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Nationalismus Dictatorship di Volitonia
The Nationalist Dictatorship of Toopoxia
Flag of Toopoxia

We march, we march, for the King and for our people.
Anthem: March of the Dragoons (1743)

Capital Volitaia (24,603,482)
Largest City Volitaia
Spoken languages
 - Official
 - Unofficial

Government Totalitarian Dictatorship
- Head of State
- Head of Parliment

David Du'Font
N/A (Parliment Dissolved)
 - Total

1,001,450 km²
 - Total (2006)

GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (USD)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

National animal '
Pit Vyper

Currency Poxican Dollars
Time Zone +0100
International abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Naval craft classification
  - Military
  - Civilian

Pronunciation (IPA) /tu-pɑks-ia/
Internet TLD .px
Calling code +77

NSEconomy Pipian XML

Toopoxia (Russian: Tупокся Tupoksya Latin: Volitonia Folitonia), officially Nationalist Dictatorship of Toopoxia, is a Middle Eastern nation in the Democratic Union (outside colony). It borders Hydac to the North and UME to the South.

The nation covers an area of around 1,001,450 km² (386,560 square miles) and borders the Volitaian sea to the South East and lake Lunin to the south.

Toopoxia is not the most populous nation on the Earth but it enjoys a moderate size capable of influencing international events, the vast majority of people live on the banks of the Volitaia River where the capitol Volitaia sits and arable farmland can be found, a large portion of Toopoxia, especially the south, is desert land which has been made perfect for weapons testing.

Toopoxia is made famous for the mysterious Volitaian race who owned the territory before Toopoxia, there are temples and structures still remaining from this civilisation which has boosted the tourist industry into a major source of economy.


Common names and abbreviations for Toopoxia include, Volislavia, Folitonia, Toops and Poxica, the earliest reference to the name Toopoxia is in the Mongolian tribe known as the Toops who were known to have had contact with both the earliest Russian and Roman nations, though the name can be fully attributed to Lexin Greblosk who was the man responsible for its founding.

The area was also frequently known as Volitaia, even after its occupation, it took less of a prominant stance as an accepted abbreviation as the Toopoxicans furthered their strength, the most accepted adjectival form of Toopoxia is Toopoxican though Toopoxian is also widely accepted.


Full Article: History of Toopoxia

The Volitaia River has been the site of human settlement since the Paleoithic era, evidenced by rock carvings, simple tools and old settlements discovered by archeologists when investigating the river banks, it seems that sometime in the 6th millenium a group of hunter gathering fishermen replacing a grain grinding society caused by the overgrazing or changing climates of the Great Desert which removed a large swath of Volitaian Farming, the earliest tribal communties moved to the Nile seeking an Agricultural Economy and a Centralized Society.

During around the 6th Millenium the early Pre-Dynastic societies developed as independent tribes, these cultures formed the earliest Agricultural and Buiding construction projects becoming the predecessors for the Volitaian society, these tribes kept in contact with the less advanced Upper Volitaians, mostly through trade, around three thousand years later the first evidence of Volitaian Hierogliphics are found, inscriptions discovered on clay pots and vessels.

Around the 3rd Millenium the kingdom was unified into a signle dynastical entity

During the Middle Ages the Toopoxicans steamed ahead in technology and exploration, by the year 1421 it is rumoured that the Volitaians had made contact with over 65 new nations not bordering themselves, around this time the Toopoxicans made advances in the discovery of gunpowder from Asia which pushed ahead the stale Toopoxican Armed forces, skip ahead 200 years and the Toopoxicans had a standing army, steam engines and were a major trading power.

The Industrial revolution hit the ground running in Toopoxia, the Eastern and southern areas of the nation pushing ahead in productivity, in 1862 the Toopoxican Organisation was created to secure overseas provinces in order to cut down on importing costs, the early years of this Organisation were highly sucsessful until the discovery of Electricity reduced the need for Coal which made the Organisation all but redundent.

During the last century the Toopoxicans have receeded into a regular state making little outside contact, the Toopoxican Organisation focused its efforts on the production of weaponary and a wave of racism swept across the nation thanks in part to the recent trend in migration, the Toopoxican Nationalist Party was elected into power very quickly in the 80's and soon the Democratic state was disbanded.


Toopoxia goverment relies on the decision making of the фюрер (Dictator) who operates within the limits of the Constitution, however this is not a simple one party system as the Parliment was dissassembled in the early 1950's by the then Dictator Viktor Du'Font, there is just one level of goverment operated by Du'Font and his team of advisors who are chosen amongst the Intellegentia.

Toopoxia has a poor record in foreign affairs, often with Du'Font making the decision to go to war with other nations before they reach Foreign Affairs, it has done some effort in recent years to rectify this problem including joining the Corporate Alliance and signing a truce with both the EVIL Alliance Bloc and the GASN with the Blackhelm Confederacy being Toopoxia's closest ally.



1. Hykozac 2. Garad Kah 3. Lexin North 4. Akh Najazra 5. Tauntillis 6. Lexin Free State 7. Volitai 8. Banini Sulief 9. Najazra North 10. Al Miny 11. Volitaia District 12. Volitaia City 13. Lexin South 14. Lexin Desert 15. Hykozac East 16. Lunin 17. Amnan 18. Assat 19. Volitaia River 20. Daminski 21. Kominski 22. Naibe 23. Icknanie 24. Regi Luni Mountain Pass 25. Lexinbridge 26. Lexin Peninsula 27. Lunibridge



Toopoxia is surrounded on the North and South by desert, on the West it is walled off by the Luni Mountain range, on the East it borders Volitaia Bay, the Volitaia River also runs through the center of nation giving its name to the Capitol Volitaia and the town Lower Volitaia, the landscape within is mostly arid desert, the area directly around the River Volitaia is highly fertile due its constant flooding, the Luni Mountains open up to allow for a trade route at the Regi Luni Mountain Pass, the River Volitaia also serves as a key trading point, the nation borders Hydac to the North and the United Middle East to the South.


Toopoxia has a varying economy which depends really on the flooding of the River Volitaia, the Oil reserves are unusually low for a nation in the Middle East with such Oil rich neighbours, of course there is the radical alternative of sifting gold from the Volitaia, below is a list of the industries which make up Toopoxias economy.

- Farming 36%

- Arms Manufacturing 14% (see also: Toopoxican Organisation)

- Gold 6%

- Oil 15%

- Fishing 9%

For the moment the economy is thriving mostly from the Toopoxican organisation and the sales of Oil which both together make up a large profit, farming does dominate the market but it's rarely used as a trading tool and more as a commodity.


Toopoxican men outnumber women at a ratio of about 1 and a half men to every woman making Toopoxia a very masculine state, two thirds of the population live in poverty often working for the Toopoxican Organisation, the average life span for men is around 65 and for women it is 62, this is due to a poor social system that has not undergone a reformation in 60 years.








Education is expensive, being owned by Private companies, the largest chain of educational centers seems to be owned by "Ticking Minds" A division of the Toopoxican Organisation, this company offers 12 years of Education, the first three being free, the classes are divided into two, the first being the Male Intelligentia who are taught History, Philosophy, Physical Education, Russian, Latin, Weapons Training, Tactics, Law, Geography, Maths and Economics, the Female Intelligentia are taught Home-making, Child Raising, Genetics, Cooking and simple Maths.

The Lucky few Silinidj who gain scholarships are taught Maths, Russian, Latin, History, Art and Music, the females are taught basically the same, this class division is seen mostly in education than in other places, but in being a Privately owned company there is nothing the Silinidj can do but to hope their son or daughter is on a course.




Full Article: Toopoxican Military

The Toopoxican Military is heavily controlled by the Toopoxican Organisation who supplies weaponary, funding, equipment and has control of large portions of the military, the military concentrates on special forces, specifically marksmen but also has a large expendable infantry branch and a small light Armour branch, the naval forces are currently poorly designed simply required to hold off an enemy giving enough time to land forces.

Toopoxican uniform is a one-piece blue fireproof suit with a kevlar vest and helmet each in Poxican Nightshade (Naval Blue with grey streaks) a standard equipment list is a scope, medical kit, radio, grenades and a knife, along with the P21 assult rifle, special forces are given far more equipment and training but retain the original standards of soldiers, Dress Uniform is a Naval Blue Suit and a similar cap, medals are to be worn at all formal occasions and hair is required to be shorter than 2" all over.