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Flag of Riegab
Motto: "Primo cogitamus, deinde agimus"
Region The Zanziik Republic
Capital Ethnemka
Official Language(s) Rigavie Sutanio, Japanese, German, Latin
Leader Emperor Nathaniel A. Hariosi
Population > 1 billion
Currency Shlotse 
NS Sunset XML



In the beginning Riegab was just comprised a humble little fishing village on the Morza sound, this village was Ethnemka. Over the years it began to flurish with life, soon the city was growing to small to house all of it's inhabitants. To remedy this many brave Riegabans sailed into what they thought to be an abyss. They would land on the island we would call Thrasea , they founded the great city of Eutko. This was the beginning of a great land boom, in which the borders were expanded to their current borders.

Later Happenings

Later in the time explorers from Anatania came, they took over power by killing the oppressive Emperor Shlotsnok (meaning "The Devine Ruler"). The Riegabans were very exalted by this. For many, many years the Riegabans were ruled without much dislike for Anatania, but as time came into a new age, the younger Riegabans were looking for some self identity, they overthrew the Anatanian government in the region and established their own government. The Anatanians though were not to angry, this is because for a long time Riegab was seen as a nuisence, so now finnaly they were gone. Also not really dealing with history but equally notable, the development of Riegab's own calendar, known as the Riegaban Year, more can be learned about it at the main page.


Recently a one ex-general Triantis ploted to overthrow the new Emperor Hariosi. As of June 3, 2005 the civil war is still in full swing, but reports are comming in that the Emperor and his ally, Buben are gaining the upper hand on the rebels.


The main religion practiced in Riegab is Neugiler, which is much like the Buddhust relgion, to read more on Neugiler see the main article Neugiler.


The three main languages of Riegab are Rigavie Sutanio, Japanese, and Latin. Rigavie Sutanio is the native language of the land, to learn more visit the main page Rigavie Sutanio. Japanese is spoken a lot because of the large immigration of Japanese people, mainly because of the presence of Kiku T. Hariosi. Latin is widely spoken not only by the high class but by all, although most people of a lower education only speak vulgar latin. Latin is also used for any and all legal documents.


The largest corporation in Riegab is Smith & Deiters. Smith & Deiters is one of the most prominent weapons manufacturers in Riegab, they also dabble a bit in the resource mining and accusation field, more information can be found here Smith & Deiters Also one should note their large contribution in our government, they have their own appointed minister in the Grand Ministry, this is peticularly intresting seeing that the nation is slowly creeping down the path of Capitalizm. Despite this, Smith & Deiters is still the largest single contributer to our homless and disease foundations.

National Anthem

The national anthem of Riegab is Kore sa malisi Natanio, which, in Rigavie Sutanio means This is Natania, more can be learned at the main page, and perhaps you will find out why it's Natania and not Riegab Kore sa malisi Natanio.

Census Report

(Source: Riegaban Census Bureau, 2005)

Race Distribution

Africans: 7%
Asians: 34%
Caucasians: 58%
Other: 1%

Religion Distribution

Agnosticism/Atheism: 8%
Buddhism: 16%
Christianity: 3%
Hinduism: 5%
Islam: 2%
Judaism: 2%
Neugiler: 63%
Other: 1%

Language at Home Distribution

German: 16%
Greek: 3%
Japanese: 8%
Rigavie Sutanio: 72%
Other: 1%


Basically children are taught from the age of 3 to the age of 18, and from then til the age of 25 if one decides to go to a university.

Each age in broken up into age groups:

In age group 3 students learn the basics of Rigavie Sutanio. In age group 4 the students learn more advanced Rigavie Sutanio concepts. In age group 5 the students will take a test, if they pass (high scores required) they'll go on to take vocabulary classes, but if they fail they will take more grammar classes. In age group 6 they are administered a test that, if failed they will be sent back, depending on their score, to take grammar again untill they passs, if they pass, they will start taking reasoning classes that will prepare them for future classes. They will also have the oportunity to take one of the required secondary languages, this includes, Latin, Japanese, German, and Eubraute, these are the secondary languages of Riegab. If they choose not to, then they will just wait a year. In age group 7 a secondary language is required, again they may choose from the above languages. This year they also start to take math, this includes basic functions, like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, as well as roots and powers. They will also discover the relationships between decimals and fractions, and also will be working with the various graphs of these functions. They will also start science, they will look at earth science this year. In age group 8 they will continue their secondary language studies, as well as their math. In math they will add to the previous knowledge by moving into geometry, and how shapes are related, and how they can use the functions to find perimiter, volume, and other mesurments. They also will start learning about cultures, foreign and domestic, this includes the learning about religions, and the teachers encourage the students to find a religion that they find fits them. In science the will look at astronomy. In age group 9 once again they continue their studies in their secondary language, but now they are encouraged (but not required) to take a foreign language, ie. Spanish, Greek, German, note Japanese is not a foreign language UNLESS they are already taking a DIFFERENT secondary language. Also in math they start to talk about algebra, and how numbers themselves are related to each other, throught the learning and proficiency of knowing the theorems and laws in math. Also by learning the basics of statistics. In science they will look at basic biology, like how things interact in their environment. In age group 10 they again continue their language studies, this is the last required year for a secondary language, although it is recomended one continues on. The math they will learn is more advanced ideas on statistics. They will also begin to take history and geography classes. They will learn about the biology of the human body in full, this includes a health class. In age group 11 they will, if they wish, continue their language studies, as they will for the rest of school. Then in math they will laern the basics of Triganomotry. They will continue in history, and get more in depth in geography, and will also start to look at how the local, (district and city) governments work. They will learn now about the biology of plants and other animals. In age group 12 the math will continue with more advanced concepts in trigonomatry. Then in science they will focus on basic chemistry. They will continue with their history studies and now will learn more about the government, that is the central, national government and how the nation functions as a whole. In age group 13 they will get into calculus and for science they will look at the advanced parts of chemistry. In history they will take yet more, and in government they will learn about the differing governments of the rest of the world, and compare them to the government of Riegab. In age group 14 they will finnish up calculus. In science they will devieate from the standard course and take computer science, they all know how to use a computer from their other calsses, but they will take a class devoted to the inner workings of the computer. They will also take a test on all of their history classes, this also includes geography, and a rigorous 4 day test on the government and citizenship. If they fail they must take the class in their problem area again.

Now age groups 15-18 are different, they focus on specific occupation paths they may take, there are four main branches, a science, business, vocation, and military branch. Each is split up into several related occupational branches.

If you go into the science branch you will learn about computers or engineering which includes calculus, physics, and chemistry. Also you may go into chemistry, or biology. This branch would include classes like marine biology classes, and more in depth chemistry classes. Then there is also astronomy, as well as what are know as the ancient studies, these are linguistics, which includes classes for if one would like to become a writer or even a translator. This also includes all proffesions that are based in the past, like archeology and paleontology. And also there is a medical branch.

The business branch just mainly contains accounting classes, advertisment, and business practices class which focuses on business ethics and how to successfully run it. As well as more statistics classes.

The vocational branch is for those whom feel the call to work with their hands, this includes auto work or botony as well as parochial vocation for all religions.

And finnaly the military branch, this is the only branch that can be left after a year. In the first year, you take basic training, as well as a tactics class. If you decide to leave at this point you will join the military in the branch that you took basic training in, but you will be merely a 3rd class soldier, equivilant to a US corporal, whereas if you join without going to school you will be a private. If you decide to stay you will be taking classes to further your proficiency with weaponry, such as heavy weapons training, sharpshooters school, or mechanized transport school, which includes tanks and mechanized warfare. Or you could choose to take air or sea tactics classes. If you stay in and graduate you will become a 1st class officer, equivilant to a US liutenant. Then if you graduate in the top 20 in your class, you will be invited to attend the prestigious Military Institute at Eutko, here if you graduate within the top 20 of your class you will become a general/admiral, same titles as in the US military.