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''Main Article:[[Shakal Military]]''
''Main Article:[[Shakal Military]]''
The Shakal Empire's defence is the best in its region. It is based on the doctraine of ''Decisive Mobility'' this means that all three distinct sectors of the military, the Army, Navy, and Airforce, work closly with one another to give the troops maximum speed and firepower while retaining a strong capability to react to enemy moves.
The Shakal Empire's defence is the best in its region. It is based on the doctraine of ''Decisive Mobility'' this means that all three distinct sectors of the military, the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, and the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe, work closly with one another to give the troops maximum speed and firepower while retaining a strong capability to react to enemy moves.
== Culture ==
== Culture ==

Revision as of 21:19, 11 October 2007

The Golden Empire Of Shakal
National flag

Motto "In the absence of orders or myself, find something and kill it."
Region The Greater Prussian Empire
Capital and largest city Shakal City
Official Language Shakal
Leader - Empress Kristina Schraepl II
 - Total (March 2007)

2.15+ Billion
National animal Klaka
Currency Imperial Dollar
International abbreviations Shakal, SE
Naval craft classification SIN-Shakal Imperial Navy

Shakal, more commonly recognized as the Shakal Empire, is an ancient and powerful nation. Over the couse of its history the leaders proved competant and willing to service the people. In the past two hundred years it has taken part in over a dozen wars. All of which have been sucessful, now with its ever growing level of international power the Empress wishes to push forward and make the Shakal name rvered throughout the world.



  • BHP - Before Holy Purge
  • HP - During The Years Of The Holy Purge
  • PHP - Post Holy Purge

Early History 4000 BHP - 2000 BHP

First Alexandrian Conglomerate

The history of the Empire first begins with the first foundation of the Alexandrian Conglomerate in 3455 BHP. It occupied the city of Alexandria and several of the neighboring tribes and city states. Much like ancient Greece. They were held together under a demcratic style council. There lands spread north to the Great River and west to the Great Wing (Left Third Of Modern Shakal Empire). In the south it reached almost 180km down the Great River before the year 3379 BHP after reaching Octavian lands.

Rise Of Greater Octavia

The Second major player in the international stage was Octavia. It grew from a single nomadic tribe into a set of equal and allied tribes of the area west of Alexandria made to defend there ancient lands when they were attacked in 3380 BHP. The tribes joined together and won several small skirmishes over the Alexandrians with there superior raiding skills. However they were always bested when they fought in pitched battle. The conflict climaxed in the Battle Of Kokam Gia in 3291 BHP. The Octavians won there first pitched battle and by 3250 BHP were equal to the Alexandrians in all respects.

A Third Contender

A third contender came into being south of Alexandria. In 3100 BHP the Celem Union grew after several smaller cities formed a coalition to defend against Alexandria and Octavia. Celem quickly gained animosity from the other two powers because it was able to expand south unhindered. By 2987 BHP the Celem forces reached Mt Klaka and were pushing along the mountains. It was in 2850 BHP that the Alexandrians declared war on the Celemese. It was a great slughter for two years and the Celem forces got pushed south 700km to the city which is now known as Celem. There they won a pitched battle, the largest in history up to the time, included some 70 000 souls.

Civil Uprisings

After the Celem forces halted the Alexandrian advance the world went into turmoil. All the major powers at the time began to crumble. This gace the barbarians from the north of Octavia time to gather an army. In 2500 BHP the gathered barbaric armies formed the Great Coalition. The entire army reached into Octavian lands by 2450 BHP. A major and massive battle was fought at the Plains Of Ruin and it was the first battle in which the barbarians superiority in numbers became apparent to the feduing "Civilized" countries.

Second Alexandrain Conglomerate

The Second Alexandrian Conglomerate was formed in 2444 BHP after the Octavians won at the Plains of Ruin. It was larger than before comprising of almost two million citizens. Its borders were the same as the first except in the east, they extended over the Great River to the highly untamed lands that lay beyond. Initially they were welcomed. But in 2440 BHP the tribes began to realize that the Alexandrians were conquering them. The all fought together and lost countless times because of the superior Alexandrian tactics. The only tribe that continued to fight was the Shakal. They were noted to be much taller than the average Alexandrian and fought with large axes or hammers. They were pushed north and left along in what is now the area direstly south of Shakal City.

The Rise Of The East

In 2200 BHP the Alexandrian borders reached the Far Mountains. This is where they first made contact with the Daranan Kingdom. It possesed more power than the Alexandrians and had greater influence, it already covered an area equal to all three western states combined and doubled there combined populations of 5 million.

Initially relations were sucessful. It wasnt until 2088 BHP that struggles for power began. At this point Alexandria was trapped. Darano lay to the east, the terrible savages to the north, Celem had expand greatly in the south, and Octavian lands were crawling up the great western jutting. Its reaction was the Western War. It attacked Celem defeatings its far off armies in several engagements effectivly annexing its lands in 2086 BHP which had spread as far south as Mt Klaka. The Octavians called for aid and were joined by Darano creating a two front war for the Alexandrians. They decided on a firm policy of Octavia first. The conquest of the ancient enemy of Octavia was complete by 2078 BHP. Darano was diffrent, there armies were massive and well equipped. The forces clashed at Mt Junin Togaba and both empires signed an unsteady peace in 2071 BHP.

Age Of Expansion 2000 BHP - 0 HP

Rebuilt Forces

After the war between Alexandria and Darano was over both empires were exhausted. The people wanted peace and would recieve it. For two hundred years the Empires stood always ready ut never acting to face eachother, each unmatched in there side. Be it east or west. It wasnt until around 1433 BHP that Darano began to expand again. It moved South East and conquered lands that doubled its land area and tripled its population. It was now the supreme master of the east. Alexandria in the meantime expand south over the mountains to the unexplored lands reaching the ocean bu 1420 BHP. The two empires now had populations of almost 70 million each. The Alexandrians moved west conquering the fringe lands of former Octavia and reaching the Long Beach.

Misfortune began when the Alexandrians attempted to move and secure the Shakal tribal lands. The Shakal defeated a massivly superior force in the battle of Grihig Forest when almost thirty thousand Alexandrians were slaughtered. They even pulled the border back to give the tribes breathing room. The Alexandrians instead moved north up the Western Peninsula. They displaced the natives. They were stopped in 995 BHP when troubles at home mad ethe army return. They set up a string of forts and left.

In 610 BHP the Darano forces met up with a small collection of city states in the north of the Eastern Peninsula and took them over securing the entire astern half of the country under there rule. The Alexandrians responded by rebuilding there forces and investing in new technologies. By 400 BHP the Alexandrians had technology that equalled that of late medeval Earth.

30 Years War

The thiry years war broke out between Darano and Alexandria in 338 BHP abd continued as a set of battles until 308 BHP when a peace was signed that returned the world to the status quo. Only 1 million people are said to have died in the conflict, a miniscule amount compared to what was fast approaching.

Holy Purge 0 Hp - 77 HP

Shakal Tribes Unite

In 22 BHP the Shakal tribes were united under the Emperor Zalord who founded the dynasty that still rules the Empire today. He is said to have possed strength and stamina above that of the normal man. Zalord slowly began to gather forces for what he called, "A Puge OF All Wickedness From THis Earth" also now called the Holy Purge. The Shakal built a city in the sea connected to land by a bridge 25km wide and 110km long. The city island itself covered an area that was roughly 35km by 48km or, 1680 sqkm. By 3 BHP he had an army of just 30 000.

First Assult

The Shakal lashed out first to the east in 0 HP. Zalord led his army of 35 000 towards the Daranan capital. The Shakal burned and pilligaed along the way eliminating some 250 000 people before a battle was even fought. The Daranans sent there best men under tried generals to defend the Empire. The battle of Crosslands is now considered one of the most decisive battles in the history of the Empire.

Holy Purge Spreads

After the victory at Crosslands the Shakal converted enough men to fill there losses and grow slightly in number. The rest were behehaded and buried honourably. Zalord then led the men to continue the purge. Before the end of the year all the people within 100km of the North Western Daranan border were fleeing to the capital.

In 1 Hp the Shakal headed along the coast burning as they went. Darano began to call to Alexandria for aid. The Alexandrians denied believing the Shakal would be content with pillaging the Alexandrian rival. In 2 HP Zalords men had reached halfway up the Eastern Peninsula and rested. The deaths caused by the army now reached 450 000. No major battle since crosslands was commenced. The Shakal forces continued north in march of 3 HP and met a small force under Daranan command. The Shakal won several skirmishes and surrounded the force making it surrender. Those that didnt join the Shakal were killed.

Years Of Famine

In the north the Shakal took what they needed to survive. By 12 HP the Shakal army had swelled to some 50 000 all on horseback. The Holy Purge had already claimed over 1.4 million lives. In April of 13 HP Darano did manage another army capable of standing up to the Shakal horde. The battle was engaged at Esloc. Shakal forces again claimed victory. The Emperor of Darano became worried but feared that leaving the capital would make the Empire defenceless.

In 14 HP a great lack of food spread over the entire known world. The Shakal continued to burn all in there path and the death toll hit 3 million in 16 HP. Now Zalord had a following of some 60 000 men. By 20 HP the Shakal forces ahd totally ransacked the eastern peninsula surviving on pillaged food. In total the death count by the year 20 HP reached some 4.3 million. A total of 3% of all people existing in what is now Shakal Empire were dead.

March To Darano

In the year 21 HP Zalord led his men back south in what he hoped would be a decisive move. His army expanded to 75 000 men by 23 HP when he got within 200km of Darano. All the civilians began to flee the area in an exodus numbering some 8 million citizens, the largest the world had known to that point. When his army of 80 000 reahced the capital it was faced with a city that had 2 high walls and enough supplies to last a score of years under seige. Along with this was the fact that the largest army ever assembeled was facing him. His army rested for a week over 30km away fom the city before giving battle. What followed was the largest, bloodiest, and most crucial battle in the history of the Empire to the date. The battle is now known as the Black Lightning It lasted some 12 months from January of 23 HP to Janaury of 24 HP.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">250px-Emperor_charles_v.png
Emperor Zalord

Signing Over Of Darano

The Shakal Emperor Zalord recieved the resignation of the Emperor Darano XIV on January 22nd 24 HP. This awarded him control over the entire Daranan Empire. He consolidated his rule until 30 HP making sure all threats were eliminated, this brought the death toll of the Holy Purge up to 9 million.

Calm Before The Storm

In 33 HP the Shakal Empire began to regather his army. By 52 HP Zalord gathered an army of 125 000 men. Alexandria was now extremly worried about facing Shakal agressions. In 55 HP Alexandrian forces gathered some 400 000 troops plus almost a million garrison soldiers to face Zalord. The war between the two didnt break out until 70 HP by then over 13 million had died from the purge.

Alexandria Falls

Alexandria was invaded in 70 HP. Zalord crossed into Alexandrian lands and defeated there army easily over three yars of no major battles. In 77 HP with a death toll of some 20 million the Shakal Empire came into being. The very same day the Emperor Zalord died. This has often since been speculated as a murder. The fall of the Alexandrian Second Conglomerate was the major point of renewal in the Empire.

Age Of Innovation 77 HP - 1350 PHP

Beginnings Of Culture

In the year 78 now known as 78 PHP. The Emperor began to attempt uniting the Empire using culture. For two hunded years the Shakal developed a distinct culture that called for many children since the Holy Purge had claimed so many lives. Within 200 years the population was replenshed and flourishing. In 450 PHP the population reached 200 million. By 600 PHP the Empire had had little in the warof war or famine. The only conflict was in 555 PHP when the Emperor led an army to tame the south.

Age Of Discovery

In 800 PHP the Shakal scientists discovered new technologies and medicine. By 1100 PHP the Empire possed medical technology that rivalled that of 1600's Europe. The Empire also possed war machines that rivalled those of Industrial Europe by 1300 PHP. It wasnt until 1345 PHP that the technology was properly utilized for warfare.

The Art Of War 1350 PHP - 1800 PHP

Upheaval Era

In 1345 PHP the Shakal launched a campaign to fully subdue the coutry. The new weapons were so effective that by 1360 PHP there was no question that the country was Shakal. In 1400 PHP howver, Portugese sailors reached Shakal shores. At first things went well. It wasnt until the Spanish began arriving in 1560 PHP that things soured. Spanish men pillaged villages and raped women. In 1570 PHP the Shakal army, under who we know now was Kristina Schraepl I, fought them for a year losing only becasue of the Spanish technology which was now around the technological level of 1903 earth. A major battle was engaged at Dedring Pass where Kristina defeated the foreigners in one of the most bloody battles in history.


With the defeat of the Foreigners in 1571 PHP the Shakal realized that new technology was vital. The Emperor immediatly began the industrialization process. The first factory sprung up in Shakal city by 1580 PHP. After the death of Kristina in 1602 PHP the Shakal had some 12 factories built for various uses.

Foreign Attackers

In 1720 PHP the Shakal were faced with another threat.The foreigners now had tanks and aircraft carriers. The Shakal had planes no better than those of early WWI. The foreigners this time came with warships that were massive and made of steel. These people called themselves British. They initially wanted peace. The British forces were impressed by Shakal wealth and culture. It amazed them how open the people were regarding sex, women and other things that early twentieth century considered taboo subjects. The most impressive was the Imperial Palace, which was constructed from glass and advanced stell composites over a century ahead of there time. The Shakal responded by showing the British Red Steel, the secret to the strong metal. In exchange they asked for better medicine and other technology. The British gave them medicine equal to 1938 Earth and the ability to create monoplanes. The Shakal loved the aircraft in particualr and designed there first domestic fighter by 1745 PHP.

In 1760 PHP the British forces attacked a thiefs home killing all inside. The Shakal government, absolutly furious declared war on these British. In May of 1760 PHP the war began. The Shakal now had a small, but strong, airforce that was comprised of some 100 planes, all of which were monoplanes equal to those of late WW2. The British maintained control of the sea but on land the Shakal forces now modernized to the technological level of 1940 Earth smashed the British with ease. The war came to an end in 1764 PHP when all British holdings were siezed and taken. The country was once again Shakal.

Democratic Uprising

Seeds Of Rebellion

In 1801 PHP the Shakal were faced with a crisis. The small foreign minority had brought along ideas of Democracy and equality. By this year the Emperor was old and dieing. His two sons controlled the Empire in reality. The population was some 600 million and the airforce and army were large and could stand against any enemy.

Riots & War

In 1826 PHP riots began breaking out in cities. The people wanted a democratic government. The Emperor died in 1827 PHP and the five top general took control forming a democracy in 1830 PHP. The first elections took place in 1832 PHP, the same day as Prince Von Vorsaca won the battle of New Zagreb. This was the turning point of the rebellion. Imperial forces crushed all resistance and regained control by 1834 PHP. All five general were killed and democracy died forever in the Empire.

The Drive For Space

In 1880 PHP the Shakal changed there calender and mathced it to that of foreign Earth. The year was 1973 AD. The Shakal immediatly caught the rest of Earths technological level and surpassed it in 1984 when they constructed a space station that could hold 20 people for 4 years without supplies. In 1985 AD the Fredrick Schraepl became Emperor and even more modernization took place. In 1991 AD the Shakal infastructure was absolute, every corner of the country could be reached wby air, rail, and car with ease.

Modern History

War With Hamilay

The first foreign Shakal act since the democtratic uprising was in the war with Hamilay. It aided the Imperialist forces and fought a huge battle on the island of Bastion. The Shakal forces crushed oppsition, but support was withdrawn after the Empress grew worried over the rising support for the parlimentary government.


For the Shakal Imperial Law See: Shakal Imperial Law

The Shakal Government is divided into two seperate sections. The Imperial Wing which handles all foriegn and domestic affairs related to the economy or Emperor itself, and the Peoples Wing which handles all internal matters relating to the people themselves.

Imperial Wing

Made up of officals set into power by the Emperor. This includes the ministers of all aspects of any government. It usually consists of 12 Memembers:

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">March30palace.jpg
Imperial Palace
  • Head Of Government-Francis Weldheimer
  • Foreign Minister-Edward Delamont
  • Minister Of Armaments-Vladmir Corpelstein
  • Minister of Justice/Propaganda-Joseph Goebells
  • Head Of The Army-Fredrick Mannstein
  • Head Of The Imperial Godess Guards-Derrick Braun
  • Head Of The Navy-Samantha Conners
  • Head Of The Airforce-Colin Hall
  • Chief Of The General Staff-Fredrick Mannstein

Peoples Wing

The Peoples Wing is far more complex than the Imperial Wing. Each province of the Empire has its own elected representative that holds a seat in the Hall Of Representitives. A total of 100 seats exist in the HOR and the number of representitives is based on percentile votage.

Example:34% of the votes means 34 seats for the party.

The HOR is followed by the House Of Wills[1]. These are the local representitives that the people elected to voice for them in government. It containes roughly 430 seats at the moment, one for every 2 million residents (Under upcoming Law 321 Section G the number would be set at a 1:3 Million ratio) They vote on issues and create the laws that must pass through the HOR to become the law. After this they require the signitue of the Emperor to officially be a law. If the Emperor dissapproves they can hand down the bill for amendment or cancellation.

The Emperor is the supreme power in government. They can veto any bill or law that wants to be passed with the support of two members of the Imperial Wing. If they dont have the support of these people they can still cancell the motion but this is greatly frowned upon by the people. It has happened only once in the entire history of the Shakal Empire, when the people wanted to make the army non-existent during the years after the wars of Imperialism.


The Shakal Empire is almost very resource rich and has a strong economic base to support it in the case of war. Such as the last 12 weeks war with The Extreme Dictatorship Of Mt. Baker,& The Most Serene Republic Of Momo Monkey. It was the economy that allowed the Shakal to revitalize Blitzkrieg and crush the Momo army in just a under a month. Before moving on the Mt. Baker in under two months.

The economy is based primarily on resources and manufacturing, especially weapons. The Empire had four distinct economical sectors, central Anatolia which holds the main sources of distrubtion, Balkania which is the major production center of the Empire, Caucasia which supplies all the basic resources for the Shakal Empire to produce, and the Agriculture is centered mostly around the fertile cresent, the Nile river valley, and Arabia (animals).

In times of war the production of consumer goods falls very little. The highest recorded margin ever was 12%. Most of the production is primarily based around the military already. This allows the government to shift the effort of the workers into military works without a hefty penealy in the actual production of Consumer goods.

Wolke Industries is the countries largest supplier of arms and all weapons. It supplies 45.23% of the Military goods for the Shakal Empire. It currently employs 0.38% of the Empires population which was around 4.56 million on May 8th 2007.

  • Production From Internal Sources
  • Consumer Goods:65.43%
  • Military Godds Produced Internally:98.61%


Main Article:Shakal Military

The Shakal Empire's defence is the best in its region. It is based on the doctraine of Decisive Mobility this means that all three distinct sectors of the military, the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, and the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe, work closly with one another to give the troops maximum speed and firepower while retaining a strong capability to react to enemy moves.


Shakal culture is one that is totally unique. It has some elements from both German, Turkish, and Middle Eastern influence. The most notable form of German influence is the House Of Representitives. A good example of of this unique culture is the way that the Shakal approach religion. Everyone is free to join any religion they wish and are allowed to follow some of the practices even if they break minor laws.


Sports arent a very large part of the Shakal culture. They are not held in as high a regard as those of the modern west by any standards. Soccer is fairly popular but only 5 million people view games over the television. The least popular is a close tie between Football and Baseball, followed closly by any form of wrestling or fighting, then these are followed by Rugby and Basketball.


The Shakal national anthem is a perfect expression of the country, loud, dangerous, and modern.

Shakal National Anthem


Most music in the Empire is of two contrasting genres. One is the genre of Classical music relating to the masters, Bach, Mozart, and Bethoveen. The second genre is that of Hard Rock. This latter genre includes such bands as ACDC, Van Halen, and many others.


The Shakal people have latly been shocked to learn about the existence of Vampires in the Empire. Apparently the government has known about this for quite some time. From this people also became aware that these have existed among the Shakal Imperial family since the days of the Emperor Zalord. Only now a research expidition has been mad eup to discover the real roots of the aptly named Vampial people.

The Shakal are also known to be especially promiscious. Marraige is sacred, but often couples agree to allow the partner to have relations with a certain number of other partners. STI's are only a minor problem due to the healthcare system. It is not uncommon to see people engaged in sexual acts on park benchs or on beaches. The government has very liberal freedom laws allowing public nudity and the minimum age of sexual consent is 14. Abortion, however, is strictly illegal unless the womans life is in danger and it undully harms he if the child is born.