Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi

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Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi
Gender Male
Age 50 (as of 5 May 2007)
Rank/Position Civilian (formerly, General of the Imperial Marines)
Height 180 cm (5'11")
Weight 95 kg (210 lbs.)
Blood type B+
Frame Stocky, thickly built
Hair/Eyes Brown / Brown
I.Q. 116
Economic Left/Right (4.31)
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian (-0.13)
Religion Formerly, Sunni Muslim, but now believed to be a follower of the Diri E I G Ignen sect.
'Education B.S. in psychology, Kahanistan Military Academy, 1979, M.A. in political science, Kahanistan National University, 1986
Hobbies / Interests Politics, spiritual study, the human mind, covert activities
Languages spoken Arabic, English, French
Weapon M9 Beretta, Galil, RPG-7
Affiliation Kahanistan Imperial Marines (formerly), Admiral Kukonois' forces
Service Ottoman War, Invasion of Kahanistan
Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi (Arabic: عبد الله حصن الغازي, Abd Allah Hassan al-Ghazi, born 11 April 1957, in Najaster, Kahanistan) is a controversial right-wing Kahanistanian general, political author, and right-wing politician, infamous for his threats against the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek and his anti-Amestrian politics. He is viewed by his enemies as insane, and by his allies as a great hero.

Early life

Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi was born the youngest of four children to a devout Sunni Muslim couple. Little is known of his childhood, but he enrolled in the Kahanistan Military Academy in 1971, graduating in 1979 with a bachelor's degree in psychology. He participated in riots while a student, in about 1976, when he smashed the window of a police cruiser, an act to which he admitted in a famed press conference.

Military career

Al-Ghazi obtained the nickname of "General Gas" or "Chemical Abdullah" while serving as a young lieutenant, often advocating the use of VX or Sarin against various enemies, including civilian populations, which made him a hated man by the Kahanistanians who followed the Geneva Conventions. However, his aggressive leadership led to his rapid promotions to the point where he reached the rank of General by 2002.

Al-Ghazi was widely considered insane due to his conduct of the diplomatic situation with AMF, which many saw as a direct and intentional provocation of the Empire. However, he was an able commander in the defense of Kahanistan.


Al-Ghazi ran for President of Kahanistan as a Fascist in 2006, losing to Defense Minister Marcellus Valens. He disappeared while campaigning, and is believed to be an ally of Admiral Kukonois. During his campaign, he authored On the Amestrians and their Lies, a hate-filled, venomous polemic attacking the character of the Amestrian government. The hateful tract claims that many Amestrian nobles and politicians, most notably Kasumi Liscel, MP, are pedophiles or other degenerates, and accuses Amestrian soldiers of war crimes in Torontia.

He is also accused by Amestria of instigating the 2006 Kahanistan riots, in which many thousands of Amestrians, Kahanistanians, and others were butchered in three-day long nation-wide rioting over allegations of Amestrian war crimes. He was sued by survivors and many of his profits are being given directly to plaintiffs as he was not present in Kahanistan to defend himself and lost the suit by default.


"People of Kahanistan! For too long, we have been puppets of imperialist powers! First, the Freeks move in, attack us and our allies lift nary a finger. They slaughtered our people, imposed the unspeakably barbarous hell of Puritania on six million Kahanistanians, the Coward-in-Chief capitulates to them without a fight, and the Amestrians take advantage of our defeat, the desperation of a broken and defeated people, and pour trillions of Golden Hobbeses into our nation, hoping to rebuild it and make us dependent on them, to make us part of their imperialist regime! And they will not stop with Kahanistan, they have moved in here without even finishing with Torontia! Their lust for land is so great that they, in their infinite greed, must eat one meal without even swallowing the last! But we will make them vomit us up before they can swallow us whole!" - on his views toward Amestria.

"That is malicious Amestrian propaganda. The demonstrators had already assembled, and I, as a presidential candidate, decided to do some impromptu electioneering. The Amestrians have never liked me, and of course they would blame me for the violence that the rioters committed. Next I hear, they will be accusing me of ordering the attack on their Embassy, as if these people are taking orders from anybody. As for my plans to become a dictator, that is simply absurd. The Supreme Soviet would never go for it, any more than they would allow the current Coward-in-Chief to be a dictator." - to an Amestrian journalist who asked his views on those who accused him of starting the 2006 Najaster riots.

"I joined the rioters. I picked up a cinderblock, and I smashed in the windshield of a police car. I couldn't tell you why I did it. I wasn't close with any of the other rioters. I had never had any encounters with the police. I simply felt that I could do something illegal in broad daylight, and get away with it, and that's what I did. That is what mob mentality is." - on his personal experience with mob mentality.

"I would say it is proof of the unspeakable barbarity and hypocrisy of the State of Amestria. Notice that the Kahanistan police are also indiscriminately firing ordnance into the crowds, but theirs is non-lethal. The murderous Amestrians, however, fire millions of live rounds into demonstrators and any civilians caught in the middle. That so-called liberal democracy no longer needs deny the atrocious crimes in Torontia when they openly commit massacres in a nation that calls them an ally." - on the Amestrian use of lethal force against rioters in Najaster, the capital of Kahanistan.

"Speaking of hypocrisy, I personally find their opposition to my candidacy for President quite amusing, given that they themselves are about to elect a known pervert and sociopathic child-rapist to their own highest office. I hate to sling mud here, but it is the truth. The Amestrians talk big about my alleged mental instability and they want to vote in a known child molester as President. It makes me sick." - on leading Amestrian presidential candidate Kasumi Liscel.

"At the time of the surrender, Kahanistan had 1.5 million troops and 10 million armed civilians, facing 800,000 Sentinels. Had Mr. al-Za'if allowed us to fight, we would have been able to easily encircle and defeat the Sentinels, similar to the Battle of Stalingrad 60 years ago. Mr. al-Za'if did no more than save the lives of 800,000 sons of Shaitan from their rightful fates of being doomed to the fires of Hell, far from the love of Allah. Had the Freekish forces been defeated there, Kahanistan would be a world power, and Kraven would probably be a democracy by now." - on Kahanistan President Mohammed bin Yusuf al-Za'if.

"Yes, two to three hundred million had died, out of over a billion. After the Freeks were defeated, the seven or so hundred million refugees would have flocked back, much as they did when the Freeks left. Our troops were too disorganized until near the end to offer resistance at the level that Kraven has, despite our defense budget at the time being larger than that of Kraven. But at Najaster our troops could have easily fought the Sentinels close-in, and defeated them and put Azrael's head in the Museum of War in Najaster." - on what he thought the remaining Kahanistan military could have done if President al-Za'if had not surrendered to AMF.

"The Kahanistan military in Torontia spat on everything that Kahanistan has stood for for centuries, rather than risk an incident with Amestria, and now both nations are paying for it in... what was the term Kraven used? The blood of their innocents. They did this because Kahanistan's cowardly leaders did not want to jeopardize the aid that flows in from Amestria and lines the pockets of the Supreme Soviet. We are not so much a puppet of the Amestrian military as we are one of their government. The Amestrian military, like that of Kahanistan, is controlled by their respective government, if I remember correctly. Kahanistan is not completely under Amestrian control yet, if they were, they would have used the same indiscriminate lethal force tactics against the rioters that the Amestrians are using, but while in Torontia Kahanistan refusal to accept the edicts of the Amestrian occupiers would have triggered an international incident, in Kahanistan the Amestrians' actions speak for themselves." - on the Torontian conflict, Kahanistan's involvement with atrocities, and his belief that the Amestrians control Kahanistan.

Quotes made by others concerning al-Ghazi

"We really should kill him..." - Kasumi Liscel as she watched the General's infamous press conference live on TV from her apartment in Central, Amestria (Secret IC).

"This guy is good. He should get his own talk show." - Major Mara K. Fulton, Kahanistan Republic Guard, listening to the General speak to angry anti-Amestrian demonstrators shortly before the 2006 Kahanistan riots.

Preceded by:
Abdul-Rahman bin Muhammad
Kahanistanian Minister of Defense
16 November 2005 - 26 December 2005
Succeeded by:
Marcellus Valens