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Revision as of 20:29, 15 January 2007 by Kedalfax (Talk | contribs)

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You've reached the user page for Kedalfax. We can't make it to the page right now, so please leave a quick message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Beeeep

This User read ALL of Max Barry's books

ked This user is the owner of the nation of Kedalfax.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
fox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
win32 This user contributes using Microsoft Windows.
java-2 This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
utc−5 This user contributes from the Eastern time zone.
usa This user is kind of proud to be American.
518 This user is from the 518.


I have a few common Internet aliases:

  • Simzebu on Simtropolis, ModtheSims2, and others
  • Kedalfax here, on NS, and Jolt
  • And a few others that I can't seem to remember right now.

Major Contributions


Here are the nations I've done cartography for. Most are links to the nation page, where the map can be found in the infobox.

I also maintain the map for Simtropolis, which can be found here.

I'm glad to do your cartography, if I have the time. Just telegram here.

Other Junk

My parents have been drilling Internet paranoia into my head since we first got WOW! almost a decade ago (Why was it named wow? 'Cause now you say "Wow. We thought that was good?"). So I won't be saying too much.

I had maybe three minor CJs on Simtropolis that died before I had originally planned. They were badly written anyway. I have been attempting to write a novel for years, and just the other week I had finnished a couple of paragraphs before deciding it was terrible. (If I ever finish, I'll be bragging about it).

My favorate music is classic rock, and I think that the debate over whether Jimi Hendrix, Edward Van Halen, or Eric Clapton is the best guitarist is stupid, they were all good enough for me to like them. But to tell you the truth I like Lynyrd Skynyrd better than any of them.

Let's see, what else...

I hate my school for leading me to think I could take the AP Computer Programming next year, and then cancel it.

I think Intel is probably worse with the monopolism than Microsoft, but I hate them both.

EA Sucks. Big. (Whoever's avatar that was, sorry about stealing it)

I have a new eMachines computer that sucks. I know you all want the story. So my dad and I go into the store, and my dad embarrases me by looking like an idiot and pretending to know nothing about computers, even though he's probably done more with computers than that Intel rep will ever do in her life. So we look at these two eMachines computers, and they have the same specs, but had all the internal parts made by Intel, and the other had AMD and other stuff in it. So my dad asks the Intel rep what the difference is, and she, being an Intel rep, says the Intel is better. She said that the Intel one won't have any conflicts because the parts are all made by the same person. We should have known better. The computers at my dad's office are all cobbled together peices of various computers, with all of the parts being at least three years old. Our current computer had four original parts. The case, power supply, motherboard and processor. We never had a problem steming from incompatable peices. But we fell for it. I had been planning on getting a POS machine and trading the graphics card with the GForce 4 in the old one. But it turns out, INTEL FUSED ALL THE STUFF TOGETHER! I can't figure out any way to take out the old Video card, and I don't have the cash to pay for a new one. so now, the Sims 2 crashes half the time when I try to run it.

I live in upstate NY (I can tell you that because you could easily trace my IP from earlier edits and find that I live in Coxsackie, which I don't {Thanks, StateTel}).

I connect to the 'Net using DSL.

I hate it when people say things like "MY Internet is down"

I hate it more when people use abbreviations loke LOL and OMG in offline conversations.

I REALY hate when people make forum posts or titles IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, as if I wouldn't notce it otherwise.

I hate how "abbreviation" is such a long word.

"You may be right. I may be crazy."

I'm not really that big of a Billy Joel fan. "Piano man" was good. "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" was okay. The rest was mediokre. sp?

I like when people let you know when they don't know how to spell.(See above)

I'm still upset about Vietnam and Kent State, even though I wasn't alive yet.

I actually suck at typing.

I think Google is sneaking into my life a little too much. I thik it's like Wal-Mart that way.

I have a personalized Google page.

I read Techdirt regularly.

I'm rambling, aren't I?

The new Charger sucks.

The new Mustang is okay.

GM sucks

Ford sucks

Daimler-Chrisler-Benz, or whatever it is now sucks.

Citroën sucks more.

Most major corperations suck.

Save the Everglades!

Save the Hudson!

Save the First Ammendment!

Don't save any of New Orleans except the French Quarter. New York City was smart enough to fill in when they needed more room.

The capital of New York is Albany, idiots.

When I say I'm from New York, I don't mean the city.

Poughkeepsee, or however you spell it, is a funny name.

How many ways can there be to spell "Taconic"? And why would you spell it "Taghanigck"?

Do we really need a statue of Joe Bruno's head in the airport?

I don't care where you're from. Albany has a better airport.

Should I be proud that my town is a banana republic?

Taxes were made complex so only the rich, educated politicians could find all the loopholes.

I don't mind Brokeback Mountain as long as you don't make me watch it.

Why does it seem like I'm the only one who realizes that "Born in the USA" is a protest song?

Back to the Future 2 had a flaw in its timeline.

Who uses "whom"? (Whom uses whom? Is that right?)

"I'm not crazy, and neither am I!"

"Your mother was a hampster, and you father smelled like elderberries!"

My DSL's user agreement doesn't allow porn.

That will be all for now.

Layout for this page blatently plaigerized from User:Pacitalia.