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The Celestial Regency of
Flag of Daehanjeiguk
National motto: 널리 인간을 이롭게 하라.
Bring benefit to humanity.
National anthem: Aegukga
No map available
Capital Hangyeong (한경)
Largest City Hangyeong (한경)
Population 1.5 billion +
National Adjective Han
Official Language(s) Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish (only in Jonamdo Kingdom). Unofficially English, French.
Imperial Democracy
Gwangmu (光武/광무)
Dynasty Established 1390
ISO Nation Code HAN
Currency weon (원) ()
 • Per Capita
$64 trillion (USD)
Currency Exchange 1元 = $1.8805
Internet TLD .hn
National Symbols
 • Sport
 • Animal
 • Flower

Rose of Sharon (무궁화)
UN Status Non-member
Info: Factbook Thread


The Celestial Regency of Daehanjeiguk (Korean: 대한제국 | Chinese: 大韓帝國 | also "The Great Han Empire" or simply "The Han Empire") is a massive, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its famed, exotic landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of over 1.5 billion are either ruled by a small, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded individuals juggles the competing demands of Commerce, Education, and Defence. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, followed by Information Technology and Uranium Mining.

The government helps teach children how to kill a man from six paces, notable individuals are granted land and titles, mobile phone masts are being erected all over the country, and pharmacies close down as medicinal drugs are sold freely by the government. Crime is relatively low, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Daehanjeiguk's national animal is the tiger, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the weon.


Map of Daehanjeiguk

The geography of the Han Empire ranges from the majestic mountains of Shingang and Seojang to the jungles of Jonamdo. In every respect, every province has a unique geography and presents many challenges to the unity of the Han, despite centuries of tradition. The Empire holds approximately #### sq km of territory, with the majority of the land falling within the territorial realm of West Han {RL China}. The East Sea (Pacific Ocean) lies to the east, with minor seas such as the Joseon Sea (RL East Sea/Sea of Japan) and the Jonam Sea (RL South China Sea) lying within the periphery. The coastline is littered with islands of varying sizes, ranging from those capable of sustaining large populations and others remaining as desolate outcrops of rocks. The Gobi Desert lies primarily within Monggol Province and is one of the most extreme environments in the entire Empire, with wild blizzards in the winter and fierce sand storms in the summer. The Takla Makan of Shingang Province is more desolate, with numerous land formations piercing the arid horizons.

Territorial Boundaries: N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- highest N/A
- lowest N/A 


The Han Empire boasts a long history, dating before the age where many civilizations were even conceived. For this reason, the Han Empire also boasts a rich culture that has remained steadfast despite advances from other cultures. This perspective has left the Han Empire weak as well, as it has become more difficult to integrate into the world at large without finding conflicts of tradition and modernization. Nonetheless, any visitor to Han must be at least familiar with the history of Han in order to comprehend the deep nature of the Han people, their actions and their livestyles.

Before the Han Empire (2000BCE - 1392CE)

The foundations of the Empire lie in the two Han cultures - Western Han [西韓 (서한)] and Eastern Han [東韓 (동한)]. Western Han culture begins with the rise of Xia [夏] Dynasty, and to the Shang [商] Dynasty, from which the foundations of basic Chinese cultures are derived. The early culture blossomed under the Zhou [周], with the concept of Divine Mandate [天命] becoming a great source of legitimacy and authority for the those in power. However, the stability of the Zhou did not last, as the Western Han states divided into several states, contenting for the right to assume the Divine Mandate. It wasn't until 221BCE that the Qin [秦] Dynasty brought the lands under one rule - from which the Foreigners derive the name "China." It was also under the reign of the Qin that the Empire was formally established. Under the short rule of the Qin, massive efforts were undertaken to standardize the language and measures. Integration and centralization of authority were crucial to found the legal system. However, the policies of the Qin were too oppressive, and a revolt invoked a new dynasty - the Han [漢]. From 206BCE to 220CE [roughly 500 years, the longest period of peace in the Han territories], the Han adopted a Confucian style of governance, which brought harmony to lands and formed the legal and political attitudes of the Han, continuing its influence even to this day. In addition, ethics and standard law procedures were effected, to ensure equal fair treatment of all Imperial subjects. However, corruption gave way to the collapse of the Han, and the dynasty fell into division. By 618CE, the Tang [唐] managed to expand the entire Imperial Domain to its greatest extent [outside of the modern era], stretching as far as the Islamic Caliphates in Central Asia. However, the expansion was so extensive, that military weaknesses soon gave way, and the Tang retreated into collapse.

The Eastern Han began under the reign of Gojoseon [古朝鮮 - the "Go" indicates the "old" or "former" Joseon] in 2333BCE, with the rise of Dangun. Historical analysis for the actual reigns of the Gojoseon are still limited, but much of what can be determined of the Eastern Han mirrors the events in the Western Han, with less calamity. Following Gojoseon, after a many centuries of divided and uncoordinated states, three kingdoms rose in the Joseon area - Baekchae [백제], Shilla [신라], and the greatest of these Goguryeo [고구려]. For a while, the division led internal strife, but eventually, the Shilla managed to conquer all of Joseon, after allying with the Tang [唐], in 668CE. The two states continued separate relations, with Shilla assuming the role of a tributary state of Tang. However, after the Tang collapse in 907CE, stability was hard to maintain, and the kingdom turned over in a coup to the Goryeo [고려] Empire in 938CE. The Goryeo Empire became an ardent Buddhist militant state, but was nonetheless riddled with internal strife, mostly between nobles seeking the power of the state. The Goryeo Empire faced a major crisis with the Mongol invasions of the Western Han in 1209CE and inevitably succumbed to the Mongol invaders later in 1259CE, managing to retain their sovereignty in return to becoming a committed ally of the new Mongol Empire. In the West, the Mongols had conquered the last part of the Song [宋] Dynasty in 1279CE, forming the new Yuan [元] Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty survived until 1368CE, when the Ming [明] began to rise into power.

The situation in Goryeo had stabilized in the many years since the alliance with the Mongol invaders. Although two failed invasions of Japan did drain the economy for a number of years, the Goryeo Empire was strengthened by the trade conducted by the Mongol Empire [in particular with the Silk Road]. When the Yuan Dynasty was under attack by the Ming forces, a rift formed in the Imperial - pro-Ming and pro-Yuan activists began to vy for power. When the Ming sent an envoy to Goryeo in 1388 - concerning the claims of territories under the jurisdication of Goryeo and their return the Western Han - King Yu [우왕] ordered an invasion of Ming, citing the alliance with the Yuan. General Yi Seonggyei [이성계] led an invasion of Liaoning that same year, and swiftly beat back the Ming forces to the former Yuan capital of Dadu [大都] by 1390. Although the Yuan pledged support for the Goryeo attack, they decided to consent to allowing Goryeo take jurisdiction and authority over their territories. Politically, the Yuan were unable to assume control over their former territories and were content to allowing the Goryeo Empire to assume control over the territory. Following the invasion of Ming, General Yi unilaterally declared the ascension of his own Empire - the Han [韓] Dynasty [not to be confused with the earlier Han {漢}]. His first action was to cement an alliance with the Ming, and the Yuan. With that settled, he turned his new conquests back home to Goryeo, where he led the same exact army that conquered the new capital of Hangyeong [한경] to the Goryeo capital in 1392.

The Great Emperors (1392CE - 1494CE)

Having cemented his domain, Yi Seonggyei assumed an Imperial name [Taejo (太祖 {태조})] and began to consolidate his position. The territory of Chikyei was declared an Imperial domain and was directly ruled by the Emperor and his advisors. Manchuria was established to control the territory between the capital province and Joseon [조선] - a reference to the first Joseon, and a way to take away the memory of the Goryeo Empire. The Taejo Emperor reigned for 16 years, until he died in 1408, when his son - the Taejong [太宗 (태종)] Emperor - assumed the throne. After his death in 1418, his reign was followed by the Emperor Seijong [世宗大皇帝 (세종대황제)], "the Great". Under Seijong, the Han Empire expanded and established a new writing system, with the intent to make the Han language easier to use and write, called Hunminjeongeum [훈민정음 (訓民正音)]. He also standardized the weights and measures in the Han Empire, unifying the legal codes in a massive reform of the existing systems.

By the time Seijong had ascended the Han throne, the tentative alliance with the Yuan had died out, mostly due to the simultaneous alliance with the Ming. In the 16th year of his reign [1434], Seijong canceled the Yuan alliance and the Han Empire quickly conquered the outer areas [forming the territories, consisting of the remainder of the Manju Province and the entirety of the Monggol Province]. While Han troops reached the new Yuan capital of Khara Khorum, Seijong decided to leave the Yuan dynasty to its own, opting for a more stable vassalization of the state - becoming the first Eastern Han Emperor to institute the tributary system of the Western Han Emperors. Taking opportunity of the fresh territory, Seijong issued a decree, ordering all peoples in the Han Empire to revert to the Eastern Han denomination [韓] in 1448, two years after the advent of the Hunminjeongeum.

Seijong died in the 32nd year of his reign, and passed to his son, the Munjong [文宗 (문종)] Emperor. He died in his 2nd year, and passed the throne to his son, the Danjong Emperor [端宗 (단종)]. The second eldest son of the Emperor Seijong - Grand Prince Suyang [首陽大君 (수양대군)] - seized power in a bloody coup, and forced his nephew to abdicate in 1455 [the 3rd year of the Danjong reign]. Suyang, becoming the Emperor Seijo [世祖 (세조)], initiated a reform of the political system in the Han Empire, centralizing his authority and ruling effectively. He proved his military prowess in his conquest of the Western Frontier [adding the provinces of Taeheang and Gamsuk] in the Year 8 of his reign [1463]. His death five years later left his weak son - Yeijong [睿宗 (예종)] - in power. He died one year later in 1469, and passed the throne to his nephew - Seongjong [成宗 (성종)]. The Seongjong Emperor was a competent leader and finished many of the reformed started by the Taejo, the Seijong, and the Seijo Emperors. However, his death in 1494 left the throne to his despotic son - Yeongsangun [연산군].

Recession and Decline (1506CE - 1608CE)

Yeongsangun was deposed in 1506 by a coup, and was succeeded by the Jungjong [中宗 (중종)] Emperor. His early reign was marked by attempts to reform the errors of his half-brother's mishaps. However, misfortune struck in more ways, as the Ming Empire, deciding to claim the Divine Mandate, invaded the Han Empire. Despite having well-fought the war, Jungjong had to concede rights to the Divine Mandate in his 16th year [1522]. Nonetheless, his latter reign was marked with liberalization of the court, to the dismay of many of the older elites. In addition, the strain of the vastly outnumbered Eastern Han [from Joseon] was starting to have its toll on the Imperial Household. To add onto these problems, Wakei pirates from Ilbeon [日本] were increasing their activities in the East Sea. By the time Jungjong died in his 38th year [1544], the Han Empire was nearly bankrupt and left the reign to his ill son - the Emperor Injong [仁宗 (인종)]. Injong was succeeded by his half-brother - the Emperor Myeongjong [明宗 (명종)] - in 1545. Empress Munjeong [the 3rd wife of the Emperor Jungjong] ruled as the Imperial Regent until her death in his 20th year [1565]. By that time, corruption had run rampant, and Wakei pirates were invading Joseon and Manju at will, which would continue until the Imjin Invasion by Hideyoshi in 1592. The death of the Myeongjong Emperor two years later solved nothing, and left the burden of reconstruction on his nephew, the Emperor Seonjo [宣祖 (선조)]. His early reign was marked by steady economic improvement and tackling the problem of the corruption that had accumulated since the incompetent reign of his predecessor.

In his 25th year [1592], Toyotemi Hideyoshi [豊臣秀吉] of Ilbeon [日本] invaded Choseon, with the intention to conquer the Han Empire. Despite losing at first, Seonjo managed to utilize the resources of the Empire to combat the invasion of Joseon, with the military tact of a local naval commander - Yi Sunshin [이순신]. After his clear early successes, with superior naval tactics and technology - nearly annihilating the Ilbeon fleet at Hansando - Emperor Seonjo promoted him to Admiral of the Han Fleet. With effective control of the seas, Seonjo military advisors were able to turn the tide against the Ilbeon Army, who stalled and were unable to continue their conquest. Peace negotiations began in 1593, but due to corruption, the peace process dragged on for 7 years, until Hideyoshi died. With that, the Ilbeon retreated from Joseon and secure peace with the Han Empire in 1598, offering a tribute to secure it.

Concerned about the Han's success against Ilbeon, the Ming Empire invaded Chikyei, and laid siege to Hangyeong. The Han Armies - stuck in Joseon - rapidly made progress, using Admiral Yi Sunshin's navy to land them on the Shandong Peninsula. Since the Han maintained naval superiority, the Ming were unable to hold their siege on Hangyeong, and later lost their principal army in the Northern theater in battle in 1599, near Qingdao. The Ming campaign was largely successful, despite the growing economic woes. Seonjo ended the war with the Ming in his 35th year [1602], having regained the Divine Mandate and the Sandong Province. His death in 1608 was compounded by Admiral Yi's death in 1607 - both events mourned deeply by the Han Empire.

Fall of the Ming and Further Expansion (1608CE - 1863CE)

Seonjo's death in 1608 brought the reign of Gwanghaegun [광해군], whose reign was riddled with corruption left from Seonjo's reign. A coup faction overthrew him in 1623, installing his brother - Injo [仁祖 (인조)] - as Emperor. The court took a new decisively anti-Ming position and began the 1625 campaign. The campaign took 46 years to complete, spanning his reign completely to his death in 1649. His successor - Hyojong [孝宗 (효종)] -was chosen to succeed his father, since his older brother had gone away to Europe. Emperor Hyojong began a massive reform of the Han military, banking off the gains from the Ming campaign in 1598. He died in 1659, not able to see the results of his reforms. The Hyeonjong [顯宗 (현종)] Emperor succeeded him and continued his reforms. The new Han Army was successfully tested in 1665, at Chengdu. Within 4 years, the Ming surrendered completely and had ceased to exist.

The Hyeonjong Emperor ended his reign in 1674, having reached about half the size of the Modern Han Empire. It was in this year - after the ascension of the Sukjong [肅宗 (숙종)] Emperor - that the Portuguese mission in Macau began, after years of service under the Ming Empire. Additionally, the Western world began to open to the Han, and Sukjong was open to receive it all. Being the first Emperor of all the Han, Sukjong began a clear program to unify the Empire and make it easier to rule. He was also rather liberal in his ideology, seeking the welfare of his common people often at his own expense. He was dearly loved for this, but his noble court was angered by his apparent lack of diligence in his work. An increasing number of foreigners were appearing and the Han Court was increasingly discomforted by the amount of leniency being granted.

Among the many establishments of the Sukjong reign was the firm establishment of the Kingdom of Joseon - granted to the Go [고] clan, for their faithfulness to the Emperor. In addition, several expeditions against the Western Frontiers led to the eventual acclimation of Yunnam and Seojang Provinces. Conflicts with the Yuan Dynasty were resolved peacefully, continuing to assert the Han Emperor's right to tribute and the Divine Mandate.

The Sukjong Emperor was succeeded by his son - the Gyeongong [景宗 (경종)] - in 1720. His own reign was succeeded in 1724 by his brother - the Yeongjo [英祖 (영조)] Emperor. Under the Yeongjo Emperor, the Han Empire made a massive economic recovery from its wars with Ilbeon and the Ming Empire. Naval reforms became increasingly important as European contacts continued to impress the Han courts, and a liberal ideology filled the courts still. In the 26th year of his reign [1750], a coup attempt was ruthlessly crushed by Yeongjo's supporters and confirmed the stability of his reign. Unfortunately, corruption continued to be a problem, as the growing size of the Empire was making it more difficult for the Emperor to keep his advisors in balance. Nonetheless, the test of his naval advances were realized in the 1769 Spanish war, in which the Han Empire won over rights to the Philippine Islands [Chonamdo (朝南島)]. It was an embarrassment to the Spanish fleet, but after years of mismanagement, the Spanish Pacific Fleet was clearly outmatched by the Han's local fleet, and the acquisition of the Philippine Islands helped to clear the way for naval supremacy in the local seas.

The Yeongjo Emperor was succeeded by his son - the Jeongjo [正祖 (정조)] Emperor - in 1776. Two years later, Shingang Province was added to the Empire [as part of the "New Frontier"]. In 1792, Daemando was added to the list of Imperial domains. The Jeongjo Emperor was succeeded by his son - the Sunjo [純祖 (순조)] Emperor - in 1800. The Sunjo Emperor became the first Emperor to rule over the "Modern" Han Empire, during which he reformed the Imperial system, especially concerning the government style, in an effort to reduce corruption in more distant provinces. The Chonamdo Province was given limited autonomy, under the Yi [이] clan, much like the same arrangement as the Joseon Kingdom. In 1834, Sunjo was succeeded by his son - the Heonjong [憲宗 (헌종)] Emperor. His reign passed with little significance n 1849, and the Choeljong [哲宗 (철종)] Emperor ascended to the throne. In 1863, his death brought the reign of the Emperor Gojong [高宗 (고종)].

Rise of the Modern Empire (1863CE - 2007CE)

The Gojong Emperor made many new advances, as the Han Empire's stagnation at the close of the 19th century was causing economic woes in the Empire, and the Imperial Fleet was not well maintained. In addition, internal problems were proving more difficult to handle, for 700 year old dynasty. In addition, the many years of liberalism were challenging the institutions of governance in the Empire, especially with the rise of non-autocratic institutions. Gojong decided to grant limited political power to the common people, and firmly established the equality of all people, abolishing all inherited positions from the government, except for the Imperial house, the Joseon Kingdom, and the Chonamdo Regency. All other positions are elected by the people,and ceremoniously titled in the manner as they would have been. Gojong's reforms inevitably saved the Han Empire from further internal conflict, as the democratic ideals of the modern world proving to be difficult to contain. In his later years, Gojong adopted a constitution, approved by the Imperial Cabinet, although the Imperial Seal is not present on the document, thereby absolving the Imperial House from formally recognizing the document as official [although it is de facto official, according to all subsequent Imperial Decrees]. Since the titles are ceremoniously adopted, people elect officials to serve as leaders in their local communities, and as leaders in their regional communities. All provinces have elected governors, ceremoniously titled as "Dukes" [궁 (公)]. All ministers are elected and ceremoniously titled "Marquis" [참반 (侯)]. All other officials are aptly titled in the Imperial system.

Gojong passed the throne to his son - the Emperor Sunjong [純宗 (순종)] - in 1919. His reign, thought short-lived, was marked by the continuing prosperity earned by his father. In 1926, his death left the Empire to his son - the Myeongjo [明祖 (명조)] Emperor - at a pivotal time, when the Han Empire became an integrated part of the modern world. Economic reforms allowed an increasingly free market in the Empire develop and grow, and other political reforms began to crack into the autonomy of the Han Imperial house, while maintaining the centralized authority. The most important reform was the emancipation of the poor, which in turn freed the working class from the land to which they were previously bound. However, the edict changed very little, as the economic pressures forced many to continue life in bondage. Nonetheless, the Myeongjo Emperor left the Han Empire in a better economic state, although political reforms were becoming dire. In 1970, the Jeongmu [正武 (정무)] Emperor succeeded his father, and continued the economic development programs, bringing a country with a rising population and standard living making it difficult to keep the country in balance. Among the most important renovations of his reign was the Imperial edict of Voluntary Civic Duty in his 5th year [1975]. This declaration became the formal standard of emancipation of the peasantry, allowing them to do whatever they pleased with themselves, and helped to transform the Han Empire into a largely commercial society instead of a agrian society. The Voluntary Civic Duty Edict disallowed forced military conscription, permitted civil militias outside the Imperial Armed Forces, private corporations to effectively police themselves, private citizens to do as they pleased instead of going into forced labor on government projects, and likewise guaranteed every citizen civil rights in accordance with His Imperial Majesty's authority [that is, every person is has the right (1) to render his thoughts freely, those of which do not present explicit harm to the Empire and its citizenry, (2) to congregate in unofficial groups, (3) to petition His Imperial Majesty's government for redress, (4) to defend himself from the irrefutable threats, (5) to live a life in accordance with his own will and desires, (6) to exist in peace and harmony, and (7) to pursue objectives and wishes that do not present explicit harm to the Empire or its citizenry]. The Imperial Edict is among the most liberal in the entire realm, and likewise guarantees equality under the law, as a citizen of Han. Nonetheless, political freedoms were still moderately restricted, more so than when the Nobility was formally abolished. Those displaced nobles were granted redress and likewise authorized to receive a stipend according to his title - but the title itself was confered by his Imperial Majesty, and in accordance with the previous decree, titles were only thereafter present on election, not inhereitance [except the three governships of the Imperial House, the Joseon House, and the Chonamdo House]. His death in 2007 was marked by the ascension of the Gwangmu [光武 (광무)] Emperor.

In the recent age, technological advances in the Han Empire have been marked steadily by the increasing demands of a more modern society. Communication networks are nearly widespread, as the welfare of the Han has become an increasing state priority - more so than in previous ages. Moreover, military demands were severely resisting growth in many civilian areas. Nonetheless, despite these constraints, the Han Empire manages to stay at least on par with some of the modern giants, although economic and technological superiority was reluctantly passed off to the West - an acknowledge that was perhaps centuries late. Nonetheless, realizing the weakness of the Empire in some areas, the Han Empire has managed to maintain and cultivate nationalist sentiments that reflect the diversity of culture and still the uniform nature of the Imperial system as superior to the "reckless expansions" of the West, a policy long cultivated since the Emperor Gojong. Nonetheless, the Han Empire maintains a strong defensive policy of non-aggression and "protectionism". These advances in Imperial policy led to the Han pursuit of nuclear weapons - soon thereafter followed by the first "no first strike pledge" concerning their use. The Han Empire has since led the development of new pursuits - namely "green" technologies, space exploration, and effective civil and military equipment. Even now, the Han Empire seeks to advance its international position as a content giant, a moderator, and as a responsible state dedicated to preserving the harmony and autonomy of its regional partners and those abroad. The Han Empire likewise follows the extensive legacy of the previous Dynasties of the Two Han Peoples, dating back 4000 years and beyond - it can claim to be the oldest unique civilization and imparts to the world its wisdom and character for all to share.

Imperial Lineage

Taejo [太祖帝 (태조제)] ::: {1392-1408}

Taejong [太宗帝 (태종제)] ::: {1408-1418}

Seijong [世宗大皇帝 (세종대황제)] {1418-1450}

Munjong [文宗帝 (문종제)] {1450-1452}

Danjong [端宗帝 (단종제)] {1452-1455}

Seijo [世祖帝 (세조제)] {1455-1468}

Yeijong [睿宗帝 (예종제)] {1468-1469}

Seongjong [成宗帝 (성종제)] {1469-1494}

Yeongsangun [연산군] {1494-1506}

Jungjong [中宗帝 (중종제)] {1506-1544}

Injong [仁宗帝 (인종제)] {1544-1545}

Myeongjong [明宗帝 (명종제)] {1545-1567}

Seonjo [宣祖帝 (선조제)] {1567-1608}

Gwanghaegun [광해군] {1608-1623}

Injo [仁祖帝 (인조제)] {1623-1649}

Hyojong [孝宗帝 (효종제)] {1649-1659}

Hyeonjong [顯宗帝 (현종제)] {1659-1674}

Sukjong [肅宗帝 (숙종제)] {1675-1720}

Gyeongong [景宗帝 (경종제)] {1720-1724}

Yeongjo [英祖帝 (영조제)] {1724-1776}

Jeongjo [正祖帝 (정조제)] {1776-1800}

Sunjo [純祖帝 (순조제)] {1800-1834}

Heonjong [憲宗帝 (헌종제)] {1834-1849}

Choeljong [哲宗帝 (철종제)] {1849-1863}

Gojong [高宗帝 (고종제)] {1863-1919}

Sunjong [純宗帝 (순종제)] {1919-1926}

Myeongjo [明祖帝 (명조제)] {1926-1970}

Jeongmu [正武帝 (정무제)] {1970-2007}

Gwangmu [光武帝 (광무제)] {present}


The Empire

The Imperial Government is an effectively centralized system, governed solely by the Emperor. By his mandate and choice, the Government functions as it does, particularly since there is no real effective constitution, although a draft was approved by Emperor Gojong in his late years and is recognized as de facto official. Nonetheless, as part of Imperial recognition of the Confucian ethic, the Emperor willingly imparts a small portion of the political force in the Empire to his subjects - in return, he voluntarily grants those same subjects with numerous civil liberties and rights, notably equality under the law as a citizen of Han. Because of the effective centralization of authority, the government is able to deal directly with provincial problems and crises, although administration is effected by local governments, independent to some part of the Imperial Cabinet and Imperial Ministries.

Imperial Cabinet

The Imperial Cabinet consists of the Governors from all 18 Provinces and their local Ministry Advisors, and the Emperor and his Advisors. The Imperial Cabinet serves as the highest level of executive power, mostly used to confirm Imperial decisions. Every decision of the Imperial Cabinet must pass with the consent of the Emperor and the Prime Minister - who is elected from among the 18 Governors. However, even if the Emperor and the Prime Minister approve a measure, it must pass the other 17 members of the court to be effected as an Imperial Decree. Governors for every province are elected from every province [including Joseon and Jonamdo - which elect "Special Representatives" to serve in the stead of the Kings of Joseon and Jonamdo] by popular vote in provincial elections. The Imperial Cabinet otherwise holds effective power in the Empire, and is among the most cherished of all government positions.

Imperial Ministries

Currently, there are four Imperial Ministries, directed by appointed Ministers [confirmed by the Imperial Cabinet]: Foreign Affairs, Defense, Imperial Affairs, and Treasury. Under these four Ministries are numerous other Imperial Administrations, which is where the majority of the Imperial Government functions and operates. The government is an extensive meritocratic bureaucracy, well furnished but often over extended in terms of manpower. It is this extension that sometimes limits the growth of the Han Empire, and has become an issue worth debate for some time, whether decentralization will help to curb the stresses of the Imperial government's capacity to react.

Imperial Assembly

The Imperial Assembly serves as the official organ of petition and assembly. The Imperial Assembly is open to all citizens of the Empire, who may address their redresses in front of other citizens. Any person may enter the Imperial Assembly and offer petitions and suggestions for consideration, although all measures that leave the Imperial Assembly must pass with a 2/3 majority before being presented to the Imperial Court. Since the Imperial Assembly is open to all citizens, no elections and terms are required, although the Assembly establishments in the capitals and special cities are guarded by ICDU troops to prevent reckless use of power. Furthermore, people are not sponsored to make these amendments.

Provincial Ministries

Each Province is responsible for its own administration. In the process, the people of each Province elects it own Governor and Ministers to serve along with him. The most important position is perhaps that of Governor, since his position interacts directly with the Emperor and Imperial Law. However, the majority of the administration in each province is committed by local governments under regulation by Imperial accords. The benefit is that each province boasts the same governmental services to every province - but this often comes at a cost of necessity, whether such services are needed or not. Although independent from the Imperial Ministries, they are almost exclusively financed by the Imperial Treasury, considering the uniform taxation of all Imperial subjects.


Imperial Army

대한제국 육군

Main Post

Imperial Navy

대한제국 해군

Main Post

Imperial Air Force

대한제국 공군

Main Post

Administrative Divisions


The Han Empire is divided into 15 Provinces (省), two dependent kingdoms (王朝), and 1 directly administered province (直隸). There are also 5 metropolitan areas given special status, as centers of population, industry, and economy. At the moment, the Han Empire does not host any overseas territories or dependencies.

Jikyei (직예)

The "Directly-Administered" Territory of the Empire, Jikyei is the seat of Imperial Power. Hosting the metropolitan areas of the Imperial Capital of Hangyeong {Beijing} and the city of Cheonjin {Tianjin}, Jikyei is one of the most urbanized territories in the Empire. With few rural farms in the western portions of the province, the Imperial Capital of Hangyeong and Cheonjin hold immense power in the territory, although the Emperor is actual governor of the province. Nonetheless, since the Emperor Sunjong, the territory has devolved its role as the seat of power for the Emperor as the population does elect its own governors; however, these governors do not represent the territory in the Imperial Government, and his role is primarily advisory to the Emperor. The unofficial seat of the Governor's Palace is the quaint town of Junggyeong, to the west of Hangyeong.

Jikyei has a long extensive history. In the Warring States Period, Jikyei was home to the Yeon (燕) and Jo (趙) states, which were later overrun in the Jin (秦) during the unification of the Western Han. At certain points of its history, it was called Habuk (河北), because the territories were north of the Hwangha (黃河) River. After the Empire was founded, the province was put under direct rule - to prevent feudal lords from asserting too much authority during the conquests of the Goryeo and Ming Kingdoms, where it assumed the unofficial title "Jikyei." Since that time, the name has stayed in official records.

The Hwangha River runs along the border with Taehaeng and Sandong Province. Along the border with Taehaeng Province are the Taehaeng Mountains; along the northern border with Monggol Province are the Yeon Mountains, beyond which lie the Monggol Steppes. The majority of the province is relatively flat, forming part of the Northern Han Plain (韓北平原). The most distinct feature of Jikyei is the Great Wall, which costs across the northern portion of the territory, before ending (or starting) near Sanhaegwan (山海關) by the Balhae (渤海) Sea. The climate of the territory is rather extreme, with frigid winters and hot summers. The average annual precipitation lies between 400mm and 800mm, mostly during the summer monsoon. Sandstorms from the Gobi Desert are not uncommon during the spring and autumn period, although with the increased population density, these occurrences have been labeled as the greatest public health risk for commuters and pedistrians during rush hour.

Capital: Hangyeong [(한경) 韓京]
Metropolitan Area
Hangyeong [(한경) 韓京]
Cheonjin [(천진) 天津]
Population: 80 million
Territory: 216,428 km²

Joseon Kingdom (조선왕조)

Joseon is the seat of the old kingdoms of the Eastern Han. Its history begins with the rises of Gojoseon {Ancient Joseon}, leading into the Three Kingdoms Period. Since the rise of the Han Empire, Joseon has prospered into one of the most productive and beautiful territories in the Empire. Despite limited agricultural terrain, the country is self-sufficient in producing basic food requirements. The mountains are rich with minerals and ores, while the area around Pyongyang (平壤) is rich in oil deposits. Much of the kingdom's prosperity is due to electronics development, which has allowed the kingdom to boast among the highest levels of electronic development in the Empire. The capital of Hanseong (漢城) is one of the five registered metropolitan areas, having replaced the traditional capital of Gaeseong (開城). Other major cities in Joseon include Pyongyang (平壤), Busan (釜山), Daegu (大邱), Incheon (仁川), Daejeon (大田), and Weonsan (元山). Since Joseon is a self-ruling kingdom, the territory has a greater degree of autonomy, although the Emperor does have direct authority over the Royal House of Joseon.

Joseon is situated upon the Han Peninsula (韓半島), which juts into the Pacific Ocean, isolating the Yellow Sea (黃海) and the Sea of Joseon (朝鮮海). The island of Jeju lies off the southern coast, while numerous other island dot the western and southern coastline. The Taebaek Mountains (太白山脈) line the east coast of Joseon, forming a roughly abrupt line mountains along the coast. The majority of rivers in Joseon flow to the west, with two major exceptions (Nakdong and Seomjin Rivers, which flow south). The climate ranges from cold winters and short summers in the north to mild winters and humid summers in the south. The only border lies to the north, with Manju Province.

Capital: Hanseong [(한성) 漢城]
Metropolitan Area
Hanseong [(한성) 漢城]
Governor: King Go Sansang [고산상왕 (高山上王)]
Population: 90 million
Territory: 220,186 km²

Jonamdo Kingdom (조남도왕조)

Acquired from the Spanish in the 1769 War, Jonamdo is the only Province where a non-Han sanctioned language is in administrative use (Spanish). For many years after the conquest of Jonamdo, the Province was ruled by an imperial governor. However, because of lingering complications from the conquest, in the early part of the 19th century the Emperor Sunjo (純祖) formed an auxiliary kingdom to govern the islands with Imperial oversight, similar to the system instituted in Joseon. Because the seas isolate the Jonamdo Kingdom, the territory has even more autonomy compared to Joseon, although its development has been stifled because of low investment interests in the islands. While a few major islands have been developed, many islands in the Kingdom are hardly explored and the facilities are often minimal. The single metropolitan city - Malnira (马尼拉) - has not been yet designated an Imperial metropolitan area, although consideration has been looming demographic offices. Unofficially, Daebo (大報) serves as the secondary capital of the Kingdom.

The islands are formed mostly by volcanic forces, leaving relatively fertile soil and the ever-present threat off volcanoes and earthquakes. Despite these threats and the seasonal typhoons in the summertime, the Jonamdo Kingdom remains an exotic location, with its hot and humid climate year-round. Jonamdo hosts many tropical flora and fauna, making it valued as an Imperial treasure territory. Jonamdo also supplies the Empire with most of its supplies of exotic and tropical foods. In addition, the Province is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors to the Empire alternative venues.

Capital: Malnira [(말니라) 马尼拉]
Governor: King Kim Baekjun [김백준왕 (金白準王)]
Population: 75 million
Territory: 300,000 km²

Gamsuk Province (감숙성)

Gangso Province (강소성)

Gwangdong Province (광동성)

Daeman Island (대만도)

Manju (만주)

Monggol Province (몽골성)

Bokgeon Province (복건성)

Sacheon Province (사천성)

Sandong Province (산동성)

Seojang Province (서장성)

Shingang Province (신강성)

Wunnam Province (운남성)

Taehaeng Province (태행성)

Haenam Island (해남도)

Hogwang Province (호광성)



GDP: $64 trillion USD (34元 trillion)

  • percapita: $40,818.33 USD (21,706.10元)
  • composition by sector:

- agriculture (%)

- industry (%)

- service (%)

  • unemployment: 1.71%


  • Revenue:
  • Expenses:


Agriculture: rice, wheat, root crops [ginseng], potatoes, corn, barley, millet, tea, cotton, sugarcane, coconuts, vegetables, soybeans, peanuts, fruit, apples, bananas, cassavas, pineapples, mangoes; cattle, pigs, chickens, milk, eggs; fish

Industries: mining and ore processing (coal, iron ore, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead, and precious metals), coal; machine building; armaments; textiles and apparel; petroleum; cement; chemicals; fertilizers; consumer products, including footwear, toys, and electronics; food processing; transportation equipment, including automobiles, rail cars and locomotives, ships, and aircraft; telecommunications equipment, commercial space launch vehicles, satellites

Resources: coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc, uranium, copper, nickel, cobalt, silver, gold, pyrites, salt, timber, limestone, marble, hydropower

Oil Reserves:

Natural Gas Reserves:

Coal Reserves:

Iron Reserves:

Trade Agreements


Jaebeol Companies

Samseong [삼성 (三星)] - electronics, finance, heavy industries, chemicals, engineering, construction, research & development, avionics, retail, consumer electronics

--- Samseong Electronics [삼성전자 (三星電子)]

--- Samseong Engineering [삼성건설 (三星建設)]

--- Samseong Heavy Industries [삼성중공업(三星重工業)]

--- Samseong SDS [삼성SDS(三星 Samsung Data System)]

Hyeondae [현대 (現代)] - automobiles, metal works, shipbuilding, heavy industries, construction, retail

--- Hyeondae Heavy Industries [현대중공업 (現代重工業)]

--- Hyeondae Motor Company [현대자동차주식회사 (現代自動車株式會社)]

Daewoo [대우 (大宇)] - automobiles, motors, shipbuilding, telecommunications, construction & development, trading, retail

--- Daewoo Motor Company [대우자동차판매 (大宇自動車販売)]

--- Daewoo Broadcasting System [대우방송공사 (大宇放送公社)]

LG [럭키금성 ("Lucky" 金星)] - cleaning supplies, consumer appliances, consumer electronics, computer software & hardware, telecommunications

--- LG Electronics [LG전자 (LG電子)]

--- LG Chemical [LG화학 (LG火藥)]

--- Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) [문화방송 (文化放送)]

Hanjin [한진 (韓進)] - shipping, trade, airline travel, telecommunications, aviation

--- Daehan Airlines [대한항공 (大韓航空)]

--- Hanjin Shipping [한진해운희사 (韓進海運會社)]

--- Daehan Rail Corporation [대한철도공사 (大韓鐵道公社)]

--- Daehan Broadcasting System [대한방송공사 (大韓放送公社)]

Dusan [두산 (斗山)] - food, construction, industry, publishing, retail, machinery

--- Lotte [롯데 - for "Charlotte"]

--- Nongshim [농심 (農心)]

--- Dusan Constructions [두산건설 (斗山建設)]

Hanhwa [한화 (韓火)] - chemicals, explosives, retail, shipping, construction, petrol chemicals

--- Hanhwa Constructions [한화건설 (韓火建設)]

--- Hanhwa Chemical [한화화학 (韓火火藥)]

Seongyeong [선경 (線耿)] - chemicals, petrol, media, power, electricity

--- Seongyeong Telecomm [선경전화 (線耿電話)]

--- Seongyeong Gas [선경석유(線耿石油)]

[국방과학연구소 (國防科學研究所)] {Agency for Imperial Contracts}

--- Daehan Aerospace Company [한국항공우주산업 (韓國航空宇宙産業)]

--- Daehan Airlines [대한항공 (大韓航空)]

--- Daewoo Motor Company [대우자동차판매 (大宇自動車販売)]

--- Hanhwa Chemical [한화화학 (韓火火藥)]

--- Hanjin Shipping [한진해운희사 (韓進海運會社)]

--- Hyeondae Heavy Industries [현대중공업 (現代重工業)]

--- Hyeondae Motor Company [현대자동차주식회사 (現代自動車株式會社)]

--- Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) [문화방송 (文化放送)]

--- LG Electronics [LG전자 (LG電子)]

--- Lotte [롯데 - for "Charlotte"]

--- Samseong Electronics [삼성전자 (三星電子)]

--- Seongyeong Gas [선경석유(線耿石油)]

--- Seongyeong Telecomm [선경전화 (線耿電話)]



The culture of the Han Empire is largely founded in the plethora of religious identities - Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, local animism, Islam, and Christianity. Buddhism and Confucianism have had the longest and most prevalent effect on Han culture. Confucianism has affected more the civil structure of society than the religious pursuits of individual people, and thus the effects of Confucianist thought are more easily noticed. In Confucianism, there are five principle levels of human interaction: an emperor to his subject, a father to his son, a man to his wife, an elder to the youth, and a friend to his friend {these interactions are arranged by the person with the most authority to the person with less, except in friendship, in which the two persons are equal}. On each level of these interactions, each person is obliged to pay respects to the other - more so by the less authoritative person than the more authoritative person. The Confucian ethic has changed over the years, to the point where men and women are accorded the status of friendship than to assume that men are naturally superior to women {although the cultural biases still remain}. It has also been modified to permit the system to be egalitarian - the Emperor grants his people rights and responsibilities in return for their favor. The system has become mutual such that the people are accorded these rights as part of their citizenship to Han, whereas the Han Emperor can only accord these rights by their consent. Of course, the system is based on the right of the Han Emperor and his Divine Mandate to rule; there is no absolute rule of law that states the Emperor's obligation to fulfill his responsibilities as a benevolent leader.

Yet, it is because of the system that the benevolent leader is born. Another precept of the Confucian tradition states that all people must be educated. It is not so much a reason to send all citizens of Han to school, but more so that each citizen knows his/her place in society and understands it well. The Confucian tradition blames the inadequacies of man to be the root of his ignorance, and therefore it is necessary for the Emperor to instruct all of his subjects to be noble and civil beings - model citizens of the world {all under Heaven}. If a person acts unruly, it is probably because he has never been instructed to act properly - and therefore, with sufficient discipline {i.e. punishment for wrong actions, rewards for right actions}, a person can become a model citizen.

In addition, in part to Confucian concepts of piety, the past is greatly celebrated. Ancestors are remembered at every possible moment; memorials to great people of the past are everywhere, in the forms of temples, monuments, and shrines dedicated to their essence. Because the past builds on itself to form the present, the blessings of the present are shared with the past. On certain days, it is part of the Imperial tradition to mandate a holiday to all citizens of Han to celebrate their ancestors; for this reason, it is hard for the Han to let loose the past to make way for the future, although in the modern age, it has become increasingly difficult for citizens to pay respects to ancestors, with the globalization of markets and massive advances in transportation to bring people apart. Nonetheless, people from all heritages make some effort to return home to celebrate the blessings of the new eras and join in festivities dedicated to the memory of their past, to recognize their contributions to the model state of Han.

Notwithstanding, other cultures have had their influence on the Han system, more so in the modern age than in previous centuries. Since the reign of Emperor Gojong (1863-1919) - the first of the true modern Emperors - liberal ideologies began to proliferate into the perceptions of the Han. Popular rule was a strong force particularly, and while the Emperor Gojong could not assert it completely, he had to concede some portions of the right to rule. As part of a compromise in his ascension year, he abolished the formal aristocracy that ruled the lands, although Imperial pensions would be paid to those who had been deprived. Additionally, all gubernatorial positions were open to elections for the first time - and surprisingly the majority of the former Dukes were elected as continuing dukes of their realms. The exceptions to these rules included Joseon and Jonamdo, where kingdoms were already established. In those places, a Special Administrative Representative was elected in place of a Governor, who would represent the affairs of the two Kingdoms in the Imperial Cabinet - another concession in the Compromise. Although the Emperor retained firm and absolute political power, he had to share the mechanisms of his power with the Governors in order to accomplish any positive objectives. This balance of the Imperial system with a modern liberalized democratic system helped to stabilize the Empire; consequently, the reforms in fact helped to strengthen the power of the Emperor, who retained the legitimacy of his rule by the consent of his people and likewise eliminated a number of aristocratic rivals to his power. Additionally, the pensions eliminated helped to spur economic growth in other directions and allowed state-mediated development on a larger scale than before.

However, the reforms were not entirely sufficient. While the aristocracy was abolished, ironically, the peasants remained in bondage to the rich folk of their counties - a condition that threatened to spawn a citizen's soviet in Sachoen {Sichuan} Province. The Emperor Myeongjo (1926-1970) firmly and resolutely abolished serfdom in the Han Empire, instituting equal opportunities for all citizens. It was the second of the major reforms that came to define Han citizenship. It formally eliminated economic tensions between classes and opened all people to success or failure. The significance of the emanicipation edict was more so politically - because up until that time, only former nobility posed any possibility in running for elections, although locally, emancipation in the provinces {Shingang, Seojang, Gamsuk, Monggol, Manju, Wunnam} predated the formal Imperial emancipation. The greatest significance of the edict was the irrevocable guarantee of Imperial rights, services, and opportunities to all citizens - the first major step to introducing equal status of all Han citizens - and sponsoring the egalitarian nature of the Confucian system.

Nonetheless, another problem began to manifest itself in the latter years of the Myeongjo era - tensions that resulted from the Imperial institution of conscription. The conscription issue was contentious, because even all citizens were considered equal, it only opened citizens to opportunities if they could afford the wealth to become equal. Frequently, Imperial subjects with vast wealth could pay large sums of money to guarantee "more rights" than the common people, including the right to bypass mandatory conscription. The people also noticed that the same people could "pay for rights" - to speak, to petition for redress, to act in functions not normally accorded to common people. The Emperor Myeongjo attempted to resolve the circumstances, but his death in 1970 precluded any Imperial conclusion. The Emperor Jeongmu (1970-2006) finished the product of his father's business - Imperial Edict of Voluntary Civic Duty of the 5th Year of the Emperor Jeongmu. This edict guaranteed all citizens rights regardless of economic or social status, and cemented exactly what rights are accorded to citizens of Han; it furthermore forbade bribery of His Imperial Majesty's officers, in an effort "to place an advantage not otherwise present to all citizens of Han."

The three reforms form the basis of the Modern Han citizen, and how they act. They are normally named in terms of their specific reform changes - (1) Political Emancipation; (2) Socioeconomic Emancipation; and (3) Civil Emancipation. The three edicts together - in addition to the ancient and venerable Analects of Gongja {Confucius} - have since their inception greatly impacted Han society and what it means to be Han. Nonetheless, cultural biases are still present - even after the abolition of the formal aristocracy; and though the 21st Century is proving to be a new century of progress and development in the Han Empire, the traditions of the 4000-year old Han civilization are difficult to change in the modern age.

Imperial Holidays

January 1 - New Year's Day

January 15 - Lantern Festival

July 15 - Spirit Festival

August 4 - Buddha's Birthday

August 15 - Harvest Moon Festival

December 25 - Christmas



Football {蹴球 (축구)}

Imperial Football Association {大韓蹴球協會 (대한축구협회)}

Head Commissioner: Count Jeong Mongjun {鄭夢準伯 (정몽준포국)}

Head Coach: Cha Beomgeun {車範根 (차범근)}

National Team(大韓帝國蹴球國家代表隊 {대한제국축구국가대표})

The Imperial Football Team is among the rising powers in international football and consistently seeks new challenges to improve its skills and expertise.

Tournaments Participated

Oxen CUP 2 - 6th Place
Baptism of Fire (WC36) - Champions

Imperial Team
Player ㅇ韓ㅇ ㅇ한ㅇ # POS Club Age Caps Goals Shots Saves YC RC
Kim Yongdae 金龍大 김용대 1 K N/A 24 0 - - 0 0 0
Choi Jincheol 崔眞喆 최진철 2 D N/A 30 0 0 0 - 0 0
Pak Geonha 朴建夏 박건하 3 D N/A 29 0 0 0 - 0 0
Yi Sabik 李ㅇㅇ 이사빅 4 D N/A 19 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Donghyeon 金東炫 김동현 5 D N/A 28 0 0 0 - 0 0
Seo Jeongweon 徐正源 서정원 6 M N/A 24 0 0 0 - 0 0
Heo Jeongmu 許丁戊 허정무 7 M N/A 20 0 0 0 - 0 0
Song Jongguk 宋鐘國 송종국 8 M N/A 30 0 0 0 - 0 0
Go Jongsu 高宗秀 고종수 9 M N/A 27 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Daeeui 金大儀 김대의 10 F N/A 25 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Eunjung 金殷中 김은중 11 F N/A 19 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Ho 金皓ㅇ 김호ㅇ 12 K N/A 20 0 - - 0 0 0
Jang Yogon 张耀坤 장요곤 13 D N/A 25 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Jingyu 金珍圭 김진규 14 D N/A 30 0 0 0 - 0 0
Yi Eulyong 李乙容 이을용 15 M N/A 31 0 0 0 - 0 0
Go Jeongun 高正云 고정운 16 M N/A 29 0 0 0 - 0 0
Yi Dongguk 李東國 이동국 17 F N/A 32 0 0 0 - 0 0
Yi Jeongyeol 李正烈 이정열 18 K N/A 22 0 - - 0 0 0
Wang Shinheun 王新欣 왕신흔 19 D N/A 29 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Chigon 金致坤 김치곤 20 D N/A 25 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Byeongji 金秉址 김병지 21 M N/A 18 0 0 0 - 0 0
Han Paeng 韓彭ㅇ 한팽ㅇ 22 M N/A 29 0 0 0 - 0 0
Kim Dohun 金度勲 김도훈 23 F N/A 21 0 0 0 - 0 0

National Football League {國同盟蹴球 (국동맹축구)}


daehanjeiguk.png The Great Han Empire (Daehanjeiguk) daehanjeiguk.png
Territories: Jikyei, Gamsuk, Gangso, Gwangdong, Daeman, Manju, Monggol, Bokgeon, Sacheon, Sandong, Seojang, Shingang, Wunnam, Taehaeng, Haenam, Hogwang
Auxiliary Kingdoms & Colonies: Joseon, Jonamdo, Tempalhiyon
Cities: Hangyeong, Sanghae, Hanseong, Gwangju, Junggyeong, Pyeongyang, Malnira
History: N/A
People: Emperor Taejo, Emperor Gojong, Emperor Gwangmu
Languages: Korean, Chinese, Spanish (in Jonam Kingdom), English (unofficial in diplomacy)
Sports: Imperial Football Association, Imperial Han Football Team, National Football League