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Flag of Clandon
Motto: Nous brillons brillamment comme le soleil! from the national song of the same name
Region India
Capital Mumbai
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Leader King Clandon
 - Total 311392 km²
 - % water {{{pcwater}}}
Population 437 million (24 March 2006)
Currency 1 clandonian rupee = 100 calandini 
NS Sunset XML

The Great Franglo-Indian Empire of Clandon or simply, Clandon, French: Grand Empire Franglo-Indien de Clandone Spanish: Gran Imperio Franglo-Indio de Clandonio , Portuguese: Império Franglo-Indian Grande de Clandon, Italian: Impero Franglo-Indiano grande di Clandon, is a highly developed and an important nation in India. Its capital is Mumbai. Its neighbours are Gujurati, Kendradesh & Karkala. The most important rivers are the Godavari and Tapi. The most important mountain ranges and plateau are the Deccan, Western Ghats, Sahyadri and Balaghat. History: After the fall of The Empires of Quaristo, New Quaristo and Quaristua, it crumbled into small warring tribes. These tribes later formed themselves into politically seperate groups called 'Kingheends'.

There were nine kingheends: Cassia, Cantona, Calyssis, Cocos, Creme, Costa, Cilagi, Cranida and Cibara. Atlast, King Clandon II of Cassia Kingheend united all the other eight Kingheends to make the Federated Kingdom of Clandon.

He later on conquered Codavar and Creola which made up the 10 naviheends. Later on when Kendradesh brought in the State Map Law, King Clandon decided to take Maharashtra and Goa and the same time made the kingdom a 'Great Franglo-Indian Empire'.

Capital: Mumbai is the most happening city in the whole of India. It invites many tourists for it is a combination of the past, present and the future: The Historical Ruins of the East Coast, The Beautiful Residential Area of the Central while a Futuristic Commercial Area of the South. The North consists of a National Park: Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Industry City is in the North-East where once the city of Thane existed. The Indian FilmCity is located in the West of the City. The most important address is Clandon Palace, Carmichael Road, Malabar Hill, Charni Road(W), Mumbai which is the King's Castle.

Unique Animals: Bokulupi (singular: Bokulupus) are related to the cat family and are somewhat similiar to the cremeano. Bokulupi's scientific name is Felis Bokulupus. They can swim to 10 metres and one of the most rare animals in the wild. There are only 100 in the wild. Clandonian Parliament is going to make the Bokulupi the symbol of Clandon but the cremeano will always be preserved as the national animal and no animal shall ever take its place.

Status: Home Minister in India

Puppet Nations: Poincourir for Indian Diplomacy (Tibet) Aidopais for Founder (Little India) Lilindia for Little India Advertising and Diplomacy (Little India)

National Song: Nous brillons brillamment comme le soleil dans la galaxie de Clandonian et l'univers indien. Nous prions pour l'égalité, la liberté et le bonheur. Nous aimons notre Roi Clandone que nous aimons notre pays Clandone. Nous chanterons pour la joie : notre devise nationale - chanson.

roughly translated as,

We shine brightly like the sun in the Clandonian Galaxy and the Indian Universe. We pray for equality, liberty and happiness. We love our king Clandon we love our country Clandon. We shall sing for joy: our national motto - song.


The Great Franglo-Indian Empire of Clandon