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MFUSR's current Crimson Knight is the general Yuri Uchenko, who follows in the footsteps of the very unpopular Jethro Fren. Unlike his iron-fisted predecessor, Yuri has spearheaded campaigns for intellectual and political freedom in MFUSR. Yuri's liberalism is expected, due to the fact that he is the youngest Crimson Knight in the nation's history: 33 years old. From an early age, he devoted his life to the military. He climbed the army's ranks after serving in numerous decisive battles. His brilliant tactics caught the eyes of Jethro Fren, the current Crimson Knight at the time, and he was named to succeed the leader when he died. The population of MFUSR feared the worst when Yuri took power, but he quickly gained their favor after denouncing the man who appointed him. Yuri resides in the capital of Altair. He is currently unmarried.
MFUSR's current Crimson Knight is the general Yuri Uchenko, who follows in the footsteps of the very unpopular Jethro Fren. Unlike his iron-fisted predecessor, Yuri has spearheaded campaigns for intellectual and political freedom in MFUSR. Yuri's liberalism is expected, due to the fact that he is the youngest Crimson Knight in the nation's history: 33 years old. From an early age, he devoted his life to the military. He climbed the army's ranks after serving in numerous decisive battles. His brilliant tactics caught the eyes of Jethro Fren, the current Crimson Knight at the time, and he was named to succeed the leader when he died. The population of MFUSR feared the worst when Yuri took power, but he quickly gained their favor after denouncing the man who appointed him. Yuri resides in the capital of Altair. He is currently unmarried.
====The Tryians====
The majority of MFUSR's population (67%) trace their routes back to the nomadic Tyrian people of the continent. The Tyrians were fair-skinned with brown to black hair. Males and females were usually around 5'9" in height and 110 to 150 pounds in weight. MFUSR's modern Tyrians maintain these same proportions to this day. Unlike other ethnic groups, Tyrians do not take much pride in their tribal past, and are eager to integrate with the other cultures of the world after years of isolation.
====The Drull====
The second largest ethnicity (16%) in MFUSR are the Drull. These seafaring warriors were historically situated along the southern mainland's coast. In 1876 CE, the Drull landed in MFUSR's southern reigons and began a settled life. However, they remained relatively unknown to the Tryian population until the modern travel and communication technologies were developed. The Drull have a darker skin tone than the Tyrians and are built taller. Historically, the Drull have had no legal problems with being a minority group in MFUSR. However, prejudices still exist against them, especially in MFUSR's most nothern areas.
====Other Races====
The remainder of MFUSR's population is made up of a variety of groups. Many of these people have immigrated to the country to reap the benefits of its modern education and healthcare system. These groups tend to live in MFUSR's southern urban areas, creating diverse centers of cultural exchange.
In a political sense, MFUSR is 100% Atheist. The nation's constitution goes so far as to say ''There are no dieties''. All military personnel and government officials are forbidden to practice any form of religion. However, organzied systems of belief are not banned from MFUSR. The citizens of MFUSR are free to practice any creed that they wish. Furthermore, schools are encouraged to teach the beliefs and histories of a variety of global religions.
In a recent poll, 19% of MFUSR's population described themselves as religious.
====Religions of MFUSR (according to a 2003 poll)====
*Islam (7%)
*Roman Catholicism (5%)
*Tyrian Pagan Traditions (4%)
*Hinduism (1%)
*Other Christian Denomination (1%)
*Other (1%)
Tyrian is MFUSR's official language. All state regulated signs and literature are printed in this language. The language consists of a runic alphabet made up of 24 different glyphs. When the Drull arrived, Tyrian was also translated into the Roman alphabet, ommiting the letters "X" and "Q". Most of MFUSR's print is in this romanized version, but children are still taught the runes in school. The language itself is very guttural and hard to speak in for non-natives.
Zog is the language of the Drull. In contrast to Tyrian, Zog is a very "light-sounding" language that rolls of the tip of the tounge. Zog uses all 26 letters of the Roman alphabet. The langauge was so interesting to the Tyrian natives that a predominantly Drullic province was renamed to "Zog". Zog is not recognized as a second language of MFUSR, because most Drullic children and immigrants learn Tyrian anyway. Less than 2% of MFUSR's population speaks Zog as their first language.
In MFUSR, the first name in one's title is the family name. The following name is the person's individual name. When reffering to a citizen that one is not casual with, one would address the citizen as "comrade" followed by the citizen's family name. Jeyrk Damien would be addressed as "Comrade Jeyrk". Citizens that are friendly with one another tend to call their acquaintances by their second name. The only exception to this rule is the Crimson Knight. His or her family name comes second, and he or she is reffered to by their familliar name. This is because the Crimson Knight is supossed to be a champion of the people. "Uchenko Yuri" became "Yuri Uchenko" after being appointed and he is reffered to as "General Yuri".

Revision as of 11:36, 22 December 2005

Flag of MFUSR
Motto: "Is this loli?"
Region The Swamp
Capital Altair
Official Language(s) Tyrian
Leader General Yuri Uchenko
Population 1,974,000,000
Currency The Wonk 
NS Sunset XML

Geography and Environment

MFUSR and its neighbors of Hamboniastion, Calvinastion, and Altrufal are all situated upon the island continent of Tyr, which is located in the northeastern seas. In comparisson to other landmasses, the continent is rather small, but it is the home of more than 7 billion human beings. 2 billion of these people live within the borders of MFUSR. MFUSR itself is a temparate nation with little change in climate. The summers are cool and relaxing, while the winters are brisk and chilly at worst. The mountainous nothern point of the continent occasionally recieves some snowfall.

The majority of MFUSR's land is made up of fertile plains with thick green grass. Springs and trees are common as well, but MFUSR does not have any large forests. The plains are hilly at times, but there is usually little variation in elevation. Being on an island, MFUSR also has sandy coastlines. The weather is perfect for a variety of ocean dwelling creatures, but too cold for most humans.



MFUSR's government is a democratically-elected body of assemblymen known as "Eternals". The Eternals are MFUSR's judicial and legislative branch. They write and modify the laws of the land and deal with enforcing them as well. Eternals serve 2 year terms, but can be re-elected as many times as possible. Each of the nation's 15 provinces holds an election every two years to select an Eternal to represent them in the capital. 7 of MFUSR's territories vote during one year, while 7 different provinces elect their Eternal the next year. The exception to this rule is the territory of Zalbarg, which holds an Eternal election every year.

The leader of the Council of Eternals is the highest ranking general of MFUSR's army, the Crimson Knight. He or she is not elected, but rather promoted through the ranks of the military. Because of this appointment, the Crimson Knight usually serves until he or she wishes to retire, when a new Knight is named. The Crimson Knight presides over the Eternal's meetings, guiding the process and adding his or her imput to the ideas presented. The Crimson Knight is granted absolute control over the nation's military, but holds no true power over the ideas of the 15 man council. This restricts the general to a rather symbolic role - except during times of war.

The official title of this system of government is known as Awesomeocracy.

MFUSR's Council of Eternals for the Year of 2005

  • Azmar Alakain of the Province of Zalbarg
  • Vespucci Othello of the Province of Nytalia
  • Dazigar Maré of the Province of Midlande
  • Stauffer von Marjin of the Province of Grentzel
  • Lêthe Ayreon of the Province of Thrak
  • Arius Lister of the Province of Oaklande
  • Petrucci Melchior of the Province of Ytsez
  • Stein Dackture of the Province of Bakuel
  • Izlude Marius of the Province of Chaucer
  • Teljuk Jark of the Province of Moratia
  • Yzz Ahâz of the Province of Zog
  • Tou Suigin of the Province of Rozen
  • Malmsteen Jager of the Province of Röst
  • Izlude Agrias of the Province of Trent
  • Noin Renthal of the Province of Lespklos

There are 12 male Eternals and 3 female Eternals currently serving on the council.
Interestingly enough, two siblings, Izlude Marius and Izlude Agrias, are serving in office at the same time.

MFUSR's Crimson Knight

MFUSR's current Crimson Knight is the general Yuri Uchenko, who follows in the footsteps of the very unpopular Jethro Fren. Unlike his iron-fisted predecessor, Yuri has spearheaded campaigns for intellectual and political freedom in MFUSR. Yuri's liberalism is expected, due to the fact that he is the youngest Crimson Knight in the nation's history: 33 years old. From an early age, he devoted his life to the military. He climbed the army's ranks after serving in numerous decisive battles. His brilliant tactics caught the eyes of Jethro Fren, the current Crimson Knight at the time, and he was named to succeed the leader when he died. The population of MFUSR feared the worst when Yuri took power, but he quickly gained their favor after denouncing the man who appointed him. Yuri resides in the capital of Altair. He is currently unmarried.

Law and Order

A brief overview of MFUSR's legal status.

  • Primary means of Enforcement: MFUSR's military police divisions
  • Percentage of population behind bars: 3%
  • Primary causes of incarceration: Assault, Rape, Theft
  • Average age of prisoner: 39 years old
  • Average gender of prisoner: Male
  • Average race of prisoner: Tyrian

  • Abortion legal? Yes
  • Gay marriage legal? Yes
  • Capital punishment used? Yes
  • Torture used? Yes, but not widespread
  • Narcotics illegal? Yes
  • "Soft drugs" illegal? No
  • Anti-government speech illegal? No

  • Minimum drinking age: 21 years old
  • Minimum smoking (including marijuana) age: 21 years old
  • Minimum driving age: 17 years old
  • Minimum drafting age: 16 years old
  • Age of consent: 12 years old
  • Voting age: 16 years old

Armed Forces


All males and females are required to sign up for MFUSR's military at the age of 16. During times of war, these 16 year olds are sent to training camps right away. However, citizens are given the option to finish education until they are 18 years of age during times of peace. An overwhelming amount of students choose to finish their studies. However, all citizens of MFUSR, excluding the physically and mentally disabled, will serve two years in the armed forces once they are 16 or 18. Studies show that most of MFUSR's students accept this requirement willingly and see it as yet another positive educational experience. That is what the military hopes to create: MFUSR's goal is not to make killing machines, but strong and interdependent citizens who fight for their ideals.

The Soldier

The average soldier is 22 years old. Despite the fact that a large portion of MFUSR's army is made up of conscripted teens, there are many citizens who make their careers as soldiers due to the nice salary, living conditions, and education opportunities. The standard soldier serves in an infantry division. He or she is issued a dress uniform, (a crimson hat, dress shirt, pants/skirt, and boots), battle suit (sage kevlar helmet, kevlar vest, fatigues, and black boots), and a MF-071 battle rifle (7.62 caliber black rifle; 30 round clips; semi-auto and auto fire). Other soldiers serve in tank battalions, naval fleets, and air sqaudrons. They are equipped accordingly. MFUSR's large military budget has payed off. Soldier casualties are the lowest in the region due to superior training, equipment, and medical technology.

Foreign Policy

MFUSR is a militarily-ambitious nation. It currently occupies the nations of Hamboniastion, Altrufal, and Calvinastion. While it does not control these territories directly, it reaps a tremendous profit off of them. Recently, Altrufal was named as MFUSR's official UN District. All of MFUSR's ministers and ambassadors reside in this small territory.

Because of this occupation, MFUSR is in a constant state of war with insurgents and rebels in these nations. However, MFUSR has not had to to declare any major combat operations in these countries during the last 3 years. Attacks are weak and far in-between. Only the most radical of citizens dare to stand up to the army.

Because of the lack of destruction, death, and setbacks, MFUSR's public opinion of warfare is very high. MFUSR has never been attacked by a foreign force on their own soil either, so its citizens have never really felt the hardships of combat.