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The Federal Republic of Aerigia and Federal Regions of Joaoia, Sachsen-Dresden and Gabbiani Islands is one of the larger countries of the Heartland Region. Aerigia, alongside Ineptia and Grays Harbor are the three permenent members of the Heartland High Council, a legislative organ that governs Heartland-wide economic, security and judical matters.

On the international scene, The Federal Republic is also well-known as the re-organizer of the WBO, as well as a close alliance member of SATO. Currently, The Federal Republic is a signatory of the KIST treaty.

Geographical Description

A large country sculpted by the majority parts of the Prudentian Empire, Aerigia, including Joaoia and Sachsen-Dresden, is the largest nation on the Prudentian continent. The central regions of the country is dominated by tall, snowy mountain range systems, hot springs and evergreen trees. Popular ski and hot springs resorts are located in this region, mainly in the province of Silverado.

The northeastern regions bordering St. Ryanesia are dry, rolling desert plains while the southeast is dominated by "The Veldt", a system of marshes and swamps. The area is also rich in natural gas and crude oil.

There are five major river systems flow through Aerigia, the largest of which, the Ashley and the Huang, flow east from the mountains to the Vegan Sea in the West. The southwest coast, the Pleasant Coast province, is lined with pristine beaches and palm trees near the border with Grays Harbor; while the northwest coast, including the capital city of Aden, sits on the rolling hills and plains overlooking the Baren Falls in the north, off the Baren river, which seperates Aerigia from Nastic.

The People of Aerigia:

With the 427 years it spent as the prominent part of the Prudentian Empire, Aerigia was a mix of several main cultural groups. The eastern coast was originally dominated by East Asian fishermen and miners. If you move inland, Central and Eastern Europeans live in the rolling grassy plains and at the foot of Mount Parker and Mount Tamaranch.

The Western coast is populated by a primarily Malkeri or Harberian population.

Over the years before the Communist Revolution in Doma, the groups have kept seperate except for trade ties. After the Federation in 1992, migrations were common and the different ethnic groups have became dispersed throughout the country. Cross-ethnic families now account for nearly 55% of Aerigian marriages per year.

Industry and Commerce:

Aerigia's economy has moved on from primary industries to high tech Secondary and Tetiary Industries, although mining, forestry and farming is still common in the inland areas.

Based primarily on high technological areas, Aerigia's main exports include automobiles, aerospace/defense and transport equipment as well as computer electronics and information technology. Dominant imports include foodstuffs and petrochemicals.

The Federal Republic's major trading partner within the Heartland include Grays Harbor,Ineptia, Liverpool England, Nastic and Los Paises Lejanos. Outside of the Heartland, the majority Aerigia's main trading partners are member of the World Business Organization, and includes Der Angst, Lavenrunz, Menelmacar and Kyleria.

Flora and Fauna:

The wide variety of landscape of Aerigia serves as a home for many types of flora and fauna native to Prudentia. Brown bears, lepoards, antelopes live primarily in the north while semi-tropical animals and plants exist in the southern swampy areas. The Crimson Plum, a sweet plum used primarily to produce the infamous Aerigian plum wine, is fielded in the northeast, while Cromberry, a bitter fruit used to produce Shein, a domestic alcoholic drink, is produced in the southern areas.


A blend of Eastern honor and Western elegence, the Aerigians inherited the formalness of the Prudentian Empire Dukes of Aberdeen and Malkeri courts. According to eastern traditions, guests are made to feel welcome and are provided with many refreshments and amenities. It is not uncommon to see Aerigian friends insisting to pay the restaurant bill for both themselves and their families and friends. "Going Dutch" is not as popular in Aerigia as it is in other Western nations.

Hot springs, and Eastern music instruments are famous Aerigian tourist attractions brought from ancient times. Orchestral music were brought in by the Malkeris and Harberians during the Prudentian Empire and became big attraction, with the famous play "The Love Oath" featured by The Aden Metropolitan Orchestra, a major hit among locals and tourists. A major movie studio is currently making the play into a motion picture to be released worldwide. The other famous folklore in Aerigia is "Two Pieces", which is a much more contemporary literature based on a group of adventurers searching for themselves while looking to save a fantasy world from a certain doom. The motion picture of this literature/novel is set to be released soon in theatre.


The President holds the power to defeat or to pass bills that were otherwise disapproved/approved by the parliament and the Federal Comission (Otherwise the Senate). He is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Armed Forces, to uphold safety, equality, peace and prosperity of The Federal Republic.

There are several political parties that have been risen since the collapse of the Communist regime in Socialist Aerigia in the early 80's. None have however, garnered enough public support to win power from the Democratic Harmont Party (DHP), the party currently in power since Federation.

Head of State: His Excellency, President Andrew H. Yang, 2nd President of The Federal Republic of Aerigia

Head of Government: Head of the Federal Comission, Miss Kimberly Majewski

Religion in Aerigia:

Most of Aerigians are Catholics, following the teachings of the late Cardinal Sinclair, whom brought Aerigia under control after the break-up of the Prudentian Empire and the Aerigian civil war. There is also Taoists and Buddhists groups among other Christian groups. Free religious rights are protected and freedom to practice is garunteed under The Federation Act of 1992.

Laws and Judicial System:

Aerigia's law system is a mix of Harberian Basic Law concepts with indigenous concepts coined and amalgamated together by Cardinal Sinclair at the formation of the First Aerigian Republic. Smoking and Alcohol is legal in Aerigia, although Drinking and Driving laws are one of the harshest in The Heartland (as well as other traffic laws and regulations).

Laws have recently passed to allow cannibis to be partaken in designated cafes. Firearms must be registered and can only be owned by Certified Firearms Clubs hunting clubs and collecting clubs, in addition to the police, military and governmental authorities.

Freedom of speech, to a degree is alloted by Aerigian Federal Law. However, any comments that attempt to undermine the stability, or otherwise, peace and prosperity of The Aerigian Federation is not tolerated.

Euthanasia is permitted by witness consent and professional approval from a Federally-recognized board of doctors. Same sex marriages are not recognized by The Aerigian law system and such couples are not permitted to adopt children, or share the same benefits hetero-sexual couples have in the Aerigian family law system, which includes certain tax subsidies.

The death penalty exists for capital crimes such as murder (not including unintentional manslaughter), rape, treason.

Traveling to Aerigia:

The Federal Republic has Visa-free agreements with most Heartland states. (Except for Cokekilan Alliance States, Ashvagosha, Most are billateral vias-free agreements for leisure and family travels. Foreign Workers and Students must acquire respective visas to be able to work, or study in Aerigia.

Visa free-agreements also exist for non-Heartland states, mainly for those in the SATO and WBO alliances. Livestock, animals and plants cannot be brought into the country without approval of the Federal Foods and Wildlife Comission. Large amounts of property and cash will also require an audit by The Federal Department of Commerce.