Alshai Kommetrez

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Current International Relations Advisor of Scolopendra. An important figure early on in the emergencies immediately following The Break and responsible for helping establish Scolopendra as a relatively respected nation in the Solar System, he has slowly faded from the public interest since his admission into the Angelan Mainframe.

Physical Data

  • Species/Ethnicity: Human (South Egyptian extraction) [birth]; Angelan (Automata Construct custom model AK-1) [current]
  • Height: 178cm (5 ft, 10 in)
  • Mass: 74 kg (163 lbm)
  • Hair/Eyes: black / brown (glowing)
  • Notable Features: well-trimmed mustache and goatee


Alshai Kommetrez's life seems to follow a bell-curve pattern--obscure, growing in stature and importance to a peak, then falling back into obscurity. He tends not to talk about his life and thus was unavailable for comment; most information is gathered from public sources.


Born in a small town in southern Egypt, Alshai Kommetrez had a successful but not notably so childhood. He participated in the cross-country track team in secondary school and joined the Mobile Infantry after graduation. A successful but undistinguished officer, he attained the rank of Major and was Colonel Julius M Razak's executive officer during the Tibetan Extraction Campaign. After Colonel Razak retired, Major Kommetrez took command of his unit, the 58th Scolopendran Mobile Infantry Division. He led this unit through the extraction of Arabian Zero-One immediately previous to The Break, retired, and became the military-civilian liason of the colonization mission to Titan.


The peak of Alshai's career occured in the early period of Scolopendra's entry into the multiverse, then quickly faded off after he made a life-changing decision.

Supreme Emperor

When Mediterranean Scolopendra vanished into the fractal multiverse, the only remnant of the nation--the Titan colony--was stripped of any overarching leadership. The three expedition commanders--Jon Owen Hertzfeldt, civilian commander; Julius M Razak, military commander; and Kommetrez, civilian-military liason--immediately restructured the nation to keep in line with its democratic ideals. In the interim, while this readjustment was in in progress, a strong executive leader was needed. Hertzfeldt was arguably the senior official, but supported Kommetrez as a superior leader better suited to keeping what remained of the Segments alive.

After the initial emergency of reorganization was over, Kommetrez immediately began a policy of diplomatic expansion and friendly but firm foreign policy that is echoed a great deal in Speaker-Rrit's current administration. Kommetrez made contact with many of the nations that are now solid members of the Triumvirate of Yut such as Menelmacar, Sakkra, and Angelus. He also attempted relations with Arda via Melkor Unchained, but these relations were unstable at best and quickly failed after their high point in Operation Righteous Smackdown. He also continued the Scolopendran policy of extraction campaigns in genocidal nations such as The One Ring.

Unfortunately, behind all the success was a depressed, almost self-dangerously dedicated to his causes. Internationally respected (as can be seen in Sakkra and Angelus) but lacking self-respect, he eventually took to long trips in a vessel given him by Angelus and having long conversations with the construct-mind within. He was eventually recruited into the Angelan Mainframe, which alleviated his feelings of abject lonliness but also made him an untenable Supreme Emperor as even his own Intelligence Advisor, Janus Akikazu Garbo, could not trust him. He stepped down from the Supreme Emperorship and placed his PseudoEmperor, Jon Owen Hertzfeldt, in charge before leaving for parts unknown.

The Disappearance

There is no information on Kommetrez's travels, which lasted two years outside the Solar System.

International Relations Advisor

Eventually, with intervention from Razak, Alshai returned to Scolopendra and was recruited by Supreme Emperor Speaker-Rrit to be International Relations Advisor of Scolopendra. Somewhat less capable at the job than Speaker-Rrit was but still qualified, he quietly holds this position today. He generally avoids international relations as his posthuman Angelan qualities can be disturbing to some; at other times, he is sent specifically because of them. He is still acclimating to becoming something more than human; this process will probably never cease.