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Children as young as twelve are conscripted into the armed forces, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume, almost half of the child population live rough on the streets, and weasels are becoming popular in pet stores nationwide. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. New Empire's national animal is the Auerstadti Falcon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Auric.
Children as young as twelve are conscripted into the armed forces, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume, almost half of the child population live rough on the streets, and weasels are becoming popular in pet stores nationwide. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. New Empire's national animal is the Auerstadti Falcon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Auric.
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As the UCSNE emgerged as a regional power in the 1960s, Marketism began its return, and a 'capitalist' driven economy was firmly in place, though the battles between Trade and National Marketists still rage in politics today.
As the UCSNE emgerged as a regional power in the 1960s, Marketism began its return, and a 'capitalist' driven economy was firmly in place, though the battles between Trade and National Marketists still rage in politics today.
== Government ==
The UCSNE consists of 175 city states, though historically many more exist. Most modern borders are the result of military occupation zones during the 1850s to 1950s, with the 'city' serving as the capital.
The Imperial (or Federal) government consists of an Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch.
The Executive Branch is lead by the Triconsulate, which consists of an Executive Consul and two Lower Consuls. This is based primarily on the history of the nation, where three consuls were appointed, and two had to agree to perform tasks such as declaring war. Now however, the Lower Consuls serve to break ties in the Senates, conduct foreign affairs, and oversee the national emergencies. The triconsular candidates run as one group with a designated Executive.
The Legislature consists of a State and Popular Senate. The State Senate has one seat per city-state, while the popular senate, out of 500, divides the city-states proportionally. Both chambers must agree for new laws to be passed, but declarations of war and appointment need only pass the State Senate.
The Judiciary Branch's highest level is the Imperial Court, which has 7 appointed judges who serve for 10 year terms, and must be reappointed by the State Senate to remain after that.
Elections of the Senators are done popularly. For the Triconsulate, the citizenry of each city state votes, and the electoral votes, determined by the seats in the Popular Senate, are divided proportionally.

Latest revision as of 18:23, 9 May 2006

United City States of New Empire
Flag of the New Empire
Official Language Imperial Aenglish
Capital Berliston, 50.3 million
Head of State Executive Consul Robert Heljaan
Population 6.55 billion (May, 2006)
Founding 1 September, 1901, Full Reunifcation: 8 October, 1952
Government Type Federal Democratic Republic
Nation Type Republic
National Animal Auerstadti Falcon
Currency Auric [$A]
Naval Craft Classification UCSS
Internet TLD .ucn
Official Religion None, secular government

The United City States of New Empire is a massive, economically powerful nation, renowned for its complete lack of prisons. Its hard-nosed, intelligent population of 6.55 billion have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Commerce, and Law & Order. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 17%. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Automobile Manufacturing industry.

Children as young as twelve are conscripted into the armed forces, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume, almost half of the child population live rough on the streets, and weasels are becoming popular in pet stores nationwide. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. New Empire's national animal is the Auerstadti Falcon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Auric.


The Old Empire was founded at around 400 BC in the Eastern City states of Auerstadt and its surroundings, forming the first 'Empire'. The City States of the region were engrossed with Republican theory and primarily traders, and the Old Empire was really more a growing union of commerce and common defense between the city states as tension between the Northern and Southern city states increased.

The minor city states and unions were later absorbed by the Old Empire through blood or diplomacy, which, for a period of about 200 years between the 300s AD to the 500s reigned as one of the largest Republics, extraordinarily well balanced in government but rife with internal tension. As the power of the Northern states increased, they soon began splitting from the 'Empire' during a controversy in the Senate's Consulate appointment. A bloody attempt at a coup was risen, and the Empire returned to a true imperial monarchy, with the Senate remaining to keep the outer city states in the union, though many in the West soon withdrew.

The Empire slowly descended into corruption until its final dissolution in the 700s and the onset of the 'Dark Ages'. They were not as universally stagnant as they were in other nations, Auerstadt returned to a Republic, and Berliston, Dasch, and other coastal cities soon began trading, exploration, and conquest of nearby islands. Constant competition between the coastal and Northern states kept technology moving at a fairly good pace, and in the prosperous city states like Peringeln, Auerstadt, and others, philosophy thrived. Old Imperial records were meticulously kept, and fortunately many of the old concepts of rule were maintained for future generations.

With the 1500s came plague and warfare overseas against foreigners in Greater Dienstad came political revolution. In the face of more organized powers abroad, the seeds were sown for the reunification. Great philosophers and rulers alike began to yearn for a more powerful, centralized structure and the prosperity the Empire had maintained. The concepts of imperial mercantilism were also thrown in early, and as the colonization of the nearby islands were completed, the rich trading nations began to suffer setbacks. The oligarchs who favored imperial mercantilism were ruthless in their control of economies, and there was much infighting between the city states, none of which could agree on whom should lead the 'New Empire'. Bloody wars lead to revolution against the oligarchies, and resulted in the birth of 'Imperial Marketism', as Capitalism was referred to in the region. With new, idealistic governments and fanatical reunifcationists, by the 1850s Auerstadt and allies began the Parade of Death to reunify the Empire by any means. The Southern trading states were eager to join, for reunification meant markets for their goods.

The hundred years of war that followed changed sides sporadically, but throughout the first fifty years two main players remained dominant on each side, the Auerstadt Republic and the Peringeln Throne. By 1901, with around one third of the modern 'New Empire' controlled, the modern nation was born, replacing Imperial Monarchy with a strong executive and bringing back the Senate of the States. Peringeln was never really able to effectively unite the other states because of its resistance to centralization, and was doomed to fail.

The hundred years of war of course, lead to rapid technological development. Armored tractors and automobiles were seen in the 1880s and 1890s, with the basis of modern Imperial firearms readily in service by the 1870s. The first aircraft were flown in 1900, and mobile warfare doctrine was well in use by the late 1910s. But the fractured nature of the wars meant nuclear technology was far behind. Naval technology did not develop at any remarkable pace, due to the fact that the New Empire controlled the seas quite effectively from the beginning. But economically starved by lack of trade, even the extremely powerful Peringeln 'landships' could not be built in effective numbers to stave off the numerically superior forces of the New Empire.

In 1952, the nation as we know it was united. But the economy suffered, and the 'Imperial Market' was pushed to the side by the State Senate.

As the UCSNE emgerged as a regional power in the 1960s, Marketism began its return, and a 'capitalist' driven economy was firmly in place, though the battles between Trade and National Marketists still rage in politics today.


The UCSNE consists of 175 city states, though historically many more exist. Most modern borders are the result of military occupation zones during the 1850s to 1950s, with the 'city' serving as the capital.

The Imperial (or Federal) government consists of an Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch.

The Executive Branch is lead by the Triconsulate, which consists of an Executive Consul and two Lower Consuls. This is based primarily on the history of the nation, where three consuls were appointed, and two had to agree to perform tasks such as declaring war. Now however, the Lower Consuls serve to break ties in the Senates, conduct foreign affairs, and oversee the national emergencies. The triconsular candidates run as one group with a designated Executive.

The Legislature consists of a State and Popular Senate. The State Senate has one seat per city-state, while the popular senate, out of 500, divides the city-states proportionally. Both chambers must agree for new laws to be passed, but declarations of war and appointment need only pass the State Senate.

The Judiciary Branch's highest level is the Imperial Court, which has 7 appointed judges who serve for 10 year terms, and must be reappointed by the State Senate to remain after that.

Elections of the Senators are done popularly. For the Triconsulate, the citizenry of each city state votes, and the electoral votes, determined by the seats in the Popular Senate, are divided proportionally.

Greater Dienstad
Nations: Adaptus Astrates, Barentsburg, Blood Street, Brisbanium, Clayrizzle, CommunismRevisited-, Davidus, Degan, Hailandkill, Illyan, Ironmaidia, Jagada, Lame Bums, Malatose, Myuridia, New Empire, Riptide Monzarc, Risban, Scodson, Skibereen, Spizania, Stevid, Tadjikistan, Tanser, The Golden Hand, The Macabees, Tir, Tocrowkia Umbrella Corp Inc, Uzb3kistan, Zarbia, Zoomicans.