Triumvirate of Yut Combined Services

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An example of a TYCS recruitment poster.

The military of the Triumvirate of Yut, with a strategic concentration on aerospace superiority. It is the first line of the Triumvirate of Yut and makes up almost the entirety of the Scolopendran and Karmabaijani space militaries, combined with volunteers from across the Triumvirate. It works very closely with the Menelmacari MIDF, the Sunset Defense Force, and the Queendom Armed Conflict Force.

Combined Services Structure

The Combined Services are a relatively decentralized military force relying on a combination of doctrine produced by the War Analysis and New Concepts College, the individual initiatives of each unit commander, and a broad but relatively shallow chain of command under the Commander-in-Chief, Triumvirate of Yut Combined Services (CINCTYCS). The CINCTYCS coordinates the greater actions of the Combined Services, assigning commanders to fleets and fleets to strategic theatres, while smaller-scale strategic and tactical planning is the responsibility of fleet commanders and their subordinates. This force structure epitimizes the tenet of airpower "Centralized Command, Decentralized Execution."

The TYCS are independent from any Triumvirate of Yut member's military; the CINCTYCS reports directly to the Triumvirate's federal leadership, the Council of Yut. The TYCS can coordinate with any member state's military forces and, in coalition operations, has the ability to take command of all Triumvirate forces in the area. This is not often exercised, but it is an option open to Sky Marshals.

Combined Services Fleets


A squadron of TYCS ships.


A size comparison of TYCS ships.

The fleets of the TYCS are the Triumvirate's primary force projection elements. They represent the largest consistent concentration of forces in the TYCS (task forces are made of fleets, but are by their very nature malleable and live only as long as their assigned missions) and thus the centers of gravity of Triumvirate military force.

Triumvirate Expeditionary Forces (TEFs)

A TEF is the TYCS's primary combined-forces power projection unit. Consisting of a fleet of front-line combat warships powerful enough to assert aerospace superiority while having sufficient ground forces to achieve strategic-level objectives, they act as primary force projectors used to secure vital theatres of operations.

TEF Composition

  • 1 Command Squadron
    • 1 President-General-class supercarrier
    • 2 Supreme Emperor-class battleships
    • 1 Grendel-50B-class missile frigate
    • 2 Grendel-class point-defense frigates
    • 6 Puma II-class advanced destroyers
  • 3 Operations Squadrons
    • 1 Titan-class heavy carrier each
    • 1 Longship-class escort carrier each
    • 1 Sulaco II-class drone carrier heavy cruiser each
    • 2 Tiger-class medium cruisers each
    • 1 Grendel-50B-class missile frigate each
    • 2 Grendel-class point-defense frigates each
    • 4 Puma II-class advanced destroyers each

TEFs and Commanders

  • First, flag TYWS-BB Scolomorph; Sky Marshal Lisa Hayes, CO
  • Second, flag TYWS-BB Vinegaroon; Sky Marshal M'sha, CO
  • Third, flag TYWS-SCV Aspidochelone; Sky Marshal Gregor Pandousco, CO
  • Fourth, flag TYWS-SCV Olympus Mons; Sky Marshal Juan Rico, CO
  • Fifth, flag TYWS-SCV Smilodon; Sky Marshal Charles Blair, CO
  • Sixth, flag TYWS-SCV Normandy; Sky Marshal Tandra Fani-Kayode, CO

Triumvirate Combined Fleets (TCFs)

Combined Fleets are the TYCS's rapid-response forces, made up mostly of fast front-line combat warships that can be supported by ground forces borne by Loki-class heavy dropships. These fleets shore up the efforts of Expeditionary Forces and take on individual missions that require a greater emphasis on aerospace superiority.

TCF Composition

  • 1 Command Squadron
    • 1 President-General-class supercarrier
    • 4 Scorpion-class fast attack frigates
  • 2 Operations Squadrons
    • 1 Supreme-Emperor-class battleship each
    • 1 Longship-class escort carrier each
    • 1 Sulaco II-class drone carrier heavy cruiser each
    • 1 Tiger-class medium cruiser each
    • 1 Grendel-50B-class missile frigate each
    • 2 Grendel-class point-defense frigates each
    • 4 Puma II-class advanced destroyers each

TCFs and Commanders

  • First, flag TYWS-SCV Ragnarok; Sky Marshal Legato Bluesummers, CO
  • Second, flag TYWS-SCV Marishiten; Sky Marshal Neon, CO
  • Third, flag TYWS-SCV Jagernath; Sky Marshal Kioko Yamanouchi, CO
  • Fourth, flag TYWS-SCV Leviathan; Sky Marshal Katyusha Marechenko, CO
  • Fifth, flag TYWS-SCV Glorious Victory; Sky Marshal Ho'elun Dashyondon, CO
  • Sixth, flag TYWS-SCV Chironex; Sky Marshal Dieu-Hien Manh Cao, CO

Triumvirate Space Superiority Fleets (TSSFs)

Space Superiority Fleets are just that--fleets dedicated to destroying an enemy's space capability and denying them the advantages of space control. They are almost wholly forward combat warships with only modest fighter and marine support. While capable of running small ground operations, the attached forces are better suited to fulfilling the marine roles of capturing enemy vessels and installations.

Note: TSSF squadrons are much larger than standard. This is intentional as any TSSF deployment is intended to have definitive aerospace superiority. By segmenting forces in this way, it lessens the chances of entering a situation with insufficient force--a TSSF is about finesse but not about subtlety.

TSSF Composition

  • 1 Support Component
    • 1 President-General-class supercarrier
    • 1 Fusilier-class strategic bombard fortress (or a Hand of God-class SBF)
  • 2 Operations Squadrons
    • 2 Supreme Emperor-class battleships
    • 2 Sulaco II-class drone carrier heavy cruiser each
    • 2 Tiger-class medium cruisers each
    • 4 Grendel-50B-class missile frigates each
    • 4 Scorpion-class fast-attack frigates each
    • 4 Puma II-class advanced destroyers each

TSSFs and Commanders

  • First, flag TYWS-SCV Osprey; Sky Marshal Israil Ignatiev Zolkin, CO
  • Second, flag TYWS-SCV Brekyirihunuade; Sky Marshal Sky Marshal Higd Scipa Héafod, CO
  • Third, flag TYWS-SCV Sun Tzu; Sky Marshal Maria Kutusov, CO
  • Fourth, flag TYWS-SCV Superfortress; Sky Marshal Leviathan Drakos, CO
  • Fifth, flag TYWS-SCV Port Aurora; Sky Marshal Rahotep Tantawi, CO
  • Sixth, flag TYWS-SCV Sirius; Sky Marshal Raphael Cavalleri Farentino, CO

Roving Cruiser Squadrons (RCSs)

Roving Cruiser Squadrons act as first-responder forces to various patrol and local crises. They are generally sufficient to deal with pirate forces and small incursions where an entire fleet would be an inefficient application of resources.

RCS Composition

  • 2 Tiger-class medium cruisers
  • 2 Grendel-50B-class missile frigates
  • 4 Puma II-class advanced destroyers

RCS Squadrons and Commanders

  • Alpha, flag TYWS-MCR Repulse; Flag Captain Kelan Schrodinger, CO
  • Bravo, flag TYWS-MCR Hornet; Flag Captain Hitome Sato, CO
  • Charlie, flag TYWS-MCR Triumphant; Flag Captain Clifton McEvoy, CO
  • Delta, flag TYWS-MCR Akagi; Flag Captain Reister, CO
  • Echo, flag TYWS-MCR Adventurer; Flag Colonel Qi Xan, CO
  • Foxtrot, flag TYWS-MCR Yubari; Flag Captain Schmahl, CO
  • Golf, flag TYWS-MCR Akizuki; Flag Captain Meneely, CO
  • Hotel, flag TYWS-MCR Thunder Child; Flag Captain Hideko Takahashi, CO
  • India, flag TYWS-MCR Defender; Flag Captain Conver, CO

Corvette Patrol Force (CPF)

The detachments of the Corvette Patrol Force constantly guard the standard trading routes of the Triumvirate, mostly those between Earth, Mars, Titan, and Jupiter. Originally consisting of Battle of Shiloh-class corvettes, these vessels were replaced after they were found to be extremely deficient after an engagement against rampant Angelic Skies forces.

CPF Detachment Composition

  • 5 Chameleon-class light strike frigates (light troop destroyers)
  • 10 Wildcat-class fast-attack corvettes

CPF Detachments and Commanders

  • Alpha, flag TYWS-LSF Brachyceratops; Commander Ziya-An, CO
  • Bravo, flag TYWS-LSF Pachyrhinosaurus; Commander Rachel Skahill, CO
  • Charlie, flag TYWS-LSF Brachiosaurus; Commander Patalung, CO
  • Delta, flag TYWS-LSF Deinodon; Commander Bin Haji, CO
  • Echo, flag TYWS-LSF Kakuru; Commander Pion, CO


The TYCS has a large auxilliary, mostly in the form of colonial defense Sky Marshal-class system defense fortresses, Strategic Attack Groups, and a Merchant Marine. The TYCS Ground Forces Reserve numbers about five million fighting men and acts in a reserve role to forward-deployed units aboard TYCS fleet carriers. The Titan Defense Force of Berserker is an auxilliary of the TYCS, but operated essentially like a seperate military service.

External Links

TYCS ship [images]