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Flag of Bostopia
Motto: Unity Rises Above Strengh
Bostopia Map
Region United Free Republics
Capital Fort Boston
Official Language(s) Bostopian (English)
Leader Emperor Boston
Population 4 Billion +
Currency Bostopian Pound 
NS Sunset XML

The United Isles of Bostopia is a semi-democratic Monarchy in the United Free Republics, with a population of over 4 Billion people. Bostopia is comprised of two main islands, East Isle and West Isle, and also the Bostopian Arbad Islands, which lie around 1000 miles off the west coast of West Isle. The Arbad Islands are shared with Vladmiristak. Bostopia is known throughout the UFR for being the only country where the fabled 'Geesemonkey' can survive successfully, due to the large open spaces set aside for Geesemonkies.

Bostopia is a twin-cultural country, with Laquarists in the centre-west of East Isle holding onto their cultural background, and language, which is closely related to that of Old English. Overall, however, the Bostopian culture takes precedence over many aspects of life. Bostopians are not open to change, so Bostopia holds it's historic values to heart.


Bostopia now resides in Pacifica Oceania.

Bostopia has recently entered the 29th World Cup, and the Summer Olympics, along with the Puntafora Football Invitational. These all mark major landmarks for Bostopia. Bostopia recently also hosted the first round of the NS F1GP's fourth season, at the Fort Boston Park Circuit.


Population: 4bn plus

Nationality: Noun: Bostopian Adjective: Bostopians

Ethnic Groups: Bostopian 95.6% Laquarist 4.3% Non-Bostopian 0.1%

Religions: None 100%

Languages: Bostopian, Laquari

Official Language: Bostopian


Country Name:

Conventional Long Form: United Isles of Bostopia

Conventional Short Form: Bostopia

Abbrieviation: UIB

Government Type: Semi-Democratic Monarchy (One Elected Parliament, Little to No Power)

Capital: Fort Boston

Administrative Divisions: 12 Regional Districts - Bassingdale RD, Caflin RD, Drangmorie RD, Fenton RD, Fort Boston RD, Glenrock RD, Kisington RD, Laquar RD, Monham RD, Mountain District RD, Reamontry RD, Port Flamerty RD

Other Divisions: Military Zone

Overseas Bostopian Territories: Relinquished upon leaving the United Free Republics

Independence: Bostopia has been independent since it was first settled over 1,500 years ago. Fort Boston was established as a homestead with barracks within 5 years of settlement, becoming the first permanent settlement in Bostopia. Colonisation of West Isle began 1,300 years ago, even though it had been sighted since the beginning of colonisation in the East Isle. However, early settlers believed Mount Bostopia's peak (the only part visable from a distance due to cloud cover) was where their gods resided, so they dared not step on the land. Laquar was settled by peoples from the south of Bostopia, with some people stating they may be related to the ancestors of Outer Sygonians. Laquar's independence was a major issue for Bostopia, who finally managed to incorporate Laquar into part of Bostopia as a semi-autonomous region earlier this year.

National Holidays: Bostopia Day - 27th June - This National Holiday is the primary celebration in Bostopia, as it marks the day East and West Isle combined to form Bostopia, in 1735

Settlement Day - 29th December - This is celebrated as the day when Bostopia's first settlers landed on Population Beach, in the year 0CE, searching for a warmer climate.

Constitution: Written - States rights of citizens, the Emperor, parliament, citizenry and punishment for crimes.

Suffrage: 17 years of age; Universal

Head of State: Emperor Boston (Since 1st December, 1986). No heir apparent.

Head of Government: Kurt Keunen - Bostopian National Party

Political Parties and Leaders: Bostopian National Party - Kurt Keunen, Bostopian Socialist Party - Graham McGowan, Environment Party - Eddy Toerhen, West Isle Independence Party - David Fowell

Political Pressure Groups: Laquari Independence Group, Bostopian Arbad Independence Group, Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament

Regional Organisation Participation: Free Isles Defense Alliance

Flag Description: Red field with a blue cross, superimposed on a white cross, with 13 stars representing the 13 regional districts.


Gross Domestic Product: US$69,794,000,008,234.59

Gross Domestic Product Per Capita: B£14,015.58

Unemployment Rate: 2.57%

Currency: Bostopian Pound (BP)

Currency Code: BP

Currency Symbol:


Military Branches: Bostopian Army (Including Bostopian Special Forces), Bostopian Air Force (Including Bostopian Special Air Force), Bostopian Navy (Including Bostopian Special Boat Forces, Bostopian Marine Corp.)

Military Age: Age 17 - Compulsary Militia, Aged Under 17 - Compulsary Military Training

Military Manpower - Availability: Aged 15 to 40 - 2,000,000,000 (2004 est)

Military Spending: B£35,448,904,560,588.44 - 46% Of B£83,763,952,175,303.50 Budget

Transnational Issues

Disputes - International None.


Bostopians play many sports, including Football, Cricket and Rugby, even though the last two are looked down upon by the Emperor due to his personal preferences.


East-Isle & Early Bostopian History

The native inhabitants of Bostopia first ventured onto Bostopian soil over 2000 years ago, landing on Population Beach, in what is now the Regional District of Monham, on the 29th of December, 0CE. They sailed from the Arbad Islands, after a massive war which ended in the year 0CE. The inhabitants spread far and wide, and ended up landing on their respective lands.

It has been passed down that a battle took place only a few years after first settlement, (around early 5CE) on an area between Glenrock and Bassingdale cities. The reasons for the battle are not known, though religious differences seem most likely, however, archaelogical excavations prove a battle did take place at this time.

Some of the settlers headed north, and founded Laquar City (5CE) after a long period of nomadship, whereas others ventured south, before reaching the high plateau of Fort Boston, on the 20th July 4CE. Trade between Fort Boston and Laquar City was slow, until a proclamation from the Grand Fireward (Leader) of Fort Boston banned any contact with Laquar City. This meant traders now headed to other areas of the country, meeting with other tribes, and helping these new towns prosper much faster than Laquar City.

Fort Boston, Monham and Caflin cities united as Bostopia in 705CE, after periods of warfare and later, heavy amounts of trade and co-operation. The name Bostopia came from the name of Fort Boston, which was and still is the largest and most powerful city in Bostopia. The name of Fort Boston itself is taken from the surname of the leader of the non-religious tribe.

As Laquar was still a very religious colony, and they believed that their gods lived on Mount Bostopia (visable from the coast of Laquar), they daren't venture onto the coast of Bostopia's now West Isle, paving the way for Bostopians to travel there.

Glenrock was founded by colonists as a staging post for travel to the West Isle in 1484, after trade had been firmly established.

Bassingdale started as a small settlement used by traders headed for Drangmorie (1494) and Kisington (1496), before being admitted into Bostopia as a city and Regional District in 1505.

West Isle History

In the early 1000's, colonists from Fort Boston, seeking political freedom, started the travel West. There was a run-in with the Laquaris, who still believed the West Isle should be treated as holy ground, and a battle commenced. After crossing the Bostopian Channel, they landed somewhere near where the current Union Bridge stands in the year 1476.

After a furthur travel west, the port of Flamerty was founded in 1480, later becoming known as just Port Flamerty. After a period of setting in, some settlers then spread north, with the peak of Mount Bostopia being reached in 1543, and Reamontry being founded in 1547.

As the West Isle of Bostopia was often invaded from northern barbarians, the North Coast of West Isle became heavily fortified, paving the way for today's Military Zone, the home of the Bostopian Air Force, Army and Navy (though Port Flamerty still boosts a large naval colony).

In the late 1700's, after a period of small skirmishes between Bostopia and West Isle, other countries deduced that both countries were too weak on their own to protect their trade for the whole of the journey. The fact that Bostopian and West Isle ships would often fire on the other when spotted, furthur helped to compliment matters.

United Bostopian History

After an incident following a Vladmiristaki invasion of Bostopia, near Laquar City in May of 1784 (ancient grudges from the Great Arbad War - the Laquairis furthur damaged their cause for independence at a later date by siding with the Vladmiristakis), where West Isle ships were clearly in the vicinity to halter the invading troops, yet never, prompted first talks between the Bostopian Emperor, Empress Palmer I and the Chairman of West Isle, John Olaf Heldgard.

These talks proved mainly fruitless until an incident in the Bostopian Channel in early 1785, where the Chikoonian navy sailed it's ships into the Bostopian Channel, and began plundering Bostopian and West Isle vessels for their cargo. Things came to a head when the ship carrying Emperor Boston home from a war in the Arbad Islands was seized and held by the Chikoonian troops (During the time Emperor Boston was at war, he handed over the country to his fancy-piece, Miss Palmer of Fort Boston).

Empress Palmer immediately opened a channel with Chairman Heldgard, who agreed to unite the countries as a unified Bostopia, in order to regain it's international status, and to reclaim the seas around the country. The unified Bostopian fleet sailed toward the Chikoonian ships from the ports of Port Flamerty, and Caflin.

History has it that the Chikoonian sailors first laughed at the sight of the two navies, expecting a fierce battle between the two. However, for them, they were dreadfully wrong. The first Bostopian ship to open fire was the Geesemonkey (named after Bostopia's indigenous species), which Emperor Boston had managed to escape to before the battle. This fire hit one of Chikoo's ships in the side, creating a massive hole, and the ship began to fill with water before sinking.

After a fericious battle, the one remaining Chikoonian warship (carrying Chikoo's head of state) raised the white flag of surrender, but the Bostopian forces let it escape into international waters. However, the Geesemonkey (on Emperor Boston's orders) did fire a shot over the Chikoonian ship to scare it somewhat, and warn it from coming back.

The practice of firing missiles over Chikoo continues to this day, even though Chikoo has been split between Bostopia (as Outer Bostopia), Outer Sygon, and Vladmiristak. Bostopia played a large role in deciding the borders, and drew the maps of Chikoo, with the largest part going to herself. Bostopian historians have dismissed any impartiality, claiming Bostopia needed compensation from earlier wars with Chikoo.

Bostopia was formally unified on the 27th of June 1785, with Fort Boston as it's capital, and Emperor Boston at the helm. He did allow federal government however, letting the West Isle have some form of self-rule.

Modern Bostopian History

Bostopia stayed relatively neutral during the period from 1785 to 2003, though some-to-all disputes in the United Free Republics were thought to have involved Bostopia in one way or another. Bostopia later wrote the Fort Boston Treaty, which was signed by Bostopia, Milleron and Tetraultstan.

In late 2003, Bostopia fire 10 ICBM's at Vladmiristak. 9 were shot down by the Petrevya system, however, one missile got through and slightly damaged a car park, injuring one security officer. Vladmiristak and Autumno retaliated with a mass invasion of Bostopia, however, this was short lived with a pullout.

The Fort Boston Treaty was later replaced by the Free Isles Defense Treaty, in retaliation for the creation of the Communist Alliance, between Autumno, Deweyland and Vladmiristak.

The creation of the UFR Regional Council, with Bostopia as a founder put an end to all real use of the alliances. Bostopia later pulled out of the Council, due to differences, and invaded Hailstonia along with Boreb. The UFRRC, under the premise of Outer Sygon, then illegally threatened Bostopia with military action if it did not pull out, even though this action was not voted for by the majority of members.

As Bostopia was greatly outnumbered, and, knowing Outer Sygon fought dirty, Bostopia pulled out, but not before installing a scorched earth policy, and destroying most of Hailstonia. Bostopia then founded the UFR Confederate Council with Deweyland, however, this did not gain much backing.

The UFRRC collapsed a short time later, and Bostopia set about with alliances. After a short while, Bostopia pulled out of FIDA, establishing the Grand Alliance with Vladmiristak, Chikoo and Boreb. This Alliance set Bostopia on course to being part of the largest Alliance in the UFR, coming under threat of military invasion or sanctions at any given time.

Bostopia has fought wars for the Arbad Isles, which it now holds half of, and for it's own independence many times. Also, Bostopia has fought two Civil Wars, with the Bostopian Communist Party, under Olaf Heldgard, gaining power, shortly after the first war with Vladmiristak. The Bostopian Monarchy was resumed shortly thereafter.

Bostopia recently left the United Free Republics for the more football-orientated Pacifica Oceania.