Texan Hotrodders

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Texan Hotrodders
Flag of Texan Hotrodders
Motto: Timing is Key!
Region Texas
Capital Rodder City
Official Language(s) Texan
Leader None
Population 2 billion
Currency dragstrip 
NS Sunset XML


The below articles were taken entirely or in part from the Encyclopedia HotRodia, 18th Edition, which was published by the HotRodia Publishing Corporation. These articles contain information that was current at the time of writing. For information on the past events in Texan Hotrodders, see the History of Texan Hotrodders.


The government of Texan Hotrodders has no legislature or executive office(s), and is essentially an anarcho-socialist federation. The government is composed of a series of largely autonomous organizations called Agencies. Each individual agency serves the population in a particular way. The people who work at the various agencies are chosen by a lottery system that randomly selects a qualified person from the populace to serve at the agency. The agencies are lead by Ministers that preside over the operation of their agency and facilitate necessary communications between agencies.

Agency of UN Affairs

The Agency of UN Affairs is the only agency in the Federation that has much of an international presence. This agency has accomplished much in recent times, mostly due to the efforts of the current Minister of UN Affairs, Edward "Speed Demon" Jones. Minister Jones, in addition to the standard duties of casting the Federation's vote on resolutions and debating the merits of resolutions in the halls of the United Nations, has performed a number of services that are not quite so traditional. He helps other representatives to the UN in drafting proposals and very helpfully informs those representatives when they are breaking the proposal rules. Minister Jones also provided a boost the Federation's economy by offering to host The Great Dodgeball War (a conflict over noncompliance with a UN resolution between the nations of Frisbeeteria and Sophista) in the Acceleron Arena. Minister Jones also authored, campaigned for, and passed a resolution, namely #94 "Right to Self-Protection. In addition, he has authored an essay dealing with the issue of national sovereignty and its relationship to the United Nations that is widely recognized as the best such essay by the international community. His agency also founded the Texan Hotrodders chapter of the United Nations Association, represents the Federation on the Pretenama Panel, and founded the National Sovereignty Organization.

Agency of Security

The Agency of Security was founded out of necesity after The Hotrodder Wars, an internal conflict in which poor security allowed a group of foreign agents to enter the Federation and cause division among the citizenry, which lead to a series of civil wars. The Agency of Security manages the military of the Federation as well as the intelligence community. The agency is lead by Minister Julia Petroli, a former intelligence officer in the Federation's armed forces. Minister Petroli has used her position in the agency to make sure that the Federation military is well organized and supplied with the best available military technology. She has also started a recruiting drive in an attempt to make certain that the Federation has adequate manpower to protect itself in case of an invasion.

Agency of Health and Housing

The Agency of Health and Housing performs a wide variety of services for the populace of the Federation. This agency offers free information, provides free medical services, provides free mental health services, offers classes in fitness and nutrition, provides free shelter to those who can't find their own, and so on. Fortunately, most citizens of the Federation can take care of their own needs adequately and don't need these services, but they are available. The agency is lead by Minister Jennifer Elkins, a former professor of medicine at Manlow University in Rodder City.

Agency of Economy and Banking

The Agency of Economy and Banking provides a variety of financial services to all citizens free of cost, including loans, tax assessments, budget templates and tips, and temporary financial assistance. This agency also compiles data and economic statistics for use in determining the most appropriate economic policies for the Federation. The leader of the agency is Minister Ramses Olos, formerly the owner of the largest private bank in the Federation. He has ultimate decision-making authority of the economic policies of the Federation.

Agency of Records

The Agency of Records is essentially a nationalised electronic library that contains all data that has ever entered the Federation. However, not all of the information is currently available to all citizens due to security concerns expressed by the Agency of Security. The leader of the Records Agency, as it is commonly known, is Dravui Gola, a former Chief Librarian at the Records Agency headquarters in Rodder City.

Agency of Education

The Agency of Education has a rather obvious purpose, which is to educate the populace effectively so that they might bring political, social, and economic success to the Federation. This agency accomplishes its purpose by providing free education to all citizens (including and beyond a university education), performing extensive research to determine the most effective methods of education, and training those who wish to become educators. This agency is lead by Berina Gill, a former Professor of Education and Headmaster at Manlow University in Rodder City.


Due to the long-standing lack of checks on immigration, the residents of Texan Hotrodders are a diverse mixture of people from a variety of species and geopolitical backgrounds, including but not limited to native HotRodians, humans of various other geopolitical backgrounds, elves, dwarves, sentient robots, certain energy-based life-forms, and so on. Despite all of this diversity, there are certain common cultural patterns that apply to the vasty majority of residents, regardless of species or geopolitical background. The first is that they are a peaceful people that get along with their neighbors and generally operate by a philosophy expressed succinctly in a trite phrase common in the Federation, "Live and let live." They also believe strongly in the effectiveness of the complete liberty of individuals to make their own decisions without interference from a government, except where the ideal of equality demands such interference. Even where the citizens feel that government is necessary, they try to limit it as much as possible because most of them feel that government is intrinsically prone to corruption and error. Anti-government organizations are common among the populace. Religion is not so common, however, and there are no sizable religious organizations that operate successfully in the Federation, though the people do not seem to have any particular aversion to religion.




External Links

A Practical Guide to the United Nations Forum

UN Old Guard

UN Organizations

National Sovereignty Organization

Roleplaying and the NSUN

A Practical Guide to the NSUN

National Sovereignty and the NSUN

The Bastard NationStates Player From Hell

A Saloon Story

House of Cards: A Deck for the UN Forum