Austar Union

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Austar Union
Flag of Austar Union
Motto: "Respect, Is The Greatest General Of Them All"
See Image: Left
Region Tareldanore
Capital Anatoba City
Official Language(s) English, Small Italian Sects
Leader Lord Indigo Blue
Population > three billion
Currency Austarian Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

General Overview

Able to be found on the European Continent, the Absolutionist State of Austar Union is a post-modern to futuristic nation set in the form of a Benevolent Dictatorship. Under the rule of Indigo Blue, the population of approximately four billion and rising, are enjoying a season of prosperity and wealth - being one of the richest (but not the richest) nations in the world per Capita.

The Union is most recognisable perhaps for their more socially-liberal policies of which the population enjoys heavily. Some of these include the complete absense of Drug-Laws, the Legalization of Prostitution, the Legalization of Gambling, and the socially relaxed laws regarding Public Nudity. Although some acts are not encouraged, and although the government does not endorse the use of these relaxed laws nessasarily, the people have been given right to them. In the meantime, the eductaion system has been designed carefully to cater for a mix of social engineering, and actual information.

Culture wise, the nation is a multicultural society, with Humans maintaining a dominance amongst society's rank, but still maintaining a peaceful inclusion of many non-humans. Economically, Indigo Blue is the supporter of such concepts as the Free Market and thus has adopted a policy of great Economic Liberalism. He also has a heavy belief in the power of the Corporation, and its role in Economics. Nationally, the Austar Union is a strong market leader in the globe, and has emerged stronger than those such as the political and economical giants of Menelmacar, and Knootoss. Generally speaking, the nation considers itself to be a part of the Western world



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Map Drafted by Ozymandius V, the Austar Union, 2003.

Consisting of the Earth Territories of Germany, Austria, Poland, and the Czech Republic, the Austar Union does not by all means represent these nations. But rather over perhaps millions of years, an exact duplicate of these lands were formed on which the Austarians had settled. Largely decentralized over the nation, the population as a result is spread accross the nation in a fairly even manner. Because the number of Austarian citizens recorded is so high however, the best definition for the Austar Union and its cities, would be a single Agglomeration, with its base being centralized within Anatoba City. Urban spawl has been limited in the very south in the meantime, where the nation is guarded by a small mountain range. To the north, west, and east, it has been known to be lowlands, and has been known to be prone to flooding - the proper reason why the government has invested heavily in shore protection over the past hundred years.

The nation is rich in natural resource, which includes several minor mines in the south, but also including large iron deposits in the west, and access to large oil reserves in the far south-east. There are also notably several large drilling facilities in the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea also.

Unfortunately, due to the result of such a high-density situation among a large urban sprawl, much of the land has been rendered useless in the means of farming crops - a reason why much of the nation actually imports its food requirements from regional partners.

  • Arable Land: 36.4%
  • Permanant Crops: 0.2%
  • Other: 63.4%

Fishing Villages can be found along the northern coasts, as well as large docks - particularly near the penninsula.

  • Exclusive Fishing Zone: 200 NM
  • Territorial Sea: 12NM

The Austar Union has a temperate marine climate with cool summers and mild winters. The weather has a tendency to be rainy, humid and cloudy. In one month of the year, it has been called Summer's June because it is well known that the area warms up particularly in that month. In that month, Austarians have been known to adopt the beach as much of their national culture.

Environmental Issues

There are only a few environmental issues which are reasonably threatening at the moment. To the east in particular, the country suffers from large amounts of air pollusion, from the large industrial network which powers much of the nation's economy. Wind tends to blow some amounts of Acid Rain to the south from there, and local fisheries are dwindelling in both the North and Baltic Seas. Water Pollution is somewhat of a problem in these areas, only again from the industrial sector to the east.


Race and Ethnicity

Based on a solid foundation of the Human race, much of the populous comes from a European background. Having pulled a large amount of immigrants within the nation's early history, although most of the Human populous comes from an Anglo heritage, there have been a variety of strong influences from the Italian, German, and Spanish sects. In the meantime, the nation now is home to over three thousand different cultures and races, including a smaller minority of Non-Human types. From elven to dwarf, and then furthermore into the human foundation, the Austar Union is home to almost four billion individuals. From a basic perspective, the Austar Union might be considered to be within the Anglosphere group of nations, and is most comparable to this somewhat exclusive group.

Austarian Culture

Using history as an example only, the Austar Union is more famous for their great economists and soldiers than anything. Traditionally fierce capitalists, much of the modern classic traditionals have actually been based on the Union's foundation, which dates back to the days of swordsmen and cavalry on horses. During these days, it has been well known for the Union to be in an almost consistant state of warfare, whereby between games of crocket it was not abnormal to have a duel between two warring factions. Usually however, with consideration of the people's capitalistic nature, it would be the settlement of a feud between two powerful families, over the contents of an estate which may have existed. From this time, many traditional extras have been added to the Union, including many which Austarians are even aware of. Some of these include the following.

  • Assistants are always seated to the right of their 'masters', because it was considered that a man's sword would be free to withdraw without fear of accident.
  • Traditional dress uniforms have a sword included, alongside its usual 'over-decoration'.
  • Older Contracts have included the text in them, By the Rule of Musket - although much of this was phased out over time.
  • A sign of a diplomatic partnership is traditionally in the form of a pure silver blade, with the 'Austar Union' encrypted on one side, and the other nation's name encrypted on the other. Representing that both were aligned by the blade, the handle usually contains some form of message regarding their partnership.

Since these times, several influencial families have evolved into modern-day politics, including the Von Hanskoff estate. The development and eternal feuding of some individuals have led to the rise of several infamous secret societies, including the much shrouded existance of the Black Webbed. This organisation's existance is still debated today, and many conspiracy theories have arised regarding its existance and social influence abroad, perhaps outside of the Union's own borders.

In the meantime, as time and history passed, and as influences from the market agendas of those such as Knootoss, Austarians are now typically known only for their economic value. Some are respected as valuable members of society, whether they be in the form of an artist, lawyer, doctor and whatnot, however social value is traditionally now, considered the same as influence and monetary value. Within the Union, it is understood by the actual greats of society that power and influence does equal monetary worth, leading to a rise of belief that corruption may be rampant within the Union. Now primarily an economic state, the Austar Union is one of the leading regarding an individual's personal wealth.