Texan Hotrodders

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Texan Hotrodders
Flag of Texan Hotrodders
Motto: Timing is Key!
Region Texas
Capital Rodder City
Official Language(s) Texan
Leader None
Population 2 billion
Currency dragstrip 
NS Sunset XML


The Fuel-Injected Federation of Texan Hotrodders was originally formed as a colony of HotRodia and grew gradually into a nation of its own with all the attendant sovereignty that entails. Texan Hotrodders has no formal alliance with HotRodia, but relations between the two have been very good and the Fuel-Injected Federation agreed to represent its own interests and those of HotRodia in the the Texas Defense Force and the United Nations. HotRodia had previously been a member of the United Nations, but most HotRodian citizens grew to despise the United Nations for what they saw as its grossly offensive and impractical legislation and so the citizens chose to resign from the organization, so the duty of representing HotRodian interests in the UN was passed on to Texan Hotrodders, where it remains to this day.


The government of Texan Hotrodders has no legislature or executive office(s), and is essentially an anarcho-socialist federation. The government is composed of a series of largely autonomous organizations called Agencies. Each individual agency serves the population in a particular way. The people who work at the various agencies are chosen by a lottery system that randomly selects a qualified person from the populace to serve at the agency. The agencies are lead by Ministers that preside over the operation of their agency and facilitate necessary communications between agencies.

Agency of UN Affairs

The Agency of UN Affairs is the only agency in the Federation that has much of an international presence. This agency has accomplished much in recent times, mostly due to the efforts of the current Minister of UN Affairs, Edward "Speed Demon" Jones. Minister Jones, in addition to the standard duties of casting the Federation's vote on resolutions and debating the merits of resolutions in the halls of the United Nations, has performed a number of services that are not quite so traditional. He helps other representatives to the UN in drafting proposals and very helpfully informs those representatives when they are breaking the proposal rules. Minister Jones also provided a boost the Federation's economy by offering to host The Great Dodgeball War (a conflict over noncompliance with a UN resolution between the nations of Frisbeeteria and Sophista) in the Acceleron Arena. Minister Jones also authored, campaigned for, and passed a resolution, namely #94 "Right to Self-Protection. In addition, he has authored an essay dealing with the issue of national sovereignty and its relationship to the United Nations that is widely recognized as the best such essay by the international community. His agency also founded the Texan Hotrodders chapter of the United Nations Association, represents the Federation on the Pretenama Panel, and founded the National Sovereignty Organization.

Agency of Security

Agency of Health and Housing

Agency of Economy and Banking

Agency of Records

Agency of Education





External Links

A Practical Guide to the United Nations Forum

UN Old Guard

UN Organizations

National Sovereignty Organization

Roleplaying and the NSUN

A Practical Guide to the NSUN

National Sovereignty and the NSUN

The Bastard NationStates Player From Hell

A Saloon Story

House of Cards: A Deck for the UN Forum