Agwene of the Resurgent Dream

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Agwene of the Resurgent Dream
19 December 1435
Her High Majesty, High Queen of the Resurgent Dream or Her Holiness, the Commander of the Faithful of Dana
Marital Status

Agwene ni Gwydion is the second daughter of Corrina ni Gwydion and Immanuel ap Gwydion. Until recently, she was not viewed as in line for a crown. However, when her older sister, Aiwyn, yielded the throne of the Resurgent Dream to claim the throne of Akaton by marriage, Agwene was granted the high throne of the Resurgent Dream.

In defiance of what was until recently a strong social taboo, Agwene is an open homosexual though recent political pressures have made it necessary for her to agree to take a husband, Diuc Connor ap Daireann. While this has created a good deal of dissent and disagreement at the tradition minded imperial court, none of her nobles have openly resisted yet.

Agwene's most notable political initiative is an attempt to bring a deeper peace and friendship between races. Agwene has done much to bring about genuine equality between Fae and Humans in the Resurgent Dream. This includes the Edict of Racial Equality which makes all persons equal before the law regardless of race and the Resurgent Dream has gone from having a racial cast system to being an active champion of racial equality in the world. Agwene's reign saw the election of the first human prime minister in Danaan history, Vincenzo Lacau.

Agwene's reign has also seen the opening of relations with many nations and the high queen has become something of a diplomat, making frequent personal state visits. The most notable of these state visits have been to Menelmacar and Lavenrunz.

Agwene is the sister of Empress Aiwyn and Grand Duchess Vicotira. She is the niece of King Danwyth (deceased), Grand Duchess Nianki, and Grand Duchess Beatrice. Agwene is fluent in English, Italian, Greek, Latin, Solimond, Paroseme, Mannikin, Glome, Quenya, Welsh and Ondine.