Commerce Heights (city)

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Commerce Heights
Nation Commerce Heights
State Capital Territory
(67 CE est.)
City: 55 780 000
Metropolitan area: 272 060 000
Establishment unknown (predates Commerce Heights)
Major sports teams Commerce Heights Thunderbirds (soccer)
Major sports venues Cliff Broquard Stadium

Commerce Heights is the capital, largest city, and most populous city of the nation Commerce Heights. It is the birthplace of independence for the people of New Manhattan from Boopsylvania, and is the source of the nation’s name, to contrast it with the strongly nationalistic Lontoricans. As the capital city, Commerce Heights houses the headquarters of many major organizations, such as the Commerce Heights Footballing and Soccer Federation. It is not self-governing—the city is maintained by the Commerce Heights Capital Territory, which, in turn, receives many services from the New Manhattan state government, by which the Capital Territory is entirely surrounded. Though many citizens object to this arrangement, it is widely agreed that little harm is done, since the capitalizt system used by the nation at all levels allows the government very little freedom of action.

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