Imperial Trodenhiem

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Imperial Trodenhiem
Flag of Imperial Trodenhiem
Motto: "The Defeated Shalt Ne'er Rise!"
No Map Available
Region Federation of Allied Nations
Capital Geddon City
Official Language(s) Trodonian, English
Leader Monte Guerro
Population 855 million (9th April 2007)
Currency Universal Credits 
NS Sunset XML

The Federal Province of Imperial Trodenhiem is a huge, pleasant nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 855 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The medium-sized, corrupt government devotes most of its attentions to Law & Order, with areas such as Social Welfare and Religion & Spirituality receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 12%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Gambling, Woodchip Exports, and Cheese Exports industries.

Crime is a problem. Imperial Trodenhiem's national animal is the eagle and its currency is the universal credit.



Imperial Trodenhiem was founded following The First Trodoneo-Cadian War. It is a mistake to say that Imperial Trodenhiem was merely a copy of the former Empire of Trodenhiem for it was not.

Imperial Trodenhiem was a short lived splinter state of Federal Trodenhiem that did not accept the decision to form a democratic Trodonian state. Instead they installed a Regent called Maxi Baullion to rule over their 'territories'.

Though founded in theory upon the founding of Federal Trodenhiem they did not gain any actual territory of their own until the remnant forces of the Former Empire, that were not working for North Cadia as an occupation force, swore loyalty to the regent and siezed the northern reaches of Federal Trodenhiem, much to the dismay of Monte Guerro and his government, already hit with the severe blow of having lost full control of Promethius Prime.


Being so deeply loyal to the idea of Empire, and the Trodonian ideals Imperial Trodenhiem was stunted in growth and developement, and a lack of international recognition meant that their economy was very basic. Their military, such as it was, was little more than a collection of fanatical militia bands and a broken remnant of the Former Empire's troops. It is almost certain that had any force invaded at this time Imperial Trodenhiem would have falling within a day, however owing the the fact that the rest of the region refused to acknowledge their legitimacy, and that they still viewed the territory a part of their ally Federal Trodenhiem , meant that no-one did take military action.

Federal Trodenhiem was unable to send troops to retake the territories siezed by the government of Imperial Trodenhiem owing to its current engagements in Promethius Prime, and drawing further troops off would compromise the defence of this still fledgeling nation, so Imperial Trodenhiem became comfortable.

War and Defeat

Main Article Opperation Reunion

In a small military operation by Federal Trodenhiem called 'Opperation Reunion' Monte Guerro's Federal Government mobilised 100,000 troops and marched on Imperial land holdings. A series of short skirmishes as well as ruthless assaults on Imperial forces and position left Imperial Trodenhiem all but undefencable. Federal forces were able to perform a blitzkrieg and made massive sweeping advances into Imperial Trodenhiem.

With Imperial forces being massacred or simply giving up, all that was left was the Remnant Army that held firm in a small town, where the Imperial Government made its last stand. They were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned, being pounded by artillary and aircraft assaults the majority of their forces were defeated before Federal troops advanced.

Upon the destruction of their defences and their last bastion the Regent Maxi I issued formal terms of surrender, which were accepted and he fled with his government.

Following the surrender of the Imperial Government the soldiers and militia capitulated and the people were inducted into Federal Society, while the militia and soldiers were set to work developing the national infrastructure.

Current Affairs

Imperial Trodenhiem no longer exists in any way, and is now a memory. The citizens have been found to be loyal to the Federal Government as the Regent's regime was somewhat oppressive, meanwhile the former military have been pushed into civil service building roads and the like.

Since a large army has been drafted from Former Imperial holdings to form part of the force that would invade the Former Empire of Trodenhiem (East) to release it from North Cadian control, in The Second Trodoneo-Cadian War.

Trodenhiem and Federal Trodenhiem on NSwiki
Main articles: Trodenhiem
Nation pages: Federal Trodenhiem, Trodonian Atholon, Trodenhiem, Promethius Prime, North Cadia
Historical info: Trodenhiem, Trodoneo-Cadian War, Promethiun Wars, Promethiun Rebels, The People's Army, Silas II
Leader Related: Monte Guerro, Silas II, Conrad Kruschev, Seno Hann, Bolbo Niltani
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Trodenhiem.