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Flag of Aequatio
Motto: "Don't like it? Go to Russia!
Geographical map
Region Gholgoth
Capital Magna Casa, Aequatius Prime
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Nicklas Blüme
Population 4.499 Billion (April 18, 2005)
Currency Aequatian Marke 
NS Sunset XML

The name "Aequatio" was chosen by the nation's founder, Bomfy, and means "Community" in the island's native population which was eliminated by British settlers in the 18th Century.

Aequatio is currently located in the region of Gholgoth along with other prominent nations such as Automagfreek, Crimmond, Doujin, Mallberta, Neo-Wu, Pantera, Samtonia, Sigma Octavus, Tersanctus and Tyrandis.


Aequatio's population is ever growing and has reached well over 4.5 billion and is still growing. Around 59% of the population are female as the remaining 41% are male. Religious distribution is mainly Christian, a majority are Anglican/Protestant due to the nation's British background, but it also has a large number of Roman Catholics. Islam, Judaism and Buddhism are also present, but do not reach the percentage of Christians. A majority of the population is of Anglo/Saxon and Germanic background, there are also a large number of Asisn and Middle Eastern groups within Aequatio as well.

Head of state

The current head of state, Nicklas Blüme, was sworn in after the retirement of President Schaeffer when he was forced out of office after an attempt to eliminate the power of both the National Senate and Supreme Court of Aequatio. He was a former officer in the Aequatian Army's Armoured Corps and served in several campaigns before leaving the military and going to law school to become a corporate lawyer. After a short career with Aequatian Automotive Industries, he entered politics by joining his personal hero's political party, Bomfy's Centralist Party and became the party leader shortly before being sworn in as President. While the youngest head of state in Aequatio's history, he plans to prove himself to his country and fellow citizens while doing his best to place Aequatio in high standing in the international community.

Land divisions

The Republic is divided into three separate continents which are ruled as provinces within the country which are then ruled by the national government, allowing for a Federal system for ease of rule over Aequatio.


The national capital and home to the President's dwelling is Magna Casa, which is loosly based off Latin for Grand Castle as the city was originally a Royal Navy port and base of operations. The city's original name was Casa but was changed after the Socialist Reformation by Premier Bomfy to promote the nation's growing prosperity at the time.


As the nation is a former collection of British colonies, both founded by British settlers and those captured from the Spanish, the primary language of business and communication throughout the country is English.


The Aequatian flag represents the dualism of the Aequatian people, the large white cross represents the individual strength of each person while the iron cross in the top left stands for the power and freedom the people sacrifice to the government to protect their own liberties. The Eagle in the middle symbolizes the Republic system which has ruled over the nation since the days of Aequatio's savoir and founder, Bomfy.


The national motto was originally a quote from the nation's first leader, Deno Demonte, after unification to all those who did not approve of his ruling methods. Those included are the nation's hero, Bomfy.


The national currency, the Aequatian Marke, was adapted by President Nicklas Schaeffer in an attempt to create a powerful world currency with the backing of the nation's frightening economic strength. While it did not reach the status he had hoped for, the Aequatian Marke remains today as one of Gholgoth's leading currencies.