Antarctic Oasis

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Antarctic Oasis
Forum: Coming Soon
Population: 72 nations
Delegate: Omigodtheykilledkenny
Founder: Omigodtheykilledkenny
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Antarctic Oasis is a moderately sized region with over 50 nations and a population of about 17 billion. Initally formed from the wreckage of former Valdesian nations, Antarctic Oasis used to be the world's last unspoiled Antarctic wilderness -- that is, until powerful civilizations invaded, building massive ice cities in the desert and mountains and dotting the receding glaciers with thriving seaports. Soon, the shady leaders of the region's rogue nations had an extensive commercial paradise on their hands, relentlessly harvesting the Earth of its gold, uranium and oil reserves, and finding new and terrible ways to abuse the indigenous penguin -- including drafting the more vicious ones into military service and forcing the less useful into lives of servitude as butlers or test subjects in the region's many secret experimental weapons labs.

Antarctic Oasis is strictly a rogue region -- only the scummiest renegade dictatorships, corporate dominions and evil-conservative republics populate this frozen wasteland, where U.N. membership is neither condoned nor condemned -- and members adhere to a strict "shoot on sight" rule for any U.N. official spotted inside the region's sovereign borders. Region members cherish their natural isolation from the international community.

News updates - NEW!

August 21st, 2005 - The Oasis gets 69 nations, passing Antarctica as the biggest Antarctic region in NationStates


The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny founded Antarctic Oasis along with charter nations Lois-Must-Die, Z0S0, The Valdesian Frontier, No TV and No Beer, Dragons Rider, the Great White Knight and Bucky Cat when a seismic catastrophe destroyed their former environs in Valdesia. They sought refuge in the Antarctic when most of their former neighbors were enveloped in the monumental disaster -- and dozens of nations followed suit.


Still in its infant stages, the regional government plans to coordinate through a region-wide diplomatic organization and a mutual-defense pact, tentatively dubbed the Allied Antarctic Asskickers. The Democratic Empire of Palixia will serve as the region's interim secretary for foreign relations and The Holy Empire of The Palentine as defense secretary and ex-officio head of the AAA. Mashtopia will serve as director of communications.

U.N. Delegate

The region does not elect its delegate, nor does it conduct polls to determine how the delegate will vote on U.N. legislation. Omigodtheykilledkenny has been the U.N. delegate for the Antarctic Oasis since its founding.

Voting History

Protection of Dolphins Act: AGAINST
Ban Chemical Weapons: AGAINST
Repeal "Eliminiation of Bio Weapons": FOR
Nuclear Armaments: DID NOT VOTE
United Nations Security Act: DID NOT VOTE
Civilian Rights Post War: AGAINST
Repeal "National Systems of Tax": FOR
UN Biological Weapons Ban: AGAINST
Freedom of Conscience: AGAINST
Mitigation of Large Reservoirs: AGAINST
The Microcredit Bazaar: FOR
The Transgender Equality Act: AGAINST
Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act":FOR

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