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Eden-IV is a planet that had been colonized by human settlers from Earth in 2111. It is the only planet of the Eden series that offers the necessary atmospheric and geologic composition for successful terraforming. The first nation to be founded on the planet was Sothfar, which occupied the southernmost continent, San'Dia, before being destroyed during the Psion War. From here, settlers moved on to found numerous other nations all over the planet.

Cities, Nations and Regions

  • San'Dia
    • Sothfar
    • Saraha Desert
    • Smeraldya Bay - the northeastern coast of San'Dia, where a maze of small islands stretches out. Moving further northeast, these islands become increasingly greener, having been spared by the full impact of the MaGenetic Bomb. The largest of these islands is Romera, a little continent by itself, which is completely covered by djungle.
    • Eretos Tunnel - a metal pipe leading from Sabaa to the northeast, sometimes underground, sometimes above ground, but always completely horizontal. It contains a bundle of pipelines and a magnetic highway. At the coast, the highway and pipelines continue as a bridge that ends somewhere in the djungles of Romera. In earlier days, during the reign of Sothfar, this installations were used as a major traffic route offering rapid connection between Sabaa and the Romeran outer colony, but now, it is nothing more than a deserted, rusting ruin.

MageShelter.JPG A crude plan of the Sourcerer's Pyramid, including the triangular pyramid structure above ground and the vault below ground containing the Sourcerer

    • Sourcerer's Pyramid - a vast, magic-proof shelter, shaped like a three-sided pyramid, from before the Psion War found at the coast of the San'Dia continent. A Sourcerer named Jaffar retreated to this place to find protection from Maleficent. Indeed, Maleficent could not touch him there, but she cursed the pyramid to trap him forever. He's still captured inside the building, along with his loyal mechanic guards.
    • Romera
  • Helgebaldia
    • Germanistan
    • Liamb Peninsula
    • Checkistan
    • Südeheim - a small village in the southwest of Helgebaldia, east of the Theide, outside the territory or interest of Germanistan. When Texana invaded Helgebaldia and crossed the Theide, Südeheim became an airforce base from where Germanistan launched Cormerra Nori to support Operation GREIFF. South of Südeheim lay the main operations base of the Germanistan army in the region.
    • Venger Pass - a mountain pass east of Südeheim. The surrounding mountains served as a natural defense line allowing Germanistan to defend Südeheim and their main operations base to the south. During Operation GREIFF, the Venger Pass served as a deployment site for the Germanistan artillery offering support to ground troops advancing from the bottom of the mountain towards the ressource points held by Texanian troops to the north.
    • Theide - a large river dividing the west of the Helgebalida continent in an almost vertical north-south line from the Inland Sea to the south to the northern coast. During the Texanian attack on Germanistan, Germanistan forces quickly seized the eastern shore of the river to utilize it as a natural defense line (see Operation GREIFF, Operation NESTOR). Although the river was far to the west of Germanistans real territory, it was the only natural defense line between the advancing Texanian forces and Germanistan's borders.

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