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Flag of Vertosa
Motto: Civil Responsibility and Strength in Diversity
none available
Region Pacific
Capital Centésai
Official Language(s) English, UK
Leader President AJ Boden, Head of State and Overseer of the Vertosan Empire
Population 1.405 billion
Currency Stone 
NS Sunset XML


Member of The Vertosan Empire

Former UN Delegate for the Pacific region (elected 30th January 2005,4 days in office)


The State of Vertosa was founded in March 2004, and was origianlly called the Confederacy of Vertosa. After spending a limited amount of time in the The East Pacific, the nation migrated to the Pacific, where is has stayed ever since. On 30th Januray 2005, Vertosa was elected as regional UN delegate after the resignation of The Pacific Advocate of Chrytonia and served for 4 days before beoing replaced by The Jersey Empire.

In mid-late 2004, however, the nation was attacked by an unknown force using nuclear weapons. The people of Vertosa were forced to flee to a near by island chain where they set up a new state, The Vertosan Islands. Then by some miracle, the nuclear fallout dissapeared and the radiation went. Many Vertosans flocked back to their home nation, and the government was reinstated.

Although Vertosa is now a safe nation, a significant number of people remained on The Vertosan Islands. This led to the birth of a formal alliance of nations now know as The Vertosan Empire. Vertosa is the principal nation in the empire, but retains national sovereignty.

Government and Politics

The State of Vertosa is a confederate state. Elections are held every year on the 1st December It has a bicameral legislature: The lower house is known as the Legislative Assembly and the upper house is known as the Confederal Assembly. The government executive branch is known as the Executive Syndicate. Whilst most policy that governs the country is formulated at a local or regional level, the Executive Syndicate still plays an important role in governing the state. The Syndicate is chaired by a President, who is also head of state and government. Since the constitution was signed in March 2004, AJ Boden has been President.

Vertosa is the principal nation in the Vertosan Empire, a political union of nations largely based, though not exclusively, in a region of the same name.


Relational Salvationism is the main religion in the Vertosa. There is a detailed record of the evolution of the Vertosan language.