate, traits stemming from the powerful state-controlled education system. More than a quarter of the national budget is allocated to education, and reforms within the country have greatly increased the number of professionals and researchers. Internationally, SFians are regarded as some of the most intelligent people in the region, and are frequently in demand for important job positions.

An aspect of citizens that is not usually understood by foreign nations is their meekness. In Socialist Freemen, citizens are raised with very few of the luxuries that are taken for granted elsewhere, such as television, computers, microwave ovens, swimming pools, and washing machines. Because of this, culture shock is experienced when traveling to other nations in the region. The economic focus on education rather than consumer goods or technology has led to many outsiders labeling the nation "backwards".

While all religion is tolerated in the Commune, very few people choose to practice. The majority of the population is more focused on scientific research and technological advances than religious beliefs. This understanding of the world has led to a greater sense of happiness in many people, who prefer to live by their own morals than any written system.

International Relations

Unlike most nations, Socialist Freemen has no standing army. Instead, every citizen is required to go through 3 months of basic military training after turning 18, as well as a refreshment course every 10 years afterwards. This process was instituted to allow a People's Army to be drafted quickly should the need ever arise. However, the political manuvering of the government has managed to avoid any possible military conflict, instead opting to help behind the scenes and negotiate peace agreements.

Another aspect of neutrality has been the series of international banks set up by the government. These banks serve any client and are well known for their confidentiality and security. The combination of a trained militia, official neutrality, and anonymous banks has given Socialist Freemen a reputation for being the "Switzerland of the Democratic Union".

4 Day War

During the attempted August 20th coup by The Imperial Race and the subsequent 4 Day War, Socialist Freemen played a key role in the counterintelligence efforts for Pink Floyd, ensuring that no vital information was leaked to untrustworthy nations.

In the aftermath of the war, Socialist Freemen presided over the Fifth Period Agreement and worked to ensure that both parties lived up to their respective parts of the treaty.

After the end of the war, tensions with The Imperial Race eased, and both nations allowed anyone unsatisfied with the government to leave. The exile community in Socialist Freemen grewn to the point where it was one of the a significant minority group, but this state of detente ended with the calamity leading to the formation of The Glorious Empire.

Peacekeeper Legion

After the 4 Day War, the government felt that SF's peacefulness and intelligence should not be used selfishly, and ordered the creation of the Peacekeeper Legion, a group of citizens who serve as diplomatic observers and negotiators during international conflicts. Peacekeepers are considered to be the best and brightest of Socialist Freemen. Typically, a Peacekeeper has multiple degrees, a great deal of experience abroad, and at least a working knowledge of English, the dominant international language in the region.

Anti-Imperialist League

While most citizens are content with the peaceful nature of the government, a small number feel that something must be done to prevent the region from being threated by nations such as The Glorious Empire. Most of the people who feel this way try to urge the government to take action, but a minority have resorted to terrorism.

When the Glorious Empire invaded Murky Moray, a neighbor to Socialist Freemen, and began to commit atrocities against their people, several citizens chose to take action. David Perenowitz, a former soldier from the pre-unification times who had been exiled from the Commune for excessive parking tickets, created the Anti-Imperialist League, a terrorist organization consisting mostly of SFians. The League attacked several buildings in Murky Moray, eventually enciting an uprising against TGE and forcing them to withdraw from the small nation.

Socialist Freemen condemned the attacks and outlawed the AIL, but has been unable to prevent further attacks. The AIL has stated that it will only cease it's attacks after "the threat of the Glorious Empire has been recognized by everyone and stopped once and for all". The league has claimed responsibility for attacks in at least 3 countries and killed over 700 people.

With the outbreak of the Crusade of the Glorious Empire, many AIL members have joined the ILL forces in their attacks against the Glorious Empire.

Factbook Information

Government Type: Loose Federation of Socialist Communities

UN Category: Left-Leaning College State

Traditional Name: The United Commune of Socialist Freemen

Population: 2.424.000.000

Main Industry: Uranium Mining