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The Holy Empire of Roach-Busters
rb.jpg coatofarms.jpg
Flag and coat of arms of Roach-Busters
Who ya gonna call!? Roach-Busters!!!


 - Official
 - Widely spoken
 - Taught in schools

English, Farsi, Tagalog, and Thai
Khmer, Vietnamese, Lao, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, Bahasa Indonesian, Tetum
German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch
State Religion Roman Catholic
Capital City RB City
National Leaders
 - Head of state
 - Head of government

Imperator J.L. I
Chancellor Calvin Cyprian, Jr.
 - Total
 - Land
 - Water

4,495,552.7 km²
3,361,302.7 km²
1,134,250 km²
 - Total (2005)

Independence Day May 1, 1954
Government type Absolute monarchy
National Animal Monkey-eating eagle
GDP (2005)
  - Total (USD)
  - GDP/per capita (USD)

$150.5 trillion
Currency RB Dollar


The Holy Empire of Roach-Busters has long been one of the most controversial nations in the world. It is deeply revered and admired by fellow right-wing dictatorships and loathed by democracies and left-wing nations, with centrist nations divided almost evenly down the middle. Militarily, economically, and politically, it is a major player on the international stage. RB is famous for its outspoken hostility to communist nations and its lack of hesitation to provide as much aid, overt and covert, as possible, to any and all nations or organizations that profess hatred of communism, regardless of how much or how little they might otherwise have in common with RB. Although RB has committed forces to many conflicts around the globe, in most conflicts its role has been relatively minor. Even so, friends and foes alike recognize that, for better or worse, RB has had a major impact in the realm of international politics.

Domestic Politics

Anticommunism is not new to RB. Since Roach-Busters was founded in 1954 by General Gustavo Salazar Mora, the Roach-Busters Communist Party has always been illegal, and remains so to this day, as do other extremist left-wing parties. Only four opposition parties are legal, and they merely serve as puppets of the regime, posing as a legitimate opposition. Each 'politician' belonging to an opposition party is actually a first-rate actor hired by the regime, to create a facade of "democracy." Elections are not only very rare, but the qualifications a voter must have are set so unrealistically high that hardly anyone can vote. Only members of the wealthiest 0.01% of the nation are eligible to vote, and to do so, they must have at least one Ph.D., and they must have served in the military for at least 10 years. However, Imperator J.L. I is lenient enough to permit states and local governments to hold some elections and enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, provided their interests are not brought into conflict with those of the federal government. Roach-Busters has been under a State of Emergency and martial law for many years, and the police and military wield nearly infinite power, which they unhesitatingly use to crush virtually any semblance of dissent.

Foreign Policy

Few nations in the world are as virulently anticommunist as Roach-Busters. No Marxist-Leninist nations (or even nations lukewarm toward Marxist-Leninist nations) are permitted to have embassies in Roach-Busters. RB annually spends billions of dollars every year sponsoring anticommunist resistance movements around the world. RB belongs to several rightist international alliances, and has been the founder of several others. RB's primary enemies are Sarzonia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Ankhmet; nations that are not quite enemies, but are considered hostile, are Pacitalia and Czardas. RB has dozens of powerful allies, including, but not limited to, Parthia, Generic Empire, Doomingsland, Borman Empire, Nikolaos the Great, Irondin, and Banduria, in addition to many others nations that RB is proud to call friends.


RB's capitalizt economy is among the most robust in the world. With high rates of industrial and GDP growth and low rates of unemployment and inflation, RB's economic performance is matched or surpassed by few. The government pursues a completely laissez faire economic policy, and does not intervene in the economy in any way whatsoever. Tariffs, corporate welfare, minimum wage laws, antitrust laws, business regulations, worker safety laws, social welfare programs, income tax, and corporate tax are all unheard of in RB. In addition, most businesses use slave labor (with Shooban and Turta slaves), with the blessing of the government. Few people enjoy a standard of living as high as Roach-Busterians; poverty is scarce, crime is almost non-existent, and people live long, healthy lives.