Azores Islands

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Azores Islands
Flag of Azores Islands
Motto: "Ultima Ratio Regum"
Region Europe
Capital Ponta Delgada
Official Language(s) Azorean, Portuguese, Latin
Leader Proconsul Miguel de Faria e Castro
Population 3.3 billion
Currency Mark 
NS Sunset XML

The República Fascista Azoreana (Azorean Fascist Republic) is an economically powerful nation, ruled by an authoritarian meritocratic capitalist regime.


The AFR deviates from classical Fascism, founding its own stream of neofascism. It is a nation based on the values of freedom of market, meritocracy and genetic purity. The main political organs of the AFR are the Azorean Senate, which holds legislative power; the National Council, which holds executive power and the Azorean Supreme Court, which holds Judicial power. The Proconsul (President of the Republic) has power, however, to overrule any decision by any of these three organs.

500 tribunes, elected from throughout the Azores, compose the Senate. The Senate is presided by the Dictator (currently DR. JOSÉ DÂMASO) and the Proconsul (currently DR. MIGUEL DE FARIA E CASTRO). There is only one legal party in the AFR - the Partido Nacional Republicano (National Republican Party). The party is at the same time a private corporation, being one of the leading investors in the pharmaceutical and petrochemical sectors in Europe. The National Council is composed by the 15 Rectors (Ministers), the Proconsul and representatives from the 5 largest Azorean zaibatsu (Corporations which intervene in State decisions). The Supreme Court is headed by the Dictator, who is nominated for a period of 5 years by the Proconsul. The Proconsul must be elected by both the Senate and the Council. The Proconsul is chosen based on his merits and his past records. The stereotypical Proconsul is an economist who comes from a succesful corporate group. The current Proconsul, Dr. Miguel de Faria e Castro was CEO of the Sociedade Faria e Castro before resuming functions in the government.

Regarding external politics, the AFR belongs to the FMS (Free Market States), PoS (Pact of Steel), EEP (European Economies for Progress). Its closest allies are Qantrix, Gunnlandia, Kheion and Nosterra. The AFR also maintains cordial relations with other nations such as Hugoland, Erlangen-Ansbach, Yugostrana and Twente.


The AFR is based on a free-market, capitalist economy where the State assumes the role of a Police State, i.e., only intervenes indirectly, creating laws without which the market wouldn't be able to function correctly. The AFR houses some of the largest corporate groups in Europe, notably the Sociedade Faria e Castro, McBonifacius, the PNR and the Manchurian Global project.

Despite being based on an almost totally free market, there is one distinction between the Azorean economy and other libertarian ones such as the Qantrixian or Gunnlandian ones. Due to its meritocratic nature, the AFR still holds a giant and efficient public education system, whose main function is to educate the Azorean peoples in order to assure a better and prosper future. Azorean Universities are among the best in Europe, mainly in the fields of Economics, International Politics and Genetics.

Program for Genetic Purity

The Program for Genetic Purity began in late 2003. It is managed by the Rectory of Genetics, in cooperation with the Rectories of War and Defence and Internal Affairs. The main purpose of the PGP is to purify the Azorean race, eliminating any deformed and degenerative genes, which result in physical or psychological deformations.

As soon as the program began to be implemented, people with physical or psychological deformations (among them homosexuals) were closed in Scientific Concentration Camps, in order to stop them from reproducing and spreading the degenerative genes. Results are visible, since the Azorean population has become much healthier since the implementation of the program - Azorean babies are nowadays those in Europe less subject to deformities at birth.

The PGP also concentrates in the study of the human barin and neuron technology. One of its secondary aims is the attainment of technological singularity/immortality.


First colonized by the Roman Empire, the Azores Islands quickly became an important trade outpost, in the middle of the Sea of Liberation. Despite the collapse of the Empire, the Azoreans maintained its culture and language, through isolation and protectionism.

This isolation was broken in the early 12th century, when Twentish missionaries arrived in the Azores and quickly converted the population into Twentish Catholicism. The Reabertura, as it is called the period in which the Azores reopened themselves to the rest of Europe lasted until the 14th century. Soon, the various Azorean city-states organized themselves into a Merchant Republic. The following centuries were times of extreme prosperity, with the foundation of the Ponta Delgada Stock Exchange in 1609.

The 19th century liberal revolutions triggered times of chaos. Several revolutions against the corrupt and authoritarian Senate took place throughout this century. At the same time, the Industrial Revolution, together with the development of modern liberalism were taking place. In 1904, the city of Mercoburg was taken by a Communist guerrilla, which soon transformed into an enormous army. A civil war between several factions and cities devastated the country until 1923, when a Democratic Republic was installed.

This was the foundation of the Federation of the Azores Islands, a prosper and democratic neoliberal Republic which steadily ruled until 2003. In 2003, after the resignation of the Prime Minister Artur Câmara, the conservative Prof. José do Canto took charge as PM. It was the begining of a silent putsch, which included stealthy constitution changes and would only end 4 months later with the proclamation of the Azorean Fascist Republic.